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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    AZGF what are you thinking?

    I SIT HERE CORRECTED!!!!!!!!!!!! My apologies to everyone on this part of my complaint. I still don't get their reasoning behind the closure.
  2. Elkhunter1

    AZGF what are you thinking?

    As I stated above the wording states that Jan. 1 to 31 2013 is open on page 3 but when you look on page 13 it isn't there. they are conflicting themselves. WHICH ONE IS ACCURATE?????
  3. Elkhunter1

    AZGF what are you thinking?

    Bradley: If you look at page 14 you will see the hunt dates and units. Look at the Dec 14,2012 to Jan 31,2013 UNIT 34A is not in the group of open units. This is what I am referencing. They might have stated in the language only the Dec hunt would be canceled but the reg. page includes Jan 2013.
  4. Elkhunter1

    AZGF what are you thinking?

    The hunt guidelines call for only a certain percentage of the harvest to be taken by archers. I think 20. If this is exceeded the first thing they do is eliminate the dec hunt, then half of jan hunt, then make it a draw hunt. What I saw was the Dec. and Jan hunts cancelled.
  5. Elkhunter1

    Few pics from over the winter

    That's a good looking bunch! great pics, and yes that looks like a bearded hen.
  6. Elkhunter1

    Matching mule deer sheds

    Mason just sent the pic to me so here it is. WOW!!!!
  7. Elkhunter1

    Matching mule deer sheds

    Pm sent
  8. Elkhunter1

    tv interview

    I just talked with Channel 13 and they are talking about this bill in their meetings. I was told they are digging into this issue and would get back to me on it.
  9. That is where you guys are wrong. donniedent says "I'll never buy an auction tag so i'm not misssing anything" You may never buy an auction tag but you sure a heck benefit from them. Have you ever seen how dependant the elk in unit 9 and the deer in in unit 13 are on madmade water catchments. Do you think these catchments just sprout and grow on there own. NO! They cost tens of thousands of dollars each and catchments are only one of many things that auction tags fund. So, while you may never buy one you most certainly would be missing alot of thing without them. Again, remove the blinders and look at the real picture here... You say take off the blinders, well I for one can see right through you and your cronies. This bill is just the stepping stone to taking total control over the natural resources that this state has to offer EVERY MAN, WOMEN, AND CHILD, (as in public property). You say all the money will go to the wildlife, then you need to prove it to me. When you can do that I will vote for this bill or anybody in the leg. that votes for it. The real problem is you can't prove that with the wording that is in it now.
  10. Elkhunter1

    tv interview

    My response to this thread dealt specifically with the remark about pitting auction hunters against regular joe hunters. Auction tags have benefited every single hunter in AZ period whether you will admit it or not! To go on TV and condemn the evil auction hunter is stupid and ignorant. Again, if they want to oppose legislation as a whole, good on em, but as a hunter myself, to publically condemn a program that has huge benefits in terms of hundreds of water projects, some habitat projects and various studies is counter productive to Arizona hunting overall. Set your blinders down for a second and look outside your boxes for a moment... If 2072 is so dam good for Arizona then why don't you take all of the private groups out of the bill and name AZGFD the only ones that can auction off the tags. At least then we all can see where the money is going. NO PRIVATE HANDS ON THE MONEY
  11. Elkhunter1

    tv interview

    I also have sent an E-mail to channel 13 down here in Tucson. Will call them tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a similar response from them.
  12. Elkhunter1

    Fishing Roosevelt

    Looks like you guys had some real fun! Great pics.
  13. Elkhunter1

    What are you gunna get this year?

    All I want is my two front teeth, oh dam, I have to wait until Christmas. HA HA I need some more camo but I WANT a new bow.
  14. My dad taught me that sometimes you just have to do things for your self. He also mixed in that you may have to nudge some people to hear the ideas being said. I will nudge again.
  15. I agree ,We all can donate something for the cause , $ ,time labor, organizational skills , I have friends with backhoes, and other equipment.. Legally if we could organize something to make a road to access that public area, i'm definitively in there are lots of areas where the road only needs to be a few hundred feet. Coach , that is a great idea , we all know people with big heavy equipment . Coach you stated this on my posting about the locked gate on state trust land and I mentioned this to Mat Walton of G&F when I met him at the CAT meeting with the US Forest Service. I understand there is a lot of hoops that have to be jumped through, ie zoning, planning, erosion control, and permits plus others I can't remember BUT he was receptive to the idea of the volunteer manpower and equipment. I will be talking with him in the next week and I will mention it again.
  16. Elkhunter1

    Alpen Optics

    This type of customer service is very rare, when one finds it one must continue to do business with them. I know I will.
  17. I have heard of "camps" similar to this, where Political, Religious, or Conterversial discussions are not allowed, but most of these "camps" are located in Siberia, USSR... Not to but heads again but, I know several persons that won't listen to or partake in political discussions. I applaud TJ on not having those discussions in his camps. I truly believe that is where the conversation should be of a "GOOD AND FUN" variety. Those should be happy and fun times, not turned into an argument that would put a sour taste in ones mouth for the duration of the hunting camp. I too would not want that in my camp.
  18. Elkhunter1

    Homemade Lock boxes

    Hi: I can weld and I make heavy duty cam. boxes. check out this link. There is another member that has posted a How-to on boxes. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25162&st=0&p=253917&fromsearch=1&&do=findComment&comment=253917
  19. HERE HERE!!! TJ that is what needed to be said and I for one am glad to converse with you even if we have never met face-to-face. Thank you for all of your kind words throughout the posts you have responded to or started. Stephen (Elkhunter1)
  20. Elkhunter1

    Antler Crafts

    +1000 Do you sell your work and how much?
  21. Elkhunter1

    What handheld GPS do you use and why?

    Sorry AzLance I use an older Garmin GPS60 it has good memory but the newer units have better software and more features.
  22. Elkhunter1

    What weight arrow/broad head for elk?

    Why do you have to use a fixed blade broadhead? There are mechs. that are designed for Elk. Try the Swhacker, it was designed for Elk and has multiple kia's on good bulls as well as larger game.
  23. Elkhunter1


  24. Elkhunter1

    Forest Service travel management meeting

    Yes, I got the E-mail yesterday I hope you can attend.
  25. The Forest Service is having a Meeting on the travel management proposal for the Santa Catalina Ranger District. This CAT team meeting will be held at the Tucson Interagency Fire Center located at 2646 E. Commerce Place, Tucson, AZ This meeting will start at 5:15 and you are all welcome to attend and give comments and ideas to the FS. This is a collaborative effort between the FS, AZGFD, ranchers, and us the users of the Forest lands. Your input is greatly needed and would help in the process so we get our say as to what they finalize. THANKS FOR YOU TIME! Hope to see you there.