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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Flash


    Selling 15 hunting DVDs. Some are still in original wrap. $40 TYD. Titles are: Outwest 1 Dead On Extreme Bulls 3, 4, 5, 6 Awesoem Archery Bulls 2 Dream 2 Muley Crazy 1, 3, 5, 6 Muley Crazy Legend of the Strip Primos Calling Coyotes
  2. Flash


    All videos sold, thank you everyone that repsonded.
  3. Flash


    Selling 4 coues related DVDs. Titles are: Extreme Coues Vapor Trails and Whitetails Outwest 2 Trophy Hunter Adventures $25 TYD.
  4. Flash

    Opening Weekend Reports

    Not having the same luck with action where I am at. Very few toms gobbling and the ones I am hearing are shutting up shortly after hitting the ground. Hunting the same areas that typically have good action.
  5. Flash

    Kaibab Forest Travel Management Plan

    You guys, please help get this fixed by being a pain in the neck. Write and call your politicians and the district rangers and forest supervisor and inform your neighbors. We can get this changed but they are banking on people not putting the effort into complaints. The roads that were closed and crazy 30' camping rule was decided by the few policy makers that don't spend time in the forest they manage. The field workers are embaresed and upset with what is going on and need help making the forest supervisor and district rangers not want to deal with it. The kaibab did not follow the intent of eliminating cross country travel and getting rid of new wood cutter roads that popped up. Don't let them get away with it.
  6. I struggle every year on what to apply for. I love the extended hunt and opportunity to hunt part of the rut that the December tags bring you, but they don't come along very often, so I sit out a lot of years. The other side is forget the bonus points and go for the early hunts that you can draw more often but are shorter and harder to find the bucks. It's a hard toss up. I know there are other options like hit left over tags, but they are left over for a reason and I don't know those type of units as well as I would like. There is always OTC archery hunts, but I don't have the best success rate historically. A little info on my particular dilemma , in the unit I hunt the bucks are on thick mountains and heavy cover except for the rut. They are in the unit still, but glassing isn't as effective at it is just really hard to do more than just find sign. I also hunt alone which is why I don't enjoy the border left over tags as much as I could. I have done them, but it is not as enjoyable of a hunt being a few miles packed in by yourself with all the interesting things going on in those areas. So how do you look at this and know what to do?
  7. Flash

    San Diego fishing advice?

    I have always wondered about fishing in San Diego and think I am going to make a trip in April. I would really like to fish for tuna, but probably will only be able to do a half day or 3/4 day trip. Any suggestions on who to go with or what to expect? It would be great to actually catch something!
  8. A reminder from another site that may save a few people some unexpected fines... Just a reminder to everyone that will be visiting the Kaibab National Forest this year for a family camping trip, scouting trip or hunting. Last year they made it illegal to camp more than 30 feet off a roadway (except a few designated camp spots). They also made it illegal to be on many roads that have existed for 50+ years. They aren't even posted closed, you are suppose to stop by the offices and get maps of the roads you are allowed on. By following their rules, if you camp in a trailer, you will have to parallel park it along the roadway to meet the 30' law. Think about the possible dangers of that!!! They will be strickly enforcing it this year (their words), so be prepared for some hefty fines if you get caught. The idea behind this was a national push to restict cross country travel and new road construction. Innocent enough right, well the Kaibab NF just took it too far with their own rules. I encourage you to make your opinions known to your elected officials and wildlife organizations if you think this is obsured and unsafe. Its the only way we will get it changed. Don't think this won't effect you if you spend anytime in units 7W, 8, 9, 10 or 12A. Last weekend, they had a plane and helicopter out along with several law enforcement officers enforcing it. 30' is hardly any space at all!
  9. Flash

    Awesome Javelina Video

    Nice job with the video and congratulations on a successful hunt. What camera did you use?
  10. Flash

    Hoping to return

    I want one of those so bad, great job. If you get the 27 tag, give me a pm. Would trade info for a little Barbary info.
  11. Flash

    Oryx and Auodad Hunt

    Very cool! I can't wait to hunt an aoudad, just haven't found one in my budget....YET!
  12. Flash

    which bow companys best

    If you go to a shop that isn't pushing a particular manufacturer and shoot all the bows, I found that all the major bow companies make exceptional bows. They have minor differences, but are all top notch. It comes down to either being a fan boy or finding one that has a certain feel to you. I thought my next bow would be a Mathews or PSE for sure, but shot Hoyt, Prime and Elite and was blown away with all 3 manufacturer's as well. You just can't go wrong these days!
  13. Flash

