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Everything posted by dave
It is possible he may also own a kilt there scotty
Hope some of you guys have been practicing. I am making progress and should be ready for the December deer hunt I hope.
All that is good stuff coueshunter84! May I encourage you to go ahead and do some 3d shoots like I do. I shoot most of them non-competitive, just for fun. My normal routine is to estimate and make the shot, then I range find-it after the shot. A lot of folks range find each shot before shooting. Either way it is good. It is great to get out and shoot and practice by which ever method helps you most.
This was the before picture:
The ulimate goal is to Robin Hood your buddy's arrow. I have received the treatment once but never in 35 years of shooting have I been the deliverer. There is always something to look forward to. Congrats mulie hunter.
My arrow lucked out both times and still hit the bag. I am shooting in my garage until I get up to 12.5 yards. That will be a while. If I can figure out how to post a picture, I will take a picture of the drywall behind the target. Nothing a little spackle cant fix. At least I have not shot one clear through the outer wall or the window next to it. If I did see the neighbors cat, I would have to go off of the program for a minute
Here is a little up-date since we were off for a few days. Another lesson learned....Since I switched over to the thumb release and started the program, I now let down if everything is not right. Now here is the lesson....TAKE YOUR COTTON PICKIN THUMB OFF THE KNURLED KNOB KNOWN AS THE TRIGGER BEFORE YOU START TO LET DOWN!!! Another lesson....Since I shoot a spiral cam, I have to stay against the wall and not creep a whisker or the bow will take it back. You know what happens with a thumb release when the bow trys to take it back while you are aiming? Yep a lot of fun going on over here
Tines, You are talking my language! You sound like my friend that has been bending my ear for the last two years. Good to hear from guys that know what I am dealing with and have went to the next level. I would talk to myself but I ain't got the breathing down yet
Good point you make Redbeard, you can not force anything, it has to be a totally relaxed thing. For me to stop shooting would not cure anything. I have to learn how to shoot each shot perfect. That takes practice. I think a good example of what you are talking about is that my wife, one of the Nagger Sisters gave me a deadline for dinner on the grill tonight (since she is practically starving since I started this program). I was pushing the program so I could get dinner done. Shot number 19, I ripped. Lesson well learned, if I can?t do it right every time, I will stop. Same as letting down if your not all together. Good point about the concentration. To me that means planning my practice so I won?t be distracted. What you say about when the distraction comes as it will in any realm you shoot in and being able to stay focused is where I hope to get some day. Thanks for sharing all that
O.K., Here's the update for today: I had to tear apart my bow yesterday so the feller that machined my custom shoot-through riser could borrow my #8 spiral cams to try on his latest invention. I had to pick up my ultratec and start over with it. Changing from the Scott index finger wrist pull to the Carter Chocolate 4 finger thumb required me to cut the peep ties out and reposition it about 3/8" higher. I did that yesterday and then did something you are not supposed to do. I went off the program to see how it shot through paper. What a cool thing to do! I put up my paper tuner frame (it holds 3 pages of that connected computer paper taped across it). Now I had a totally blank huge white piece of paper in front of my target bag to shoot through. What a great experience. Every time I have ever tried to paper tune in the past, I was on a mission to shoot bullet holes. This time I just relaxed and squeezed of at a blank target. No pressure, no care how it ripped, I was doing the program. That was the most productive tuning session I have ever done. So much for the fun stuff. I talked to the guy that started some folks on this program and told him I was doing it and then he started asking me about how I was doing with the breathing??? No one told me about that. He then proceeded to tell about breathing technical that goes with the aiming program in which you take certain breaths at certain times and let so much air out etc.. You start out holding the pin at the top of the circle on the first breath and then let out and breath in again and adjust all your aiming form, then let half a breath out and start aiming and pulling with your back muscles. Needles to say, with all this new stuff, I will be at 7 yards for a while. Haven't got to watch my video from today?s session but I am sure I will see one idiot that can only handle one thing at a time With all that said, this is the most fun I have had shooting a bow in the last 30 years. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow!
Thanks Bownut, A lot of good stuff right there. I knew I should have started this two years ago. I dreaded it. I did not want to stop going to shoots or miss anything. I want everyone to know, when you start seeing empovement in your practice, and you start feeling how good it feels to squeeze off a shot. It is worth the time and work. I usta get so mad about a ripped shot and that I would never get better. Now I am enjoying feeling a good shot and I don't have any pressure or any agenda. This just feels good right now. Shoot the bow the way it should be shot and enjoy it.
I have a passion to shoot the bow well and have been so frustrated I refuse to continue to shoot it 1/2 glass. I got a Carter Chocolate Addiction 4 finger. The Carter releases are a little on the pricey side but have excellent workmanship and functionality. I had to crank my bow down to 60 lbs. to give my fingers time to get in shape pulling that type of a release. I have used a wrist-pull for so many years the fingers are not in shape.
WOW, Im getting hungry now! Probably a good thing I never got involved in that, I am enough of a porker already. I would have turned into a Steenkin' Peeg myself. Sounds like a lot of great memories were made by all.
I am only 50 Toni. I have heard some of those guys talk about that hunt. I didn't know you were part of it. Looks like you guys know how to make the best of a Steenkin' Peeg Hunt.
Tony, If you are not already a bowhunter and do not have a September archery javelina tag, I believe you have just talked yourself into applying for archery javelina next September. Welcome to the bowhunting community Dave
I have a warped sense of humor Tony. The thought of field dressing a Javi in 90 plus degree heat just hits my funny bone. It should be a ripe experience that recruits and retains more archery hunters.
I don?t see it as a problem at all. I think it is hilarious.
Tony, I apologize, I was a day off. Archery javelina starts September 1st.. Since I didn't apply I was not too up on the date. Good luck to all who got drawn.
Let me phrase it a different way: Would you like more opportunity to hunt and draw a bull elk tag? They don't give you a choice in how that may happen or tell you what they will do to make that happen. They don't ask you if you want to hunt archery elk in December or Javalina in August. I personally don't think it matters because I believe they already have a plan and the survey is just a tool to say this is why they are going to do what they want to do. After what happened last year, seeing the recent spring regs. and now them coming out with this survey leaves me in total distrust. I don't know if they are getting the message that they are losing peoples trust or if it matters.
Outdoor Writer, The problems we had last year were the result of a similar survey. Many who take it do not know the dynamics behind it. It's like asking a thirsty man if he wants a drink of water. They don't tell the thirsty man it will be your last drink.
You are exaclty right my friend. This tread will go away in a couple days and then we will all have something new to talk about while we lose our heritage.
Your are a better man than me. Go ahead Ajo
Eric, We thought this was a safe place where the Texican couldn't find us Go ahead and start one bud.
The best way to increase opportunity is to increase animal numbers. As Audsley said, at the hunt set meeting in April the Department told the Commission that we have approximatly 17,000 head of elk. The model is 25,000. From what the Director had to say, I believe the Department wants to lower the model so they do not have to deal with as many issues from ranchers. So what exactly did the Commission do that day. 1. They ignored the model. 2. They issued all the cow tags the Department asked for. A responsible Commission would have cut more cow tags on that day. How is this showing us that they care about wildlife? How is this showing us they truly want to create opportunity for years to come. Sorry to tell you this Audsley but they want to lower the model.