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About dave

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  1. dave

    Meet Clover

    Beautiful!!! I bet your busy now.
  2. dave


    The truck has been sold. Please delete this post
  3. dave


    So far no one has come to look at it, you could be the first.
  4. dave


    The truck is located in Tucson.
  5. dave


    I have owned this truck the last 8 years, it has been well taken care of. It has 156,500 miles on it, FX4 off-road package, 4.6 V8, auto trans, XLT package, gray cloth interior, power drivers seat, cruise, tilt, single CD, tow package and the shell goes with it. Would be happy to answer any questions.
  6. dave

    Unit 1 & 27

    Not all of the land is forest. There is a lot of time between now and Sept. 9th.
  7. dave

    Some Interesting findings in Unit 22 study

    "Sir Buckwheat" That is by far the best handle I have ever seen. Almost an oxymoron. I am laughing out loud. Good thing I check back every year or so and read some of this.
  8. Lance, You said it very well. I am curious what impact this will have with water. Even if there is habitat and cover, what water will the animals be able to drink? The Black River will have earned it's name.
  9. Marvin and Committee, Thanks for all your hard work on this!!! Thanks for your patients in explaining a few things about the process of doing all this. I haven't got my book yet but look forward to seeing Blake's fawn pictures again, how could you not include those BTW, if you are having an auction at the banquet June 11th, I know a guy that may have 3 copies of the First Edition to auction off.
  10. dave


    Amanda, I was just teasing. Since Lance let the cat out of the bag, we both have the same friend. Dave
  11. dave


    I have no clue how to draw a goulds tag. I get no help from anyone on this issue.
  12. dave


    Actually we only have one county range in Tucson. I don't complain about it. I guess I could do something to help make it better.
  13. Me thinks June is either in the wrong month or century. I got my first bow at Bob's Bargin Barn in 1967. Then I was lucky enough to have my parents buy me a real one from Universal Archery for Christmas in 1970. They also got me a half dozen arrows with it and Doris did a great job of fletching them wood ones with feathers. Got my first compound from Leroy at Ye Ole Archery. Archery was fun back then. Now there is soooo much hype. The reason it is hard to find a good archery shop is that you have to be crazy to do it. You have to have more passion than brains. Anybody that works on a bow and does it for other people is crazy. I work on mine and will do it for my brothers but other than that and a few special people, no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of the folks all you guys mentioned above are very special people. Get your own bow press, Medicine Stone, laser, scale, Bitzinberger, chrony and all the other stuff and learn how to do your own stuff. Nothing like dialing it in for yourself. CMC, I don't think Jon or those other PSE guys shoot that well, you must have been having a bad day. BTW, I shoot a PSE X-Force, how sweet. It has been a bow press experience. Just one more thing...Please guys, don't beat someone up...get your own stuff and beat yourself up.
  14. Heck, I should change my handle to "Thread Killer".
  15. dave

    09 achery bull

    Totally awesome. How can you top that? From one of your previous posts, what does it mean when you say you went "spot lighting"?