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About azbackwoods

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  • Birthday 09/01/1957

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    Springerville & Mesa Az.

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  1. I am looking fo a guide for a friend. He has never been dove hunting. Thanks in advance!!!
  2. azbackwoods

    Solo elk hunting

    I will be in 3A/3C as well would be glad to swap numbers!! I will pm you!!
  3. azbackwoods

    Would you shoot this bull?

    the color and the ends are starting to become pointed. At least another month to grow!!!!
  4. azbackwoods

    Dumb question

    What did you find out??
  5. azbackwoods

    Elk hunting tips for a new elk hunter

    Sent you a PM!!
  6. azbackwoods

    Dumb question

    Go to AZGFD.COM click on Online Hunt Draw Application System. Scroll down to where it says, view results and bonus points click on that tab and enter info!!
  7. azbackwoods

    Merriam's elk in New Mexico

    They both did not make it to their resting places because one set of the antlers remains in the hands of my brother in Springerville Az.
  8. azbackwoods

    Junior Javelina 37B

    Updated with another picture!
  9. azbackwoods

    Junior Javelina 37B

    What a great hunt! This was Dawsen's first rifle tag for big game. We started the day hiking a steep ridge line and occasionally taking cover from the wind. At this time we would enjoy the view below, as well as glassing the valley for pigs & deer! The sunrise was exceptional. We were about three quarters of the way to the top when I decided to side hill to the north and check out some of the draws where the pigs could get out of the wind. As we topped the ridge I caught movement to our right, I pulled up the binoculars and sure enough it was a pig. We worked our way down about a hundred yards. I could see 3 or 4 at this time. Dawsen could not see them at first, so I gave him a cactus and a tree for land marks as they started to move. He finally spotted them, he said it was too small! I told him they are only 30 to 50 pounds. We watched them for a couple minutes and a couple moved over the ridge; I ranged them at 90 yards. We picked a single pig that moved into and opening, I said, "As soon as he gives you a broadside shot, take him." It took a couple of minutes and he turned just right. A couple seconds later, all he said was "Going." The rest is history as the pig went feet up and laid still. All Dawsen could say was "Man, man, man" the whole way down the hill to the pig. Bobby Backwoodsguides.com
  10. azbackwoods

    37B HAM hunt

    Sent you a pm!
  11. I am headed east to 2 ABC! Good luck to everyone!
  12. azbackwoods

    New Mexico Archery Bull Video

    Nice job on all accounts!!
  13. azbackwoods

    Anyone have a Davis wall tent?

    They are great tents. I have 2 a 14 x 16 and a 16 x 20. You need to set them up and spray them with water so the needle holes on all of the seams will swell and reseal them selves. Other wise they will leak at the seam the first time it rains. I did not get the internal frame style. If you have any questions feel free to pm me. Bobby
  14. azbackwoods

    Guide Needed 24A

    Will Do! Thanks!