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Everything posted by verdehunter

  1. verdehunter

    Unit 6B mule deer

    I don't think a honey hole exists in 6B. My wife has had that tag 3 out of 5 years. You may want to consider the lower country between Sedona and Cottonwood. It is easy to glass.
  2. verdehunter


    Ammo is hard to find and very expensive. A local gun shop where I live can order it but it takes a little time to get it.
  3. Wish I had the cash. I'd buy it.
  4. verdehunter

    can I just vent...

    Pretty sure G&F cannot and will not enforce these road rules.
  5. verdehunter

    A dilemma requiring some thought... or maybe not.

    If I were to guess, I'd say that even having the bow on the ground next to you would be considered illegal. You still have the bow in possession and are now hunting with a firearm. I would think the bow would need to be in a case in the vehicle or left at camp. Thats just my take on it.
  6. verdehunter

    Bridgestone Dueler H/T 265/70/17

    I have 4 Bridgestone Deuler H/T's for sale. 265/70/17. 2,000 miles on them. Basically brand new. $425 for all 4. I'm in Cottonwood.
  7. verdehunter

    Who's gonna be the first to post their elk???

    Got a pic texted to me from a guy in 10. Killed a real good 360+ bull this morning.
  8. I know you say the price is firm on them, but if you don't get any takers and decide to lower it let me know.
  9. verdehunter

    Verde valley otc?

    It can be a very tough hunt unless you get lucky or have local knowledge of the area. There are a few locals who kill every year, but not many.
  10. How old are those EL's?
  11. verdehunter

    WTB Swarovski 10x42 SLC

    There is a pair for sale over on the monstermuleys classifieds.
  12. verdehunter

    Coconino County Hunters

    Game and Fish will not issue tickets for the new camping/closed roads restrictions.
  13. verdehunter

    FS has issued Travel Tickets....

    Heard on the radio this morning that the Coconino FS has issued tickets to some hunters who broke the rules and traveled off road to retrieve game....
  14. verdehunter

    10x42 Vortex Viper HD

  15. verdehunter

    10x42 Vortex Viper HD

    I have a new pair of 10x42 Viper HD for sale. They were taken out of the box and looked through one time at the house, have never been in the field. Asking $550 for them.
  16. verdehunter

    WTT My Vortex Razor 10x42 (non-hd) for Viper 10x42 HD

    I have a brand new pair of Viper 10x42 HD I am going to sell. In fact, I am selling them to get the Razor HD. If you can't find anybody to trade you and you are interested in a cash purchase on these vipers let me know.
  17. verdehunter

    Coconino County Elk Hunters

    Those forest rules are nothing new. They seem to be selectively enforcing them more now though.
  18. verdehunter


    Would you sell the motor seperately?
  19. verdehunter

    Unit 10

    Made a trip up there and ran into one of the ranchers. NO I didn't have an ATV with me. The signs weren't there. Asked him about it and he said they thought about letting ATVs back on the ranch. Whether they did or not I don't know, but when I was there that was the plan. But yep, I can't read........
  20. verdehunter

    Looking for help with a GREAT problem

    The biggest bulls I've glassed in 6A have been while looking for coues deer.....hunt them both at the same time in the same canyons.
  21. verdehunter

    looking for vortex nomad or vortex binoculars

    Diamondbacks instead of vipers? What do you want to pay for a Nomad? I have one of those too
  22. verdehunter

    looking for vortex nomad or vortex binoculars

    What kind of binos? I have some vipers I am selling. 10x42 $375
  23. verdehunter

    6B help

    My wife has had that tag 3 out of the last 4 years. It can be a hard hunt. There are some good deer, just hard to find. You will see a lot of does and some small bucks. I'd hunt the lower areas.
  24. verdehunter

    Anyone planning on hunting with a supressor this year?

    Its illegal to use anything that silences a firearm....
  25. verdehunter

    Unit #9 Antalope

    A lot of tanks are still dry.