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Everything posted by BASS

  1. Speak of the devil! I was just thinking about you the other day, and thought about posting about where you had been!
  2. BASS

    Horizontal versus Vertical

    Thanks for your replys from expiriance huntnut, and twoguns. I may have to try one for a while to see how they work.
  3. BASS

    Horizontal versus Vertical

    I was thinking along the same lines as Rabbit. It seems like when you got down to the 40 yard pin or so it may be a little harder to get a good sight picture. As well as shooting through a small opening like shrubs. Just my opinion though, and I have thought about putting on my bow.
  4. BASS

    Owl music video

    Awsome job shooting that footage!
  5. BASS

    Enter to win an Olympus Digital SLR

    Just wanted to say thanks for doing these kind of give aways Doug.
  6. BASS

    unit 6a jr. hunt

    You guys are getting me a little excited! I may have to break out of the AR and see if I can thin a couple of those 'yotes out this weekend.
  7. I know what you are going through man. About eight months ago I was in an accident when a lady "got confused and stopped" right in the middle of the road very quickly. It took my retarded agent seven months to sort it all out, even though I didn't get the ticket, had whitnesses, and the lady said she was at fault. Then once I had my front end fixed, some guy backs into me litterally two weeks after I had the truck back. Good luck!
  8. Mark me down. I'm trying for a new job, but if all goes well and I get hired I will have Fridays and weekends off for a while. I guess I could show up on Friday early to help with any setup.
  9. BASS

    some bad news

    No kidding! I am really getting excited though. I have one summer to build, reload for, and sight in a rifle. I may have to cheat and borrow some of your pet loads though.
  10. Yeah I know they should have been posted when I got them back in January, but I lost the SD card until just now. I dropped the cam off the weekend before newyears, then I blew my tranny out on new years eve, and didn't grab it until late in January. When I picked it up I had 1496 photos. Of course about 700 of those are the rocks in the back ground heating up each morning, so it's cool to scan through them quickly you can see the sun rise. BTW this was the first test of the cheaper $58 digial camera. Not a bad little camera IMO.
  11. Just do a little looking and you will have luck. Look for some sign that lets you know that they use the area and you will get some great photos. Although I have also had some really great photos from spots I just dropped the camera off at.
  12. BASS

    some bad news

    You know that 270wsm won't finnish the job on a carp. I think you should sell that one off to me, and buy a nice 300wm. Good luck in the draw! PS when do the books hit the stores?
  13. From Wal-Mart in Payson. It had been opened, and was missing the USB cable so they knocked a couple bucks off. I think it was KWP who also grabbed one a while back. They are just what they are, a very low megapixle camera, but as you can see it works just fine. I don't know if they will bring them back this year or not, but I sure hope they do! I did see Cabelas selling a very similar model for about $100, but I would much rather pay the cheaper price if possible.
  14. You are nuts!!! There was a little cave up on a hill that I found last year on the last day of my hunt. I really smelt it first. When I found it, I knew it had to be a good spot because the floor was about a foot thicker than it should have been; hence the smell. I played around the cave for the rest of the day, but nothing ever came back in, and soon I went off chasing another herd. While chasing them I found two more caves, but nothing like the first one. Later we found out that they would get spooked out of one cave, circle the mountain come out over where the cave is, and then head North away from it to a canyon. Then that night or the next day they would circle around again that come back to that cave. I just put my camera in a bush, and used the elastic band from my jacket to hold it there. It was a good ten feet away from where I thought they would bed, but I guess they bedded closer. It was kind of hard because the ground between the camera and the pigs rose up very quickly, then dropped back down, that's why all the photos have the pigs near the bottom. For the past two years we just havn't been able to seal the deal with them. We will nail one really good, it will go bed down, and we will wait about an hour. Then when we go get it, it hauls butt like there is no tomorrow. We've have hit them numerous times with a .50 cal sabot round out of a muzzleloader, broken shoulders and just knew we had them, then they just run off again.
  15. I've got to get my cams out there! Maybe this next weekend. Great photos.
  16. BASS

    New custom rifle

    zeiss conquest 6.5-20x50 *drool* That scope is what I have planned for my rifle build later this year.
  17. BASS

    unit 6a jr. hunt

    It wasn't that bad was it? I mean besides our close "friends" who camped on top of us for two hunts in a row.
  18. BASS

    Which Trail Cam?

    I like the stealth-cam cameras, because they are easy to use, and put out nice photos IMO. Of course I guess they are all nice, and easy to use now. There is also a cheaper one from Wal-Mart that puts out decent photos for the price. Personally though I would only choose to use that one where there is a chance that it may be found, and walk away. I only put my cheap ones near water holes, and try not to put them over the hole is possible. And save the expensive digitals for deeper in areas where maybe only the more dedicated hunters may find them, and not the weekend warriors on quads. You may want to look a little lower where one of our members just posted some very nice photos that were taken with home brew cameras! I'm strongly thinking about attempting one of those. My main piece of advice is to buy one that you are comfortable with leaving out in the field attached to a tree for a week or two. I was worried about leaving mine out, and had it for months before I put it out for the first time. They do no good sitting on your shelf or in a pack. I also went to the army surplus store, and bought each camera it's own gas mask bag. I can put all the componets and lock in those bags for the camera, sling it over my shoulder and be good to go. Just another thought.
  19. BASS


    As I type this there are no closures in effect. But as you stated, they may try to push the closure sooner now. It would be a shame to get your trailer all setup, then have them close it while you are down here and it's still up there. Anyone know the fine of being in the forests when they are closed? Although, personally, I think they will stay open through Memorial Day weekend atleast. That would be a lot of money lost to the campgrounds and other things like that if they closed early IMO. But who knows for sure and that's just my thoughts on the subject.
  20. I think it would be a safe bet to say that it was the Illinois River, and the fish were Asian Carp. My thoughts behind this is the fact that I remember reading that river had a huge number of carp in it that were causing huge disruptions of the river's biological balance.
  21. BASS

    Not cool

    A prime example of why you should always look around very closly before taking care of business.
  22. Wow twelve cams! Keeping my three out is sometimes a pain. You guys must use digital cams with rechargable batterys, or have one heck of a bank account. What kind of cams are they? Very cool photos. That bear is very beautiful in that color phase. I've always wanted to put one of my cams on a fence like you did, and set it to take more than one photo for some airborn action shots.
  23. Very interesting none the less. It does look like 'yote to me also, but what does lion scat look like? I would guess close to the same, and I've been told it tends to have a lot of fur in it? Anyway to be sure?
  24. Right now I'm prepping my turkey so I can do a fan mount with the wings too. Do you remove the bones in the wings like you do with the fan, or do you leave them in? Any other tips you all may have?
  25. If there is a tree anywhere near where I'm shooting, it's dead. Who else the uncanny ability to kill those dang things? I guess this thread would also be a good excuse to post a photo of the infamous "Arrow Tree" up near Alpine. That is all, you may now continue to browse CWT willfully.