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Everything posted by BASS

  1. BASS

    bird down

    I'll tell you what, just because I'm a nice guy, and I like the way you talk. PM me your adress and I'll let you have this one for a steal at $20. BTW I love that beanie. It's great, not too thick but not too thin, just right for here in Arizona. Over the weekend it was 26 degrees one morning, but I was nice and warm, and lookin' good with it on. Thanks again.
  2. BASS

    A Good Weekend

    There was a bird shot in NM last year by a friend of my uncles who had three beards. One was just shy of 13" and the other two looked like your second one. That was strange for sure! Good job on another nice bird, Saturday the wind was really bad, and we just started glassing canyons. I guess we should have been out hunting instead.
  3. BASS

    bird down

    Oh, so that's how them New Mexico people get around the no shooting the birds out of the roost laws.
  4. BASS

    Nikon Monarch binos

    What all did you need to do before you sent them to Nikon? We have three pair of them that need the eye pieces fixed. I think we are too rough on our gear.
  5. BASS

    Test pics

    And where is your parents house? I have a ... uh... letter for them.
  6. BASS

    Good News - Bad News

    Just beat him over the head and take his tag.
  7. Good job Andy! Thanks for shooting the video for us!
  8. BASS

    Best load for Turkey

    Good luck! What kind of ML will you be using? I want to use one of those on a dove hunt to screw around with.
  9. Knock down power is nothing at all IMO. It's pure physics, more accuratly Newton's third law. To have a gun knock the target down, the shooter would also be knocked down. That is, if the bullet was unable to pass through the target. To my knowledge there is only one gun that does that... the .577 T-Rex. With that gun, a gut shot will down the deer. Can you imagine hitting a coues with one of those badboys?
  10. Very good point but, Tom is technicaly challenged For now. By this time next year you just wait and see.
  11. Don't forget to take photos and video.
  12. +1 if it's a snake...and I find it... it's gonna get some lead.
  13. BASS

    Unit 1 spring turkey

    Cool. We should be in either a white F250 (there shouldn't be too many out there ) or a red F350. I have no idea where we will be hunting most of the time, but my uncle has a cabin up there somewhere, and he is taking us out to his spots. I'll keep an eye out for ya.
  14. BASS

    Test pics

    They're working here on my end. Nice racks.
  15. BASS

    Unit 1 spring turkey

    +1 it's going to look like a city during rush hour out there! Who knows, maybe we'll see you out there.
  16. I do not recall it saying why that is the minimum goal to meet. I was thinking about that the other day, and just came to the conclusion that if I got hit by an object with 1000ft-lbs at a very slow speed it would sure as heck hurt a lot, but if the same object hit my with a much greater speed it would surely kill me on impact. I'm sure that if the bullet dropped below the 2000ft/sec goal it would remain leathal much below that, but the range would also drop in relation. I'll look through it again today and try to find out if it does mention it. The book it'self if about an inch think or so, black with white letting, and a picture of a carp in the crosshairs.
  17. BASS

    First Turkey!!

    +1 on a nice bird! Your story sounds like a lot of my turkey hunts.
  18. BASS


    What a cool photo! I've got to get my cams back into the woods soon!
  19. BASS

    Posten Stabilizers

    Those looks pretty neat, and the price isn't bad at all IMO. The only issue I would have with them is the holes; I wonder if they would whistle when a wind blew over them. It would be an easy fix if they did.
  20. BASS


    mattys281, now why did you have to go and do that!?! On a similar note, has anyone tried those shrink wrap vanes?
  21. I have a book called "The Target Book for North American Big Game." In that book it gives almost every cal bullet from .223 Rem to the .577 Tyrannosaur. It lists long range deer rounds that carry atleast 1000 ft-lbs at 2000 ft/sec with their farthest reach while still keeping that energy. They also cover long range Elk, Moose as well as low recoil rounds for deer, elk and moose. The say that atleast 1000ft-lbs at 2000 ft/sec for deer, 1500ft-lbs at 2000 ft/sec for elk, and 2500ft-lbs at 2000 ft/sec for moose. The books comes from Sportsman's for $20, and is a neat books to look through. It also tells you a few of the impacts of each round at different distances. If you need a specific round I can look it up, and post back. It really all depends on the cals though. While quickly looking through I've found that for deer (1000ft-lbs) a 30-30 only holds that speed to about 105 yards. It's still lethal past that, but it has lost it's ideal 1000ft-lbs at 2000 ft/sec goal. While on the other hand the 7.21mm Lazzeroni Firebird falls out of the 1000ft-lbs, 2000ft/sec goal at an amazing 1040 yards.
  22. BASS

    Best load for Turkey

    No need to "feel like an idiot" around here. T sized shot is just a little smaller than #4 buck.
  23. BASS

    Best load for Turkey

    I actually came across a box of those stuffed in our closet. The black brass, and green cases. I shot most of them with out knowing, and only have four left. They are great! Now we just shoot 4's through an improved barrel and it seems to work fine.
  24. BASS

    elk calling

    tjhunt2 You can e-mail me what you want to post, and I can get it up here for you. I also have to give a big +1 to the hoochie mamma. That is all I use anymore it seems like. The termanator is also a really good call to use, but more as a locator, or as a last ditch effort IMO. Last year on the archery hunts I got a guy on bulls two days in a row by using the hoochie mamma to cover up our walking. I gave him one, and I took one. I told him to only sqeeze when I sqeezed and the two "cows" talking back and forth worked awsome! The only problem was that he didn't tell me he had a cow tag.
  25. BASS

    Unit 1 spring turkey

    Nice bird! Where about were you hunting in unit 1?