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Everything posted by BASS

  1. BASS

    Some of my Woods Class Project's

    Heres the one I was talking about. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1311335
  2. BASS

    Some of my Woods Class Project's

    You should see if the teacher has open shop where you can come in early (or stay late) and work on other non-school projects. A guy on archery talk did a set of antlers to hold his bow and some arrows. I'll see if I can find the link when I get back on a desktop. Good job!
  3. BASS

    Bass Pro Billboard on I-10

    Alright now, hold your fire for a second guys! There is a Bass Pro sign on the ten... but it only shows the store front with their logo! The sign that has the big eastern is *gasps* Cabelas! Now cut me some slack, they were taken, cropped, edited, uploaded, and posted from my phone. Hana
  4. BASS

    had to be a 7mm/08

    Times are getting tough for agencies... and I've shot at animals plenty of times. 17? I think I did that once with a coyote who must have been a D-Day hero reincarnated. Ground exploding all around him, but no where near hitting him.
  5. BASS

    Ghost Blind

    They are. The top is cut wider than the bottom as to ensure its reflecting the three to four feet directly in front of the blind. Although sitting behind a big mirror perpidicular to the ground would make hunting the rut a bit more fun!
  6. BASS

    Ghost Blind

    I don't know if any of you have seen or used one of these, but I started looking at them pretty close a couple weeks back. Seems like a nice setup (rather expensive though) that is able to adapt to different surrounding. Their sales pitch is that you won't scare off animals because your blind "is the suroundings" as they put it in an e-mail to me. It refects the ground from about three to four feet in front of the blind as to not create a giant reflective surface like you would think a typical mirror would. http://ghostblind.com/319-ghostblind-preda...d-predator.html EDIT_______________________________ And wouldn't you know it, one of my favorite guys on Youtube is already making his own home made version.... http://www.youtube.com/user/bowhunter4e
  7. Huge plus one! Accidents happen all too easily, reset springs fail and double charge, or in my case a pin breaks and you end up loading sixty rounds of 45 with no powder in a square deal press. Id feel horrible if I charged someone something and it failed them, even if nothing bad happened other than them missing a shot on a game animal. Heck a buddy borrowed my rifle, shot one of my reloads and gave himself scope eye and I felt bad because it was such a hot round compared to factory ( and heavier bullet) and it konked him pretty good. I love taking eight or nine different rounds out and shooting ten of each to see how the componets effect the range. If you just want higher end ammo, there is a niche for that, but you have lots of competition from real handloaders who don't have to make a one size fits all round when it comes to the matches.
  8. BASS

    Camo on a rifle hunt?

    Of course you have to wear camo! How else will Bill Jordan afford to go on all of his amazing hunts!?! I wear camo on all my hunts simply because walking around in khaki cargo shorts doesn't work out too well in the desert. And anyone who knows me knows that from the time I clock out till the time I clock back in I'm in shorts and sandels a good 90% of the time.
  9. Best movie ever. What a wuss, 90 volts!?! Seriously? Ever been hit with a taser? THAT will knock you to the ground! *Yes, I've been hit with most of the current taser models to include C2, X26, M26 and XREP, and if it didn't teach me anything else, I learned five times is enough no matter what I got out of it!
  10. BASS

    Ghost Blind

    That'd be great! I was considering making one to play with, if for nothing else it would kill a weekend off that would be spent doing nothing anyways.
  11. BASS


    I think I'm seeing a third deer in that photo too, just to the left of the saguaro and a little higher up than the deer to the left, looks like a nose on this tiny screen.
  12. The Good the Bad and the Ugly: Shaft Theme: Smells like teen spirit - Nirvana:
  13. +1, thats how we started finding an owner for a lost pup a couple years back.
  14. BASS

    Bass Pro Billboard on I-10

    Man, I must be out of it! I drive that way every night and don't think I've ever noticed the deer on that billboard.
  15. BASS

    Badlands Hypervent Problem

    My 2200 squeaked a bit, i got it soaking wet in the river (long story) and for the life of I can't remember if it squeaks anymore or not. But a huge+ 1 to badlands customer service, they will take care of you big time. I do need to send mine in again, maybe i'll get a new one too!
  16. Thats always my biggest fear when I take it off. Most of the time I take the time to mark it on the GPS, or at least pull out the orange panel from the bottom. A couple weekends ago I lost my 2200 for a good thirty minutes or so.
  17. BASS

    On the lighter side...

    my favorite is the Obama "Experts" video.
  18. Yep, I saw you come in with the tire pressure gauge stuffed in your shirt! I think I felt more out of place in my wing-tip shoes, slacks, long-sleeve-shirt, and tie! I just got off work from my 5th grade teacher position. I did record the seminar and am considering transcribing some of his stories and posting them if anyone is interested. I just need to finish my progress reports first. I would very interested in this! Heck, ill pay for a copy of the audio if you have the means to copy it.
  19. BASS

    Is This Legal?

    Naw, I have a dick of a cousin up in the Heber area who likes to snag them, and toss em. If you ever see him, punch him in the face for me. I actually had a dream last night that I beat the crap out of him
  20. BASS

    Kinda Sad

    Gonna go get your rut on eh? Watch out, a bigger CWT member may show up and run you off!
  21. BASS

    NM Fall Turkey

    That bird is almost as tall as he is!
  22. BASS

    6x7 bull taken

    And so it begins! Nice bull, can't wait for the full story.
  23. BASS

    Kinda Sad

    I'm right there with you guys. This next year I'm applying for a hunter ID number since I happen to "apply twice" every year, when in reality its my dad and I applying. I may try to sneak up there next week to play around a bit and see whats going on. I hate being at work during hunting season!
  24. Did anyone end up going to this? I wanted to attend, but couldn't get the time off of work to go. A summary would be nice.
  25. BASS

    Elk Photos

    Went for a little hike on Saturday up by Jones Crossing to get away from camp for a while. Heres what caught my attention first... He was walking around the mountain and would mew once in a while. Just a young guy who was acting like any kid would. He would sprint in a direction, drop his head like he was fighting something and then would walk away before running towards another invisible enemy in another direction. Watched him for a while and tried to get closer, but with his game it was hard to judge where he was going. Right before I headed back to camp a couple cow calls sent both of us towards the other ridge looking for who made it. Then a bugle. I laid down in the grass and the little bull I was chasing did a couple quick circles and headed back up the mountain where I first saw him. So there I laid as about six cows and a smaller bull came down to feed about fifty yards from me. It was getting dark and not wanting to use my flash I opted for leaving the aperture open to gather more light, unfortunately I was shooting off hand and the slight shaking transfered to the photos. So Look at them cross eyed and they may look alright. Sunday nothing was talking at all. I did a couple calf/cow calls after I stepped on a larger stick with a loud *crack!* Sat quiet for a couple minutes, and then had two calves and two cows walked directly in front of me by about thirty yards or so. I was more leary about getting trampled if I startled them being so close that I didn't take many photos and instead had my hand on my pistol, "just in case."