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Everything posted by dalbo413

  1. dalbo413

    Who has the best steak in town?

    I'm a fan of Monti's in Tempe. good food, cool history and won't break the bank. I'm a ribeye man but they do a pretty good prime rib.
  2. dalbo413

    need arrows

    To avoid buying a new set of arrows you could try a lighter point wt. or shorten your arrow length (if possible).
  3. dalbo413

    Draw Results Out

    I got BPs this year, but I'm pumped to help my brother on his first elk hunt. He drew a late Nov. rifle bull tag in 22N.
  4. Hey Dom you guys picked the right day to go out. Corey and I shot a combined total of 2 fish on Sunday. I should have brought the binos and glassed up bikini babes all day.
  5. dalbo413

    Come ON 2/22

    I'm taking my brother out for a few days in 34A. He got skunked last year, but I'd like to see him get his first pig. I got one with my bow last month, so I'll try with my pistol this hunt.
  6. dalbo413

    24B Javalina

    Hey Justin, I did Hummer tours in there for years (FR 10 and 3554). I only saw 1 javelina in all that time, but I never got off the road and actually looked for them. Last year I hunted the OTC area west of Usery Pass Rd. to Power Rd. I found one really old javi scat, saw 0 pigs, lots of Mtn. Bikers and tons of horses. The major difference I noticed between the 2 adjacent areas is the Bulldog side has a fair amount of prickly pear and the Usery Mtn area had none that I could find.
  7. dalbo413

    Javelina Calls

    I recorded one of the Life Alert commercials and play the part that goes, "Help, I've fallen and can't get up!" It seems like it would be a very effective distress call, but the pigs never come-a-runnin'. Kidding... I had good luck with the Primos Javelina call last year when they had smaller reds with them. We hunted the same unit this year and they must have dropped their young earlier as they were about 3/4 size mini-javelina. They didn't seem to respond to the call as good as they did last year.
  8. dalbo413


    I can't wait to get in a little carp killing this spring!
  9. dalbo413

    3 blade 100grain muzzy broadhead

    I shot this javi a few weeks ago with the 100gr, 3-blade Muzzy (standard). He was feeding perfectly broadside at 30 yards when I shot. By the time my arrow hit him he was quartering away. It hit behind the shoulder took out the left lung and heart then angled through the neck and stopped when it hit his jaw. One blade broke on his teeth, another curled a bit on the jawbone, the third was fine. By that point the damage was done, I recovered him about 50 yards from where I shot him. This was my first kill with a bow, but I've practiced with these broadheads for years and they group right with my fieldpoints.
  10. dalbo413

    My 2013 Javelina Video (Watch in 1080P)

    The video came out awesome Clay. I was thinking about training a spider monkey to sit on my head and video my hunts... The GoPro looks way easier and less messy.
  11. dalbo413

    You be the judge

    Maybe they came in light so they could go back heavy with a dropped load or load they hoped to rip from another group.
  12. dalbo413

    First successful Coues hunt

    Did you shoot him with an open sighted Mosin Nagant? If so then that's double awesome!!! Those iron sights are not very user friendly. Great deer man.
  13. dalbo413

    Copper fouling w/ Accubonds

    I haven't noticed Accubonds fouling more than other bullets in my 257 Wby. I do notice more stubborn fouling after I shoot different brands of bullets during the same shooting session (Accubonds, Game Kings and Bergers). I tried the Butches Bore Shine, it worked ok but the smell is overpowering. Barnes CR-10 works good but you shouldn't leave it in the barrel more than 10 minutes at a time I think. The Wipe Out foaming bore cleaner works great but if you press that trigger 1/2 second too long you get a bunch of foam in your magazine box area. I really like the Wipe Out - Patch Out liquid. It works just as good as the foam and doesn't get into all the places I don't want it. Oh yeah and it doesn't have a super strong smell.
  14. dalbo413

    6b help!!

