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Everything posted by BASS

  1. BASS

    bow grips

    Have you tried Mathews? Maybe they make some different angle grips for the bow, I think Martin does that for their bows. If not, I found these sites... http://www.bowgrips.com/ http://www.torqueless.com/ And incase you want to try to make the one you have better... http://www.texasarchery.org/Documents/BowGrips/BowGrip.htm
  2. BASS

    Your First Rifle?

    Casey, my great uncle use to have a .270, but he got drunk and forgot where he left it. He said it was supose to me be mine, so if you would please give it back I will give your grandfather the $5 we owe him. Neat story.
  3. BASS

    2006 BULL

    That is some great video. How close was he when he came around that bush, it looks like he was right on top of you! Great bull, awsome job.
  4. BASS

    Badlands pack

    Man, you have me pegged! Yeah after that post I headed over there, and got about the same story 25-06 said, but the manager wasn't in so I left with my "holy" pack on my back. Maybe I should drive down to your S.W. to get mine swapped out. H4H, WalMart just about has a Badland's warrenty on the entire store. I can't tell you how many times we have bought something, used it for a while then took it back for a full refund.
  5. BASS

    6A North Cow hunt

    Oh yeah it was an great bull for sure. I think it was his first archery kill, and know it was his first Elk. He hit it right in the jugular, and also hit the esophagus allowing it to go about twenty yards if even that.
  6. BASS

    For Sale: Slik 700DX Tripod

    $60, and I work in Arizona City/Casa Grande
  7. BASS

    6A North Cow hunt

    Yeah it was a nice 6x6 although there was an argument over if it was really a 6x7 since there was a small kicker on the G6. How long does a point have to be in order for it to be a point? I thought it was something like an inch. Out of the six guys who helped quarter it and pack it out there were six different scores ranging from 300 to 430. He was very thick and had very good mass, but was also right off to the shop to get the shoulder mount started.
  8. BASS

    rude fellow hunter

    how long do you generally stay on stand?
  9. BASS

    6A North Cow hunt

    Here are some photos I took of the Bull we helped get out. I didn't get any of it on the ground with the hunter because I left my camera back at the truck, but I got some once we got back. The final push for the trucks Here we all are after we were done packing it out. The mighty hunter who shot it, he packed a lot of it out himself so he passed out on my tailgate. The guy we picked up is on the right with his brother who shot it on the left.
  10. BASS

    Your First Rifle?

    My first rifle was a Winchester 30-30. This rifle, like many of yours has a strange history. My grandfather use to bowl every Friday night in the early 60's, and my dad was one of the young kids that would run around the building bugging everyone else. One night a guy asked if my grandfather wanted to buy a rifle and a knife that he had for sale. He went out and looked at it, the knife was an older style hunting blade with a red handle, and a shealth that was taped up. But for $30 a newer rifle and knife was a good deal so he bought it. It became my dads gun. It took a lot of whitetail and even more mule deer. It was a hunting gun, and was left at my grandfathers cabin at Roosevelt Estates up there by the Lake until hunting season came. In the mid 90's a group of kids broke into the cabin, found the gun, and found some rounds for it. While trying to play "The Rifleman" as one of the kids put it tried to chamber a round with one hand and pulled the trigger by mistake killing two of our best duck jackets that were in the next room over hanging up. Since they knew it shot, they also tried to shoot a whitetail mount we had up there, but luckily missed that shot. They got scared and left with the rifle. We got the call that the cabin had been broken into and went up there to see what had happened. Being a young kid I was always on my knees playing around, mostly being in the way of the cops, and my grandfather. But for once it paid off, I found the slug that had went through the jackets in the next room stuck in the wall, stopped by a stud in the wall. They searched all the property for any kind of clue, but found nothing. A week later we got a call saying they had a very weak lead, but they were going to follow it up. Turns out that this small town was just a little too small. One of the kids who had broke into the cabin had a new pair of tennis shoe that he liked to show off to everyone, including the sheriff. The sheriff remembered the sole pattern and went to his house. There he found our rifle and learned that the kid told his dad he had bought it at a yard sale in Globe. We had our rifle back. A couple years later the cabin flooded, and the butt of the gun got some water damage, but still works perfectly. Now it's mine, and sits in my room along side the red handled knife.
  11. BASS


    +1, since there is one only twenty minutes away that is going to stay my main store for a while. I keep driving by Bass Pro Shops location where they are breaking ground, and it doesn't look very big at all.
  12. Yeah, we did just that, kind of. We got the map out and since the GPS had a "3D fix, epe 16" I held faith that we were near where it said we were. We tried to get a rough idea where we were from the coordinates, and thats when the night afternoon got a lot better. Thanks again!
  13. BASS

    Badlands pack

    Badlands 2200 is about the best coues pack there is hah This mornin I was out and about scoutin and I noticed my 2200 pack had a rip on one of the shoulder straps I took it back to sportmans werehouse today and they gave me a brand new one Gotta love that lifetime warrenty.... They gave you a new one right then and there!?! I have a couple rips in mine but have kept putting off sending it back because I don't want to be with out it. Did you have to have your proof of sale with it (I know you don't if you send it back to the company, but did Sportmans warehouse ask for it?). If thats the case I'm taking mine back right now.
  14. I just read most of the four essays right now, and learned a lot by just quickly browsing through it. I'll have to print it all out and read it in detail later. I know that a compass would have come in very handy on Friday night to help in navigation. The hunter I was with kept insisting that the large mountain we were looking at in the dark was San Fransisco Peak, but I kept trying to telling him that that mountain was way past Flag, and we were still miles from there, not to mention it didn't feel right. Turns out he was facing south the entire time looking at that mountain, thinking it was north. I will never listen to another person who doesn't know the area at all again. Thanks for posting that, and welcome to the site.
  15. BASS

