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Everything posted by BASS

  1. BASS

    Coconino County Elk Hunters

    The problem I have is, sure, I left our trailer in a spot on Sunday afternoon so I could come back up on Wednesday after work. When I got there at one in the morning ready to sleep, I find I have a written warning that says I am in violation of the 72 hour rule, dated on Sunday an hour after I left. I only see the forst service trucks driving around on the weekends up there, and never on Thursday or Friday when I'm up there all day. We are going to have problems as it gets closer to the Sept 14th opener and I'm out from before sun up to way after sun down for most of the month!
  2. I was wondering what was up! I was having problems getting it to load, and then the new "home" page popped up. I thought we had been hacked or closed for a second! Nice to see. Amanda, I sent you an e-mail about helping with the Facebook page a while back when we discussed it in another thread. I don't know, but it probably got lost in the mass amounts of emails I'm sure you get. If you still want help, I'm still more than willing.
  3. BASS


    I mounted mine to my bow, and the slight vibration on the shot messed with the footage, on a head strap I have to angle it just above my left eye to catch what im shooting at (so its not blocked by the bow also). I have one of thenoriinal heros, butnid love to snag a newer HD one.
  4. BASS

    Happy b day

    Happy Birthday!
  5. BASS

    I am a bug magnet...

    Well I just got back from Sportsmans to snag a thermacell. Last weekend I got chewed up by skeeters bad! Hopefully it will work! The gnats havnt bothered me too bad except for at night around the lights.
  6. BASS

    Paracord projects

    You've been playing on Stormdrane's blog I see! Hahaha he makes some cool stuff for sure! I did a similar "koozie" a few biblical type slings, enough bracelets that I bet half of the deputies out there have at least one, and wrapped a bunch of walking sticks for people. Its handy stuff!
  7. Get it out of the house and into the field! I can't talk, I've owned a popup for four years, and have NEVER used it!
  8. This whole thread should be filed under the "what happens in deer camp, stays in deer camp!"
  9. You should be getting around 75ish kinetic pounds. Doesn't seem like a lot, but focus that onto a couple razor blades and it suddenly seems like more than enough!
  10. BASS

    Bow hunting turkey: which points to use

    I happened upon a small flock yesterday while driving out of an area I had dropped my dad off at. I was less than twenty yards and could barely hear them clucking back and forth. I've never hunted turkey with a bow, where do you aim on the body? Does it matter?
  11. BASS

    Hoochie Mommas

    All the full size ones, or do you have the smaller ones too?
  12. BASS

    Confirmed Rabbit Fever in AZ

    heck, I missed a cottontail two weeks ago with my bow at mere feet! Not my proudest moment. LOL
  13. BASS

    Found knife

    Worth a shot. Are the scales green with a black blade? Benchmade griptilian? I bought that dang knife on a Thursday and lost it that same weekend! Hahaha
  14. BASS


    For now (until you either get it realigned, or a new string) twist your loop a bit on the serving, did that to my dads darton after his peep tube snapped, that was over two months ago and hes still shooting it that way with zero issues.
  15. BASS

    GroundSwat Grey Camo...

    Need to trim back your bushes, cant hardly see out them windows! Looks pretty good to me! I bet it would disappear once you put some natural veg around it!
  16. BASS

    Trail camera thiefs

    You'd suprised who you talk to on the internet and what they do in their hobbies. Its also rediculously easy to set up a simple command prompt in an .exc file that can cause you problems for hours (if you know what you are doing, otherwise it make take much much longer), stepping it up to mess with other files (like say, of SyS32, or restore points to mess with them later) is just as easy. Espesially because you are just wanting to cause problems, and not monitor the actual computer.
  17. BASS

    Can use your vote please

    Just hit it, I'll throw it up on my facebook page also. Good luck! Whats the winner get?
  18. Why in the world would you want another stink pig!?! I already load my muzzleloader up with confetti for the spring HAM hunts!
  19. BASS

    Keeping OHV Secure while hunting - How?

    Im with TexAz, sometimes i leave the key in it, sometimes I hide it nearby. We had a rhino stolen out of our trailer in Happy Jacks storage in2010. They used a random key to break the ignition on ours as well as a few other motorcycles. That rhino still uses a lockpick to start it. They are super easy to steal, just make sure your insurance is up to date!
  20. BASS

    Some advice

    Its hit and miss with the G$F. Last September I blew my left knee out, couldn't walk on it, and any weight on it with out a brace would send my knee cap to the left side of my leg. I called them to see if I could qualify for the modified rules. They considered it still having some use of the leg and denied my request. I tried to hunt, but lugging around a .300 winmag on crutches got old after the first little hill, not to mention I forgot that going UP was the easy part! Coming down was a lot harder! Somewhere in the rules it covers this, you have to have a certain percentage of your mobility hindered before they consider it.
  21. BASS

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    R2H, where are you located in the valley? I just got them in the mail today when I got back from scouting since Thursday. I need to pick up a broadhead target to test them out, because I am not going to tear up a bag target this close to the season! LOL All the broadhead companies seem to have THE secret, as much as I like to try to trust their videos, I know how much those things can be edited so I don't consider them all that much. Who knows! I'll post how I like them when I get the chance to shoot them a few times!
  22. BASS

    Dead post.

    Which is why I now have to study everything before I use the trees! On a side subject, is someone left you a note, would you share your photos with them? I have had two notes left in the past and e-mailed photos, but none of the notes I left have ever produced anything.
  23. BASS

    my first run in with cwt.com

    As a site redemption... I *think* it was 2006 when I stopped a hunt with a teacher to help another archer get their bull out of 132d!
  24. BASS

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    I just got my package of Grave Diggers in today when I got home. Initial thoughts, "meh." I'm having a super hard time getting excited for ANY broadheads this season for some reason.
  25. BASS

    What made you laugh today:-)

    Im sure my lab, Buddy, would do the same thing if he could! Everyday at four in the afternoon he at the bowls waitig. If you ignore him, he'll bat them around a bit, and whine softly. If you still dont listen, he cuts the subtle tactics and will start barking until you feed him! Whoops! Just made eye contact with him, and now hes at the bowls!