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About s.teel12358

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/16/1993

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  • Location
    Pinetop AZ
  • Interests
    Coues deer, predator hunting, shed hunting, really any kind of hunting. And bass fishing!

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  1. s.teel12358

    2015 January Archery Coues Deer

    Awe! That has to be one of the sweetest things anyone has said to me! Thank you very much! Keep em at it!!
  2. s.teel12358

    2015 January Archery Coues Deer

    Thank you for reading my article! That hunt has a special place in my heart! Every one of them do but that one was by far the most special and emotional! Be sure to take those three granddaughters of yours hunting whenever possible!
  3. The biggest brown I found this year.. I don't have a picture of. But here is just a few from a couple of trips from this year and some cool pictures! After shed hunting since I can remember, I finally found my first dead head! His right eye guard is split and behind that he has a drop tyne. And his pedical on the right side is freakin so cool and huge! I'm guessing he must have gotten hurt that year so that side grew funny! Love love love elk and deer with character!
  4. I know this story is a little late in the year, but I thought I'd share it anyway! This is my second archery coues deer with my Mathews Jewel. I hunted for 8 long days in the best unit in the world (27) and bagged this boy all on my own. It was my first hunt that my dad let me do on my own! I loved the experience of it but it is definitely better to have someone experience it with you and share that story. Anyways, I made a perfect shot right through the lungs at 30 yds. He went maybe 40 yds before he dropped dead:) I shot him with a grim reaper broad head (as well as my 2014 buck) and I will never use any other broad head again! There amazing-in my personal opinion. Also, I don't care if any of you think he's "too small" because I love him and am very proud of him! Thanks for reading! Good hunting, Shelby Teel P.S. If anyone missed my 2014 buck it's on my page, check it out!
  5. s.teel12358

    Grim Reaper Broadheads

    I used this broadhead to kill my coues deer in Jan. And man did it do some damage! It ripped open his jugular and broke his shoulder bone in half! I think it almost ripped off his whole leg! And I am a girl using 45 pounds to draw back and that was at 40yds. I thought that broadhead did some impressive work! I will definitely use it for many more hunts. I used to use rage and I hated how the blades would always pop out of place and the grim reapers don't do that!
  6. Good luck on Friday!! I hope you all kill clean and have a wonderful time together! Enjoy every minute of it!
  7. s.teel12358

    Goose Recipes??

    Yeah I looked at his page to figure out who the heck the creeper was
  8. s.teel12358

    Goose Recipes??

    Thanks! I was thinking about making jerky... But it's a pretty nice sized pond. There's two right there and like 4 on the other side of the road.
  9. s.teel12358

    Lunch time bobcat

    Beautiful cat! And great story! Congrats:)
  10. s.teel12358

    Has this happened to you?

    No, but I sure would love for that to happen to me!! That's pretty awesome! Congrats:)
  11. s.teel12358

    Goose Recipes??

    Thank you very much for the advise!! I will be sure to keep the skin on there next time! I hear goose aren't the best tasting... Excited to try it out!
  12. s.teel12358

    Redemption Buck!!!!! Good Pics

    Great coues!! Love the right main beam! Where's pictures of the bear?! I bet that was a memorable hunt!
  13. s.teel12358

    My dad's bobcats last trapping season!

    Thanks! My coues deer story is under the bowhunting for coues deer forum under Team Teel first archery coues Jan 2014:)