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Everything posted by Flash

  1. Not much in ammo selection in a small town, so I usually order online or wait until a trip to the Valley, but I don't see a trip anytime soon and everywhere on the internet is currently sold out....SO if anyone is out and about and see Winchester 32 grain silvertip 204 ammo around, will you post so I can try to get my hands on it? I would really appreciate it alot! THANKS.
  2. Flash

    Misc items

    A few items looking for a new home with "best offer". MuleyCrazy trail cam w/ 2 rolls of film and AA batteries. Works great. Crooked Horn Video hip pack. Never used. Cabelas fanny pack w/ buddy lock system. Used on 2 hunts. Great shape, no damage. Advantage camo. Bianchi Outdoors daypack. Slim line for easy carrying of slinged rifle. Used 2.5 seasons. No damage/good shape. Fieldline duffel bag, brand new. Fieldline large accessory pouch w/ buddy lock system, brand new.
  3. Flash

    Bushnell yardage pro 600 problems

    Sorry you are having a problem with it. I have used one since they first came out with no problems. The heat could effect it if you left it out much recently, but weird it would work in the AM. I have found Bushnells customer service to be great, so maybe give them a call and see if they can identify the error ID. Ajohunter, my buddy is looking for a Leica 900 if you are really looking to sell one.
  4. I've been considering replacing my Remington 7mag for a while now in search of a bit lighter, less recoiling rifle. I've been considering a Weatherby 257 Vanguard. It sounds like it's made for that occasional 400 yard shot. I've been really concerned about the $50+ boxes of ammo though and I don't plan on ever becoming a reloader. My buddy has been trying to convince me to get a 270 WSM instead. He knocked a bull dead in his tracks at 390 with a 130 grain bullet yards and feels it has less recoil than my 7 mag. I just found a Winchester model 70 for a good price and am wondering if I should go with it. More ammo choices, cheaper ammo, more energy, but I think the bulet drop is more than the Weatherby. I shoot when I can, but I'm not known for my accuracy, so any help I can get with a flat bullet will definitly benefit me. I try to limit my range, but sometimes topography can make a shot at a big coues buck without the option. Anybody out there have any experinces with either cartidge or advise? Thanks.
  5. Flash

    Anyone hunt Hawaii?

    I know hunting is fairly popular on kauai. I hiked a trail on the big peak there and saw several hunt unit boundry markers. I also saw two herds of goats. Not sure exactly what kind they were, but one group had some with horns like a spanish goat, the other group a little like Ibex. On Oahu, I was told they spear hunt hogs in the central part of the island.
  6. Flash

    2 Beagles need a home

    Interested. Any chnace to have a picture posted?
  7. Flash

    Matthews Drenalin

    Traded a Q2 to get the LX in the first place.
  8. Flash

    Matthews Drenalin

    Considering getting rid of a LX, just not sure what to replace it with.
  9. Well, I'm close to purchasing a new rifle and the 257 Weatherby Magnum will probablly be the way I go. The only reason I'm still a little undecided is because of the cost of ammo. Does anyone out there have a good source for discounted ammo. I don't reload so I'm stuck to purchasing factory ammo. On that same note, what bullet/grain do you recommend using?
  10. Flash

    draw for deer

    Unit 15 is a premium elk hunt. Never rifle hunted! I can't believe you wern't impressed. Did you look around at all?
  11. Flash


    Talked to a guide in Phoenix that has 2 archery clients, 1 late bull client and 3 cow clients. Surprisiningly haven't heard of anyone else yet.
  12. Flash

    Hunting 7 east...

    Well, I got to say I think it's a pretty decent hunt. The early season hunts can be great in several areas of the unit and there is always some great bulls taken. The late rifle hunts spread the elk out a bit and I have been on a couple hunts now where we have found some big bulls with very little pressure anywhere around! Also, if you can hike the "big hill", you'll run into elk. I think it is a good elk unit and know several people that apply for it over some of the better known hunts.
  13. Flash

    OK, here's the sheds and the buck

    How far apart was the sheds found compared to where the deer was harvested?
  14. Well, we are already planning to apply for 23 as second choice and 24 as third, so this is a bit of a pointless topic, but I'm wondering if you guys think theres a chance to find some coues deer in the circus of mule deer hunters in 23? Be nice to find a 3 point to hunt, but that may be unrealistic in a "general" type hunt.
  15. Flash

    pinal mtn pickup

    So, can you pick that thing up and keep it? Sounds like a G&F nightmare if they decide they want it. Cool find though.
  16. Flash

    Unit 23

    Thanks guys. I figure just out there trying is better than not! Maybe I'll get lucky with the draw and luckier finding a buck. Good luck all.
  17. Flash

    Feral Hogs in Az!?

    Never seen them myself but no a guy a few years back that hunted them around winslow (Chevlon canyon). He knew of a few herds of them there and killed a couple over the years. Also have head that somwehere in southern AZ there are some.
  18. Anyone have experience with Howa brand rifles?
  19. Flash

    Garmin GPS

    Selling a Garmin Etrex Summit. Comes with original box and instructions. The screen has a scratch on the far left side that does NOT affect reading the screen (see picture). Includes vehicle charger as well. $50 plus a few bucks to ship.
  20. Flash

    Applying For NM Coues Deer Hunts

    I know if you can get the private land boundries figured out, unit 26 has good deer.
  21. Flash

    Wall tent

    I'm interested. Still available? If so, is it possible to get a photo emailed?
  22. Flash

    Found this today

    Yes, unfortunatly have found deer, elk, an owl, bald eagles and antelope. Sometimes you make it in time, sometimes you don't. Always unfortunate.
  23. Driving tacks with 180 grain out of a Winchester rifle.
  24. Flash

    Six for Six

    Like I said in a post a couple weeks ago, I am so impressed by you guys that can tag out hunting these bucks in pines (and looks like firs in this case). I've tried it with a rifle with no luck. IMPRESSIVE.