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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    Javelina Hunting "Arizona Style"

    It would be my pleasure to tell him we talked.
  2. Elkhunter1

    I Fabricate Security Boxes

    Hi All. I am fairly new to CWT and I would like to extend an offering of my services. I can fabricate and weld boxes to fit your cams. Pricing depends on design, each is custom built. All boxes are designed to move on all four axis, you can tilt it up or down and rotate it side to side. All boxes come fully welded (NO SPOT WELDING). I Will design to your specs. Contact me at stephenforrest70@yahoo.com Shown is a Stealthcam IR1540 I tend to go overboard with MY boxes. I use a 12 volt home alarm battery to power my cameras, that is why it is larger than the camera. Again I can fab. to your specs. You never find a tree in the perfect spot facing where your shot is!!!!
  3. Elkhunter1

    Game Camera Batteries

    Hi Eric I currently have three cams out in the field, all have a 12 volt rechargeable battery from Young Alarm here in Tucson. About $15 They have lasted over 3 months with one camera filing a GB card. I know they are heavy but they will last for years. You can put a Moultre solar panel on them or recharge with a regular motor cycle charger.
  4. Elkhunter1

    Which broadheads??

    The best head I have used for any animal is the Swhacker head. I can tell you the first year My brother had a limited release of that head we gave it out to 20 elk hunters. 16 killed elk with only one going over 100 yrds after the shot. This 6x6 Bull was shot walking at 30 yrds and ran only 60 before piling up. For more photos and info on this head go to sonoranbowhunting.com and check it out!! GOOD LUCK
  5. Elkhunter1

    Javelina Hunting "Arizona Style"

    Thanks, I guess my spell check needs to be updated it didn't see it either. Mr Quimby, you probably don't remember me, My dad is Ray Forrest from the International Wildlife Museum. Any pointers you can give a novice like me would never be seen as anything negetive.
  6. Elkhunter1

    Game Cam

    I can tell you all replies are right to some degree. You should get off of the beaten path when you can. But I stil weld boxes for all of my cams and secure them always. If you want you can write me directly and we can talk about making you a box. My boxes aren't light but they are secure! [email="stephenforrest70@yahoo.com
  7. Elkhunter1

    Javelina Hunting "Arizona Style"

    My brother Rick is the best caller of pigs I have ever heard. You and TJ are right with the heart pounding excitment the calling can bring when they come running in, woofing and chomping their teeth at you thinking you are hurting one of their little ones. I didn't have time to practice enough to use one this year, thanks for the comments and good hunting to all.
  8. Elkhunter1

    Javelina Hunting "Arizona Style"

    Thanks for the comments. That is why I got the training for EMT, I always find myself in those situations where it is needed.
  9. Elkhunter1

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    That's a gooden!!!!!! Looks like 124 3/8
  10. Elkhunter1

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

    That looks like a 147 2/8 What a monster!!!!
  11. Elkhunter1

    2011 34a HAM Hunt

    Nice story, great pigs!