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Everything posted by BASS

  1. BASS

    Big Elk

    Great job! One of my old teachers found a nice pair up in that same unit if I remember right. He had them mounted, and they hung in his class, he was a great guy.
  2. From what I have found on these pics are one of two things... The guy who got shot was sitting behind the target. Someone shot, and hit him. He did live, and now has a metal plate in the back of his head. The other was that he fell on his own broadhead.
  3. I'm sure the wife wouldn't mind it next to the hot sauce in the cooler.
  4. BASS

    What Unit???

    After I got my "pity deer" in 32 last year, I saw a nice 4X5 coues that was running up the other side of the canyon. I hope he is still alive.
  5. BASS


    I'll be joining you in 5B for Elk! I love that unit
  6. Be hard core and get your own urine, from your next successful hunt.
  7. BASS

    Regs online in 3 weeks

    *raises glass* Right on!
  8. We all have done it (or had it done to us) a little joke that maybe went too far, but not this time. For instance I can't tell you how many times my ole' man has told me about the time they put Elk droppings in a Milk Dud box, and then passed it around the campfire. I had to try this on the final day of the archery season. Well I got away with it I thought. Everyone had a couple real milk duds in their hands, and ate those when their turn came. Except our target. He said something about them not tasting right. So the box went around again (with the same secret this time too). Well in the end we told him, and we all had a huge laugh, except for the guy who just got the "duds." I thought it was all good until I just got my bow out to head to the range to shoot before my HAM hunt this week end. I payed my range fee, and remembered I still had my broadheads in, so I got into my pack and started looking for my feild points. I got them out, and attempted to unscrew my hunting tips. They wouldn't come off so I reached for the wrench, and hoped that it would work with a mechanical instead of a fixed. That's when I found it...he left a little bottle in my pouch, with a little note... "Great job Bass*, you got me! I left you a little surprise of your own, and everyone but you knows where it is!" *Bass is my last name, and what all my friends call me* my "surprise?" He loc-tited (the good stuff, red) my broadheads in my insert! I had to call him and give him credit for what he did. He laughed for the longest time, and told me that I should take my equipment out more. So let's hear what happened to you, or what you did.
  9. BASS


    I get enough wrong number as it is. I kept an eye while I was out and about today in AZ City, and the expo, but saw nothing, sorry. The hunt continues in the morning, I'll keep an eye out on my way to 22/23
  10. BASS


    I got rained out on my HAM hunt this week end. I liked it until I saw the Gila River that was completly crazy, breaking trees loose, and swiftly putting them down river fast! I ranged the other side and it was 50 yards across, normally 30-40, this is the crossing near the ghost town of Cocrin (sp?). To say the least it was real wet, and I didn't get a whole lot of hunting done. I did hike back to my little spring to refill a canteen, but it was over run with run off that I didn't dare drink from it. The only thing that scares me is what happens to all that green in, oh say, four months. If that rain just plain stops the wild fires will rule the country side. *EDIT* And when the heck did the G&F get those unmarked short bed chevy's, and dodges with campers? I thought I was getting jumped at one point, a white dodge pulls up, unmarked, and two guys jump out They showed their ID, and took my info. Scared me for a while after that. But it's a good thing IMHO, maybe it will keep those road hunters out of there.
  11. I head of a simular thing taking place on a rabbit hunting trip, but their plan backfired. One of the guys put Coco-puffs on the ground where there were some other rabbit dropping, but when he tried to find the coco-puff... he couldn't. So he looked for a pile that was about the same size, and ate a couple. To say the least he wasn't to CooCoo for what he ate.
  12. BASS

    Which Brand and Model to Buy

    I'd stay away from e-bay. Just because you don't know why they are selling those bows. Even though they say, they are getting out of it, or just bought a new one, you don't know if that bow has been dryfired or not.
  13. Oh it's not that bad...here... have some Milk-Duds!
  14. BASS

    Rude hunters

    gnoto, that wasn't you and your wife Elk hunting in 6A N/S in '03 was it? The reason I ask is that a couple came into our camp about 2000 the night before opening day. They didn't leave until just before 2300. We BSed with them for the longest time. But on Saturday his wafe came running into our camp and scared the heck out of us saying that her husband was lost with a Bull wounded. He had a radio, but his GPS was dieing fast. We all grabbed our radios, and GPS, plugged in his coordinates and had him back at his camp with in an hour. We all (about six of us) went back out to get his elk, which had began to walk towards the camp before dropping about thirty yards from a road! I loved this couple so much! They where true hunters, and where the best people to meet out while hunting.
  15. BASS

    Hunter finds corpse

    LOL sounds like me at Seven Springs I swear those hills are vertical!
  16. BASS

    Hunter finds corpse

    I have also heard of a bunch of bodies being found in the Bushnell Spings areas.
  17. BASS

    Which Brand and Model to Buy

    I shoot a Martain Phanton "tree stand bow" or in othe words it's compact. I love it, and think that I may be sold on their newer bows already. I do a bunch of shooting on the ground, but am ussually squatted down. This is why I chose a smaller bow. It's been a great bow for my needs, and has done it's job when ever I have done mine. I can't give you a price on what I paid for it, as it was a gift to me. I had a guy set one up for me to shoot to see how I liked it along with a few others. I loved the way it felt, the cams roll back so smoothly, an was just the best bow of the ones that I was considering. Later on I was told it was sold out from under me. I then got the same bow a week later as a gift. I use to shoot a PSE, and have considered buying a new Hoyt. But then I shoot my Martain, and I forget about all the others. I would take TREESTANDMAN's advice, and have a shop set up one of each for you to shoot. See which one fits you. Let it fit you, don't allow you to fit the bow. That way later on when you need that one quick shot it will feel much better. I don't know where you are, but Four Peaks Archery (mesa) has some very nice bows for not a lot of green. I was going to buy a very old compound set up for a 30 lb draw for fishing. I think it was around $75. But lost the money when I decided I needed to get my old jeep ready for a show instead. Check around, shoot a couple, and good luck!
  18. BASS

