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About coues.300

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  • Birthday 01/31/1980

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  1. coues.300

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    27 early archery 9bp resident 27 late archery 3bp resident 2b muz antelope 14bp resident 2a/b oct rifle 3bp resident Thanks flatlander
  2. coues.300

    Results are Up!!!

    I drew late archery bull in 27
  3. coues.300

    Globe Fur sale

    I will be there I have 8 cats 5 coyotes and a fox
  4. coues.300

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    Thanks again flatlander
  5. coues.300

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    4 bp late archery 27elk 8bp early archery 27elk 14bp 2b muzzy antelope Thanks
  6. coues.300

    1st tag, 1st trip, 1st deer

    That's awesome congrats
  7. coues.300

    11 Year Old Huntress

    My 11 year old daughter Jordin killed her first big game animal this last weekend. We started out earlier this year on an archery cow elk hunt with no success after 9 days of hunting. We ended up seeing a lot of elk but because she is still only able to shoot up to 40 yards we could never get her a good shot on the nervous cow elk. We followed up this last weekend on an Unit 27 rifle whitetail tag. She ended up getting this deer opening afternoon after hiking through some steep and rough terrain. We glassed this buck up at about 0800 and it took us about an hour to get within shooting range and set up. Luckily we had Jordins Papa Will and Uncle Tom to keep eyes on the buck while we snuck in. Jordin ended up shooting this buck with her .243 at a distance of 320 yards. To say she was excited is an understatement. She couldn't believe that she made the shot and finally had some success. The buck scored 82 4/8 which is awesome for a first deer/kill ever! The buck is awesome but the memories made on this hunt are the icing on the cake. There is nothing better than getting kids involved in the outdoors and animal conservation.
  8. coues.300

    Another 27 Bull

    And I thought we were friends Adam that hurts
  9. coues.300

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    that's awesome congrats on a great bull
  10. coues.300

    13th day bull

    Great job
  11. coues.300

    Another 27 Bull

    Congrats Brian you earned this one. Last year was a little to easy.
  12. coues.300

    Unit 27 bull down

    Yes Sean it is but we did not have to pack in for him he traveled a little closer and dad made a great shot
  13. coues.300


    heard some in 3c and some pics on trail cam with no velvet
  14. coues.300

    Come on Friday

    no worries your so lucky you will probably kill a 400 opening morning this year
  15. coues.300

    Come on Friday

    Hope these guys come back on Friday