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Everything posted by buckmaster21

  1. buckmaster21

    Hit a good bull in 7 west coulndt find him

    It sucks I shot a bull last year and found him on the third day coyotes got to the butt end it sucked lost all my meat
  2. buckmaster21

    Wts vortex 15x56 vulturs hd

  3. buckmaster21

    Wts winchester modle 70 300wsm

    Bump I will also take trads let me know what you got
  4. buckmaster21

    Wts winchester modle 70 300wsm

    Yes I do
  5. buckmaster21

    Finally got it done this morning

    Sweet bull congrats
  6. buckmaster21

    Wts winchester modle 70 300wsm

    59th ace and greenway
  7. buckmaster21

    Wts winchester modle 70 300wsm

    Price dropped to 475
  8. buckmaster21

    Wts winchester modle 70 300wsm

    Thank you
  9. buckmaster21

    Wts vortex 15x56 vulturs hd

  10. buckmaster21

    Wts winchester modle 70 300wsm

    Ok I will send them when I get home I'm at a bbq with the kids
  11. buckmaster21

    Wts vortex 15x56 vulturs hd

    I did not
  12. buckmaster21

    Wts vortex 15x56 vulturs hd

    Glendale 59th and green way
  13. buckmaster21


    4x4 helps but I had a 325cc and it was 2 wheel drive and it went any were my dad 4x4 went just had to give it a little more gas
  14. buckmaster21

    Cost of a shoulder mount for a javelina?

    I spent right around 400 for mine
  15. buckmaster21

    2015 Opening Day Success

    Awsome bull congrats
  16. buckmaster21

    Anyone get one yet today?????

    Got one this am pics coming soon
  17. buckmaster21

    Sunday or Tuesday

    I will be out from today until Tuesday
  18. buckmaster21

    17b/19b Muzzleloader Hunt

    Wish every one luck leaving tomorrow am hope to get a good one on the ground
  19. buckmaster21

    Ex - wife's sewing machine

    Ya I was a good pooping read lol
  20. buckmaster21

    2015 AZ Archery Mule Deer non typical

    Man that is a sweet buck congrats
  21. buckmaster21

    whose going this weekend?

    I'll be out Sunday good luck
  22. buckmaster21


    Congrats man nice buck
  23. buckmaster21

    Ex - wife's sewing machine

    + 1 on that welcome
  24. buckmaster21

    Opening day success updated/video

    Sweet looking buck congrats
  25. Sweet looking bear congrats