    My (very late) Elk

    We found out the he was in a GFD camp down the road, and offered him the chance to come back to our camp later that night for fresh elk stakes, but he said he had plans in another camp. firstcoueswas80, that is a horrible story! I had the feeling that at anytime he was going to make me do the same thing. I think that is why I was babling about the star on my GPS being the spot I shot it at, and that most of my gear was there too. You see I wear a backpack (water system) that has my food, water, Rino GPS/radio, a couple game bags, and a couple knives with a whet stone. Then I carry a fanny pack that has all the calls, extra string wax, peep site rubbers, GPS, spare feild points/broadheads, knives, and another game bag. I think the only thing that saved me was the fact that I had my pack left in 5B north, along with another arrow. I was a complete wreck walking back to my pack in the rain. It seemed like every fifty yards or so my GPS would read "position lost" I would then stand there, as if I was trying to stall. He also had a GPS (a geko I think, it was little and green) but forgot the batteries in his truck.
  19. Well I just got my Elk back from the tax. It was taken in 5B north/ south border. I litterally lost it, then got it back. You see it was Saturday, and about 11 o'clock in the morning, and a fine mist rain was falling. I looked up while walking, and saw this beast looking right at me. He was alone, and didn't spook at all. I quickly got behind a tree, and gave a quick chuckle on my diaphram. He responded with a grunt. He walked to about fifteen yards from my tree, and gave a very loud bugle that gave me the chills, and made me very uneasy about the tree that was between me and him. I more or less wattled a couple steps from the tree, and leaned back a little bit to see where he was. I knocked an arrow, and made a very slow draw on my bow. I leaned back again and let her fly. When I hit the release's lever I thought about a blind charge in my direction, so I leaped back to my pine tree in hopes I would be safe. He ran. Oh yes he ran, right across the road into the next unit! I put my pack down from where I shot, and left another arrow there, marked it on the GPS, waited about an hour, and started my track as the rain began to fall harder. When I got to him I discovered that the GFD was checking tags in our unit. Of course I had a 5b NORTH tag, and the Elk was laying about 300 yards in 5B SOUTH. The officer, was really nice about it, and never once said that I was in the wrong unit. Of course I was jabbering about how he ran and how my pack was the star on my GPS still in 5B N. He waited until I finnished my feild dressing, when he told me that the elk was no longer mine! It was officially the state of Arizona's until I proved that I had in fact shot it in the right unit. So once again I marked my Elk, and started walking back to the back pack. He told me that I had to follow the blood trail back. We did, but the blood was begining to be washed away. I don't know if he got tired of me talking jibberish about my star on the GPS, or if he was tired of being wet but he told me to head for my pack. When we got there, there was still blood in the area. That conviced him enough to give me my Elk back. Once again we was nice enough to go back to our camp for help getting it out to the road. And even stayed around and carried the heart, and liver out for us. I was in such a hurry that I never once asked him to take my picture with my prize, so I have no feild pictures. But I do have a pic of him after the taxidermist got done with him! Sorry for the crappy picture, but I no longer have a real digi cam, so I had to use my phone.
  20. BASS

    Hunter finds corpse

    I just found out that the guy on San Carlos that was shot by his son while Elk hunting was known by my grandfather It just randomly came up today when I got my Elk back. I guess the poor son is doing really bad, and is being monitored around the clock for suicide attempts. I also heard that the funneral was one of the biggest in the history of the Res. A long time ago I was sitting in class when a guy in camo head to toe came flying in the door. It was the teachers husband, and he was as white as a sheet. He was hunting Four Peaks for Javilina, and near the base of one of the peaks he found a man shot once in the head. His credit cards, and drivers license were laid out in front of him, and a .38 revolver near his hand. Later on we learned that he had fallen while hiking, and had broke a bunch of bones including his entire legs, right arm, and about four ribs. He sat there for a couple of days until his supplies were gone, then put one in his head. Very sad. I also wonder about what is in those hole mines that are all over this state. You know the ones that are about a million feet deep, and about ten foot wide. It seems like 99% of the ones I find are on a steep hills, or covered by trees. It seems like it would be very easy to slip, and fall in one of those.
  21. Just a little 411 for those who need it. http://home.comcast.net/~benbrausen/Funny/Posting.swf
  22. It was posted at another site I'm always on.
  23. BASS


    I still shoot alum. But plan on changing after Javilina season. I'm glad you posted this because I too am confused about which arrow I should buy. One of my buddies shoots some cheap carbon arrows that only have the weight on them, and my other buddy shoots those new PSE carbon arrows. They both seem to fly great. So I'm guessing it's just what you like?
  24. BASS

    Take my poll

    KP it says that poll isn't active yet But I bet you can guess what mine will be! BTW I love the fish, but it is actually my last name also!
  25. Any one who needs some new camo gear better get to a wal-mart ASAP! They have begun their winter/spring closeout on their cameleon camo. I use this stuff for all of my hunting, as it blends in with most of the state! I have used on my archery elk hunt last year, as well as my Coues rifle hunt last year. I love the stuff! Anyways they have the pants at half price (maybe lower depending on which store you go to) and the shirts (button up ones) for $3 All of their camo is cheap right now, you can get a spare "emergency" set for pocket change just about! I just wanted to let you all know about this before it's all gone, as I missed out on it last year. Hurry though, as this stuff is gone quick. Gawd listen to me! I sound like a commercial.