    I saw a couple of pronghorn bucks and about 8 does at the north end of Fry Park near FR. 535 and 535C last September during the archery elk hunt. I never saw them out in the park, they seemed to hang more in the open timber. I almost got run over by the 2 bucks as I was walking back to camp. It sounded like a horse galloping up behind me, I turned around and saw a big lope hot on the trail of a smaller buck. They passed by at 10 yards going full speed, it was cool. Good luck on your hunt.
  15. I'm a fan of non-Goretex, desert combat boots for hot weather hunting/hiking. I was issued a few different brands while I was in Iraq. I purchased a pair made by Corcoran for myself when I was over there, they were the best of the bunch and made in the USA. http://www.corcoranandmatterhorn.com/ItemDisplay.asp?Style=4390&CategoryID=28 If you shop around you could probably find them for $120-$150. The Lowa Desert Elite boots look like a sturdier/more supportive option, but a bit out of my price range right now. http://www.lowaboots.com/catalog/ShowBoot.cfm?StockNum=2108780411&Category=8&Type=M
  16. dalbo413

    Credit Card Dishonored for no reason

    Uhg... Same thing happened to me. I was planning on just purchasing bonus points but I changed my mind at the last minute and put in for a 6B archery bull tag. I usually mail in a money order but since it was last minute I charged it to a prepaid Visa card I use for online purchases. What a mistake! When I checked my draw results I expected to see "unsuccessful", instead I saw "rejected-credit card dishonored". I'll have to call the CC company later and find out what happened, hopefully I can save my loyalty point.
  17. dalbo413

    AZ Game and Fish

    I ran into this same problem last year trying to get a leftover javi tag after I was unsuccessful on the archery hunt. I agree, they should change the wording, or their interpretation of the the wording to allow for the purchase of an additional tag if the annual bag limit hasn't been filled by a hunter. It seems like it would be a win-win-win, more tag money, more hunter opportunity, more happy hunters.
  18. dalbo413

    Draw reaults

    Cha-ching... We pulled archery tags in the 20A multi-unit area. I've never set foot in that part of the state. We are going to hunt my friend's cousin's ranch, should be a good chance to learn some new country.
  19. dalbo413

    balistic calculator of the droid

    The Shooter app looks awesome, I just have a hard time paying for apps (Hey, I'm cheap). I use the Sterlok Ballistic Calculator app. It's pretty awesome and it's free. It let's you store data for 4 different rifles/loads, you can input different varialbes (temp, elevation, wind, angle, etc.)and you can choose from a ton of different scope reticles to show point of aim. If shot more at long range I would probably get the Shooter app, but the Sterlok one is pretty cool for a free app.
  20. dalbo413


    Its definitely unclear if the change would affect the archery only hunts. I went ahead and sent them my comments anyway. I wouldn't have a problem as long as crossbows are not allowed during archery seasons exept As currently allowed for disabled hunters. In case the commission was toying with the idea of allowing them during archery hunts I went Ahead and explained why I'm opposed to doing so. it may attract new hunters and increase hunter opportunity in the short term, but as success increases tag numbers decrease and otc hunts would become draw hunts. IE. Less hunter opportunity in the long term .
  21. dalbo413

    Boots In Need of Some Sole's

    The soles on my old Danners are about worn off. I found a couple of places online that resole boots. Looks like 80 to 95 including shipping. http://www.resole.com/Hunting-Boot-Repair.aspx http://www.rmresole.com/hiking.html Danner will only resole/rebuild their stitch down construction boots. The other companies can do stitch down and glue on soles.
  22. dalbo413

    Ethics in Hunting and in Life!

    That's funny, I had the same story of the two hunters play out almost verbatum last year on a elk hunt. My friend was asking my if I would shoot a bull the day before the season opened. He was messing with me to see what I would say. I'm glad to see a discussion about ethics on here. It seems like alot of hunting sites, magazines, shows, ect. focus too much on killing huge animals and spend little if any time on ethics. Not that big bucks/bulls aren't cool. It seems that the outdoor marketing blitz of bigger, faster, more may push some folks over to the dark side.
  23. dalbo413

    Poll: For or Against

    I bait a little bit, but not often. I don't want people to think I'm a Master-Baiter. Seriously though I choose not to bait because baiting doesn't mesh with my personal hunting ethics. Until 6-7 months ago I thought it was illegal. The fact that others have been baiting and it hasn't affected any of my hunts tell me that it's probably not a big deal. So bait all you want but don't blame me if you go blind or grow hair on your palms.