    6A North Cow hunt

    Friday they were bugling, but more of a locator than a rutting bugle. There were still plenty of cows out roaming alone, or trying to avoid the bulls when they got close, but I don't think the rut has started yet. The herds down in Mormon Lake are starting to get into a tight group, and the bigger guys are keeping the smaller bulls away from the cows, so we may be getting into the pre rut right now. A few people I talked to seemed to think that the rut was over a while ago, and were hoping for a second rut to be happening soon. I don't think this is the case, as this is the first weekend I have heard them calling.
  16. BASS

    6A North Cow hunt

    For those who sent some info my way a huge THANKS! The guy I took out has hunting with a rifle for almost all of his life, so this was all new to him. Wearing camo was new too. Thursday night we tried to meet up with his brother and his friend but cell phone coverage is very poor on the 132 road so a trip to Flag was needed. After a nice meal at Dennys we headed over to WalMart to get the hunter outfitted with some gear. While there I also noticed that a Prime Time Elk video had been returned and was for sale for $5 so I had to get that too. On the way back to our camp I put it in the in dash DVD play and watched that all the way back to camp. It turns out the hunter had never heard an Elk bugle, or mew. So the next morning (opening day) the Elk were bugling all over where we were. At about eight or so, we put a stalk on a cow that was feeding to about fifty yards, but passed the shot up because of some brush that was in the way. After she wandered off the fun really began. He spooked a small herd that had a large bull, three cows and a stalite bull that was bedded down. They got up and started to trot off when the smaller bull bugled only thirty yards from us. That made the hunters day, and was all he talked about. That night we got a little turned around and headed back in the wrong direction. After a couple cold starts on the GPS we were headed back to the correct spot. We didn't get back to camp until about ten thirty completly exhausted. Saturday morning showed some missing skin, and a lot of sore muscles. Another trip to Flag for first aid supplies got us back to camp around eight. We picked up a hunter who was heading back to camp and gave him a ride. When we got back to his camp we found out his younger brother had shot a nice bull and needed help. Since my hunter was not able to walk I went to help get this elk out. I made some new friends and had a lot of fun quartering it out. Saturday was very quiet and there was nothing to be seen. Sunday was better, and we got close to some more cows but just couldn't connect with any of them. They are hooked on Elk hunting even more, and are really loving archery hunting. Over all I had an awsome weekend seeing hunting through there eyes as everything being new again. I'll get some photos off of my camera in the morning of that bull.
  17. BASS

    Unit 10 elk hunt

    Great photos! Over the weekend I was helping too, lots of big bulls all around but we were stuck with cow tags, I have never wanted a tag so bag in my life.
  18. BASS


    I think we have one like Ghost Hunter has, but we have used it so much our legs fall off even when the screws are tight. Great stove though, we use ours almost every weekend to cook with. My dad also wanted one of the newer Coleman stoves that runs on the little green bottles for fathers day. It is also a nice stove. It doesn't put out as much heat as the other one, but since you don't need the large propane tank it's nice The Coleman stove is okay for the money, but I feel it's more of a "weekend warior" type of stove, it's has nice wheels and a handle that are almost useless. The other one is more of a hunting/useful stove and is more rugged to me, if it gets banged up toss some high temp engine paint on it and it's good as new. This is the one I think is the best of the ones that I have used. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.Tex...arTarget=browse Here is the Coleman stove, it's nice, but it's more money and too fancy for me... http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.Tex...cmCat=CROSSSELL
  19. BASS


    The check is in the mail! Just make sure you use it enough to trust it, but also get a good compass, and a map to use. Over the weekend for some reason there were four different GPS mishaps. My main unit acted up and said camp was twenty miles away when it was more like three, then my secondary started to act up and said that our ride was right where we were. We didn't get back to the rhino until about ten that night, after walking over eight miles. The next day I picked up a hunter and he said his and his dads had done the same thing that same night, and had sent his dad off towards upper lake mary. Kind of like a mini devils triangle in the middle of the Pin Hill Quiet Area.
  20. LMAO! Did any one catch this on the news just now? They reported that a guy was jogging somewhere near Flag. when he came up on a Bull elk rubbing it's antlers on a tree. He tried to run around the animal but for some reason it gave chase. It knocked him down with it's rack and broke his leg in three places. All I could think about was how many hours we have all spent trying to carefully stalk a Bull to get close. Heck, just charge him, and lead him towards the nearest road!
  21. BASS


    I leave in about an hour headed up to help out a few people. I'm not feeling too good though I have a killer ear ache and my allergies are acting up, but once I get up there I know I will feel 100% better. I hope to get some good video for you guys when I get back.
  22. BASS

    what ya think

    Have I killed? None. Have I followed up on once they are down, three. Guess low, and be happier later. I'm still working on scoring on the hoof, and I guess I'm worse than I thought..
  23. There is no link as of yet, it was just on the news last night.
  24. BASS

    what ya think

    He seems kind of short (although it may be the angle of the photo) so I'll say 220-250
  25. BASS


    There are a few home courses out there that show you the basics of how it's done on small game. Or, you could go to a shop and see if you can help out and try to learn as much as you could. I agree, I also think it would be fun to learn how to tan a hide the right way and stain antlers, then give them that worn look.