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Everything posted by verdehunter

  1. verdehunter

    Questions about the youth cow hunt in unit 10

    Plenty of elk off the ranch. Many roads on it are fine, but plenty of them suck big time.
  2. verdehunter

    New National Monument in Arizona

    Non lead ammo requirement will be here in a year or two. Plus whatever else they come up with. Non-metal broadheads. Wood arrows. Can only use sticks and stones found naturally, but then you can't use what's found naturally up there because it will be theft from the monument.........That's the kind of stuff this administration comes up with.
  3. verdehunter

    Pointless Scouting?

    I take every chance I get to get out. Especially if it's to learn a new unit.
  4. verdehunter

    Lead Free Vouchers

    Been several years since I've been north of the ditch with a tag or with someone that had one. When I was, G&F was stilling giving lead-free ammo vouchers. Does anybody know if they are still doing that? Specifically for the Champ deer hunt? Thanks
  5. verdehunter

    LTB 3000 Watt or Larger Generator/Inverter

    I have this available.
  6. verdehunter

    Lead Free Vouchers

    Perfect. Thank you, I appreciate it.
  7. verdehunter

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    Had that happen to me and my family a few years ago. We were in a spot I thought most wouldn't go. Not too far in, but far enough most people wouldn't want to go down that road. Middle of the night, big group of Mexicans (yes, I'll say it, they were Mexicans, it is what it is) pulled in 50 yards from us and setup camp. Played their mariachi crap all night.
  8. verdehunter

    Stumped.... HVAC

    My comment was to that person before the post was delted.
  9. verdehunter

    Stumped.... HVAC

    4 1/2 years later........I think it would be fixed in that amount of time.
  10. verdehunter

    When will results posted on portal accounts

    Seperate computer system than what they have at the front counter
  11. verdehunter

    6.5 PRC Hornady ammo

    I just a new rifle in 6.5. Would love to take these off your hands, but before buying too many of any one kind, I want to see how it shoots them. What were your results with this ammo?
  12. verdehunter

    Draw question

    Once you draw, you draw, regardless of choice. In certain instances (bonus pass), people’s first choice isn’t even considered.
  13. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    I’ll admit it. No shame. I got one deer charge, either myself or my daughter.
  14. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    If they are guys who don't frequent or post on forums or social media, then no, it's not enough. Also, many of them are charged the first day but for whatever reason it doesn't show on their online bank right away. Other next day, two day, three day charges tend to be from those rejected cards. As I've said, I hope I'm wrong because I'd love to still have a chance at a deer tag, but I, and everybody else I personally know, have never been charged after the early morning of the initial day it starts.
  15. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    I hope I'm wrong, I really do, so I still have a chance at a deer tag. But, I don't have very high hopes that is the case.
  16. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    It only takes one year for hunts to change and not be drawn 100% of the time. I can't even draw an early WT tag with 3 points that I could draw 100% with 3 points 2 years ago.......It's the reality of the increased population and applicants every year.
  17. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    If true, it will be a cluster for those few unfortunate people who end up with compromised cards who would have otherwise drawn........
  18. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    Give it another year or two and archery deer will be 100% draw.
  19. verdehunter

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    I agree, definitely rough. And the other group were certainly know it alls, especially the dipshit from Canada. But, it was an invite from a buddy who put it together so figured I’d give it a shot. I’d do it again, but would look at smaller group and only people I know.
  20. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    There are way more hunters who do not get on forums or facebook pages than do. When they draw, nobody knows because they don’t post it. The vast increase in applications alone every year makes it possible for scenarios like today. Am I saying thats what happened, no, especially after the elk draw. But is it possible, absolutely. As has been said before, it’s been a long time since we’ve had the moisture we have had and the hunt dates for many hunts. Those sitting on points for a situation like this could also be a part of it. I hope I’m wrong cuz I haven’t gotten a charge either, but I’m also not holding my breath.
  21. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    Every application period there are record applications submitted. The 100% odds cannot be sustained by that. Units that you could draw every year or two will become every 3-5 years. Look at the influx of people in the forest just in general throughout the year when covid started. It trickles down to hunting. How many new gun owners were there after covid started? AZ is becoming increasingly more populated.
  22. verdehunter

    How long until cards are hit??

    I'd say it's over, based on past experiences, except the elk draw. I've never had a charge after the first posts of the morning saying cards were being hit. If I didn't get hit at that time, it's never happened. This past elk draw was the only exception and my card was hit later in the afternoon. However, I see that as a fluke and not something that will happen with this draw as well. I hope I'm wrong.
  23. verdehunter

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    See my other, more detailed post from last night. Flylining caught a few, but most were caught with sinker rigs. Size from 20lbs to a few just over 100lbs, and everywhere in between. Captain and crew were good, food was better than expected. Bunks were ok, pretty cramped and not the most comfortable. But I've slept on worse.
  24. verdehunter


    You say the HOA won’t allow it on the street? Is it a public street? If so, HOAs don’t/can’t regulate public street parking. Only your local jurisdiction can.