    Tika 270 wsm SOLD

    Nice. Can you tell me what it weighs please? Thank you.
  14. Flash

    Misc. Items for sale

    All PMs answered. Actual shipping costs for all items. Items in northern AZ.
  15. Flash

    Misc. Items for sale

    I have some items for sale. Maybe these can make for good gifts or a little present for yourself . More items coming so please check back. Thanks. Sony DSC P200 digital camera. 3x optical zoom Carl Zeiss lens. 7.2 megapixel. Camera is in very good condition. Used lightly. Lightweight and compact for easy packing along on your hunt. Includes carrying case, charger and 2 memory sticks. I am also including a digi-scoping converter to allow the camera to fit on spotting scopes or binoculars to take pictures through them. $50. Brand New Canon PowerShot SX30 IS 14.1 megapixel camera. 35x optical zoom. Awesome for long range wildlife pictures. Comes with all original contents. $350. Here is a link for exact specifications : www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/digital_cameras/powershot_sx30_is Cabelas style bino kit. Includes a bino rug, cover and window carrier. All in good condition. $20 for kit. ATV ramps. Asking $40. SOG knife/saw. Brand new w/ box. $30 Outdoor Edge Outpak soft pack set. Includes the Kodi-Skinner/ Caper combo, Axe-It, Griz-Saw, Steel Stick, Boning/Fillet knife, Cerama-Steel Sharpener, Pen, Tape Measure, Flagging Tape, Zip-Ties and Game Cleaning Gloves. All these tools store in a compact Cordura roll-pack organizer. Individual sheaths are included for the Kodi Combo, Griz-Saw and Axe-It to carry these items separately. The roll-pack organizer features individual compartments for easy access. Velcro closures safely secure each tool. Top zipper compartment stores the pen, tape measure, flagging tape, zip-ties and game cleaning gloves. Cordura straps let you cinch the Outpak to a backpack or carry the complete set inside your pack. $90. Cabelas Summit magnum sleeping bag. -20 rated. Used a couple times. Includes carrying case. Clean. $40
  16. Strap on a pack with overnight gear and start hiking! Seems like that is the story for all that area. Land owners have all the access locked up.
  17. Flash

    A week from now...

    Congrats! Great buck. I have a tag that starts next week there and am praying for a buck like that! I just talked to NM G&F and they said the area I was planning on starting "has a few whitetails, but mainly mule deer". Think I'll still start there and see what happens. I have a recent injury that is going to slow me down a bit, but I'll still give it heck.
  18. Flash

    November 36C

    Look at the country from the border to about 5 miles north. Lots of good areas there.
  19. Flash

    0 for 4 but we had a great time!

    You know, I do really like to see threads with antlers to look over, but I think my very favorite are always the ones without a deer, following the hunt via pictures. This one was exceptional!
  20. Flash

    unit 8

    Give yourself a treat and go hunt a southern unit after the beating 8 gives you and get to sift few a few bucks. A majority of people usually make that unit a 1 time experience :} Have fun on the bow hunt, be aware the snow may make a lot of the unit inaccessable.
  21. Flash

    My 2011 Archery Buffalo

    Very cool and congratulations. I was up there trying very hard to make it happen with the buffalo, but the heard I was on was far from a secret and you had to get in line and hope they spooked in your direction. After a couple days, they moved off into the "safe" land!
  22. Flash

    Let's Hear It For The 35's!

    I am trying the leftover world for the first time in a couple weeks west of the 35s. Not expecting much since I will be looking for a mature deer, but it should be fun. I have a few buddy's that put in for the 35's December each year and then get leftovers for 35A if they don't draw. Out of the 3, 1 always kills a triple digit buck and all fill their tags with good bucks. They usually have stories and video of some incredible bucks! They make me jelous!
  23. Flash

    Unit 9 fire?

    A slight inconveinance with smoke and firefighters in the arewa, but well worth it. The Lower fire near Hull Cabin has reached its maximum potential that the Forest Service was able to manage. Bulls are all over it now and very few firefighters in the area (even though some argue it, the forest service firefighters understand the importance of the hunts and do their best to limit the impacts). The Armstrong has also met it's maximm area. The Skinner has slowed considerably due to weather and won't likely see much growth until a dry trend comes around for a few days. The Forest Service would like to see the area get a second fire entry and could grow another 3000 acres. Animals are still there!
  24. Flash

    Unit 27

    Looks like there is a lot of land locked stuff down there. It's a shame since it is so much forest land!
  25. Lucky enough to have an opportunity to hunt this fall. Unit 27. Guess some scouting trips are in the future, but anyone ever hunt there for some general info on access, habits or stories? Thanks.