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Everything posted by BASS

  1. BASS

    Photo bucket

    Just to bump a dead thread for a final answer. You can choose to make your account private. Infact if you have photos of guns in your account I say to make it private. Trust me, you get too many problems with people reporting your photos as illegal from places like Cali. where they are illegal, but 100% legal here. It's just not worth the hassle. Anyways, once it's password protected, you can still link the videos, and photos here, and other sites safely and only the linked photos will show up to the rest of us.
  2. BASS

    Finding old photos.

    Are you hosting the photos, or is the site (CWT.com) hosting them? If the site is hosting them, they might have been archived to save server space and lost. Can you post a link to the thread in question? BTW a broom handle, some 550 cord, and a crutch foot make a great walking stick!
  3. BASS

    Meet Amber

    That thing rules! It took me a while to spot the animals in the paint. It reminds me of something out of the road warrior movie. LOL
  4. BASS

    hunt update!!

    It sounds like you have been tearin' em up Scotty! Good luck to your dad, it sounds like he is due for a big one! Where is Tejas are you hunting? Have fun!
  5. BASS

    min. cal. for deer

    Casey, how do you like your .270wsm for Coues? I've really been thinking about one of those in a synthetic stock, and a turret scope for deer. But everyone I talk to says that these short mags are just a passing fad. I've been lugging around a 7mm around and that beast gets heavy quick with the crappy sling it has on it.
  6. BASS

    magnus stinger durability test

    That is pretty impressive. A lot more than last years tire test.
  7. BASS

    Wolves on the Mogollon?

    So when can we start hunting them like they plan to do in WI? There is also historical accounts that there use to be grizzlies in central Az, should we reintroduce those too?
  8. BASS

    Awesome Lion Pic's

    +1 Jim. LOL Those pictures are great! You ever run the dogs down south towards unit 32 area? Also how did those logo camo shirts turn out?
  9. BASS

    Favorite part of hunting?

    Is that why we had to add about 40 pounds of rocks so your pack could weigh the same as mine fourty pounds of rock while packing out a coues? I really like the stalk. Even if I blow it right away, or just before I draw its been great. Although just being out there is good enough for me.
  10. BASS


    I ran wraps with vanes all last year. I thought I was going to be cool, and buy the fletching jig, and start doing my own arrows. It didn't work out that way for me. It was easy to remove them before I took them to the shop to have them all refletched. I didn't have any problems while I was shooting with them. Is this the shoot they have up in clints well?
  11. BASS

    Turkey Hunting

    That's what I want to see! I'm heading into unit 1 on May 5th.
  12. It's not that uncommon to get graded as the teacher sees fit. My jr. year in high school I was one of eleven who were removed from chemestry because "we were bringing the entire classes GPA down." I had a B in that class! After that I just wrote about what ever the teachers views were. Although my senior year my English teacher was very open minded, and loved my outdoor writing. We got a long great. BTW I LOL'd at the photo.
  13. BASS

    "Brown N Proud"

    I'm a die hard bowtie fan. But..... I sure do like our F250. That thing hauls balls all over the place, and gets that toyhauler up Rye hill still gaining speed at the top. Nice looking truck Coosefan.
  14. BASS

    "Brown N Proud"

    DURAMAX baby. w00t! Chevys for the win, in my opinon.
  15. BASS

    Release hooked up to Shoulder

    I thought I remembered reading some about that here, but I think the guy I was thinking of used his mouth (?). Anyone else recall that? Anyways, very cool idea, and a simple rig to make too.
  16. BASS

    Can't understand it????????

    That reminds me of a couple years ago. My dad, mom and I went out to look. My dad and I didn't see anything, and my mom found two by staying on the quads. I did find a larger 6 pointer later that day.
  17. BASS


    I agree, but I feel the media is also at fault. Today when I got home I counted four different times someone from Fox said "automatic weapons." Could they have been? Sure, could they have been semi auto? That is where my money is. It's a shame what happened, but more laws never solved anything. But I'm preaching to the choir here. On another note, there is a rumor going through the sheriffs office that you better snag all the hi cap mags you want, because we may be looking at another assault weapon ban no matter who wins the next election. That rumor has been going on since long before today.
  18. BASS

    Rabid Bobcat

    Thanks for the info!
  19. BASS

    Mexico Olympics

    He later anounced that Mexico's Naval Program was just set back atleast ten years after a discovery of cardboard not floating.
  20. BASS

    Scent elimination

    I was my normal camo (no scent lock for me) in some kind of scent killer, then dry it with earth scented dryer sheets. They are then put into large ziplocks and put inside a plastic tub. When I get out there I pull off some local vegitation and put that in the bag too. Seems to work fine.
  21. BASS

    Get a rope

    I was actually wondering what ever happened to him. I can honestly say that there are people from back east who know of this site, and of Amanda's work she does. That in itself is very impressive to me. I wouldn't worry about CHD any farther than I can throw him, and after looking at that photo it wouldn't very far at all. He's still pissed that no one here bought into his lies of gia-normous mule deer, and is still bitterly out for revenge.
  22. BASS

    Southern Arizona Tom

    Wow what a story! That photo with the head coming out of the cave is a spooky one for sure!
  23. BASS


    Well I'm working with MCSO so I'm going to need to come over and remove that set of antlers from your possesion sometime today. They should look great hanging on my wall instead! Good find, and very cool that you have a shed from the same deer.
  24. BASS

    Rabid Bobcat

    That sounds like basic saturation patrol to me. Get as many trucks with officers driving around to make a presence known, with out actually getting very much done at all. But I suppose I'm still a little bitter, and they very well could be out looking for something.
  25. I may be the only one, but before I buy anything I check it. Whether is be glue, paint, or anything else that can go back I open the package and make sure it's still good. I bought some expensive clear coat hardener from a paintshop in Phx, and when I got home it was also solid. If it's good I just buy the one I opened, but if it's bad I report it. Sorry to hear about your luck.