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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    Swhacker all the way! Even if you almost miss you get this!
  2. Elkhunter1

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    I agree with all of this. The animals I've killed with 2 blade Rages looked like a hatchet went through them. They also fly just like field points. However, I've drawn on and elk and pigs and had to let down multiple times due to Rages prematurely opening in the quiver or on my stalk. Needless to say, I'm a fixed blade guy now. If you don't move much (ie hunt from a stand or blind) I am a huge fan of Rages. If you are a spot and stalk guy and move a lot, go fixed blade. That all being said, almost any broadhead will work fine for deer. The differences between most broad heads are marketing gimmicks IMHO. With the Swhacker you don't have to worry about "premature opening," or if they will open at all.
  3. Elkhunter1

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    I have shot and killed with both. I now and will always use Swhackers, they always open and have virgin blades cutting all the vitals inside the animal. If you are concerned about toughness, don't worry this head was designed with Elk in mind. I have missed shots, picked up my arrow and the head was still in tacked, a little sharpening and good to go!
  4. Elkhunter1

    Boogie Monster!

    Wheres Megan Fox because shes insanely hot. If you fallow the helo, you just might get to see her.
  5. Elkhunter1

    Trail Cam Box

    Glad you are happy with it. Good hunting!
  6. Elkhunter1

    Boogie Monster!

    No it is ours, it is the Super Stallion. The qestion is WHO owns it.
  7. Elkhunter1

    Boogie Monster!

    Ya think maybe their making another Transformers movie here in Tucson? The nose numbers 04 is the same as the first movie.
  8. Elkhunter1

    Nikon Binocular Warranty

    Alpen did the same for me, its good to know that good companies are still out there.
  9. Elkhunter1


    It is days like this that I wish I had stayed in college, I would take your case for free if I had the license. I would love to be the one that takes them down, The dentist, the investment group, and the school dept. I hope Isaac can put this behind him and show them he is much better than where they place him. NO BODY DESERVES WHAT THEY DID AND/OR LET HAPPEN.
  10. Elkhunter1

    Online draw

    Their Commador 64's need new floppy drives? I thought they upgraded last year to the Tandy 1000EX
  11. Elkhunter1

    Trail cam placement

  12. Elkhunter1

    Trail cam placement

    I got back late yesterday from placing my cams out down south. I was wondering if anybody has used Purina's Deer Block before and what was your results? I tried a mineral block two seasons ago and there was still about 25% of it still there. It looks like there was something licking it though I can't tell what.
  13. Elkhunter1

    Where's Lark?

    Here larky larky larky, here larky larky!!! Did that work? WE DO MISS YOUR WITTY BANTER!
  14. Elkhunter1


    So are you telling us that they have gotten away with it. Did you call the police as that is aggravated assault by state statute. If you didn't give consent to the procedure then who at the school did and if they did you should be able to sue them for over stepping their authority. I would scream to every state agency as well as the feds for civil rights violations. All is IMHO I would have a very hard time controlling myself when it comes to the dentist.
  15. Elkhunter1

    Trail cam placement

    I was looking for the min. blocks when I found the rock at the feed store, but I wasn't prepared to buy three of them, so I went with the Deer Block and cut it into three pieces.
  16. Elkhunter1


    I also am waiting for the dust to die down on which org. to join, but my son and I helped on a water catchment project in 37A with Ben Brochu. The whole group is a class act group of diehard workers for wildlife.
  17. Elkhunter1

    Trail cam placement

    I found a feed store here in Tucson that has the Trophy Rock and at the best price $10.99. That will be my next buy unless the Deer Block works well. (fingers crossed)
  18. Elkhunter1

    Laws Regarding Baiting

    I was on my first jr. hunt years ago with my father and grandfather. It was an anterless hunt in Kiabab. My grandfather dropped my dad and I off on old logging rd about 30min. in on opening morning. We hiked 100 yrds and he spotted several does in a feild so we set up and my dad walked me through the whole "know your shot and beyond etc" and I took my animal. Turned out that it was a buck but the "nubs" had not broken through the skin so it was legal. After being so pumped I had taken my first big game animal and pictures with my dad and grandfather, my father starts showing me how to feild dress the deer. Out of no where a game and fish guy walks up between my father and I (Without saying a word) grabs the head and starts rubbing the head with his hand to see if the knub would push through. He then started grilling me about unethical shots and that should have not shot him and that I can have my licsence taken away (All the while never saying who he is or aknowledging my dad or grandfather.) Naturally my dad steps in because the guy was inches away from my nose and they get in a shouting match for 10-15min. Needless to say at 14 yrs old on my first hunt I felt bad and it ruined that morning. So since that time I make sure I know my rights as well as do's and dont's and it has come in handy several times when setting up a camera or walking around with corn. I am willing to bet the G & F was having a bad morning but just the same it was unncessary. Sorry to hear that, all law enforcement agencies do have a few bad apples in them. Sounds like he was pushing for his first case. ( a little green)
  19. Elkhunter1


    We wanted to send a "happy mothers day" to all and best wishes. This was our mothers day celebration table fare, plus baked potato's and corn. Pork spare ribs, Italian sausage and Brats. Decided to take pics after I was almost done cooking.
  20. Elkhunter1

    Coues Fight

    That is the best video I' ve seen. three bucks getting into it!!! AUSUME!
  21. Elkhunter1

    Locked gate on state trust land

    Audsley, we are only at half-time. There is a lot of work ahead and it would be nice to get a head count of the guys that would be willing to accompany me if I can get a meeting with some of the Commissioners of AZGFD. I will be calling Matt tomorrow to get a progress report on his efforts. Next step is the request for the sit down.
  22. Elkhunter1

    Locked gate on state trust land

    Matt and myself agree that location would be the safest location to access that entire area. He has to get them to keep it open.
  23. If I read the recommendations right, AZGF wants to close the late archery hunt in 34A. They say there is a 50% success rate overall for archers during the late hunt. THEN they increase 50 tags for the general hunts and decrease the muzz. hunts by 25. Increasing the overall load on the unit seems to contradict their statement us archers are overly successful in the late hunt. You can't make a statement needing to close a hunt then increase tags for other hunts in the same unit. The numbers don't lie. If the unit can't sustain the total number of animals harvested, then why increase the number of tags in said unit. I guess they are counting on the decrease in KIA during the late hunt to offset the total numbers. It just looks bad when they do things like this. Decrease the days not the whole hunt.
  24. Elkhunter1

    30-06 For Long Range?

    I have used a Winchester 70 in 30-06. I would go down to the rifle range and always shoot the ram silhouettes at 500 yrds off hand. With the right bullet, powder, brass, and primer you can get your riffle to accurately hit out past 500 yrds. If you hand load, you MUST measure every powder charge in every round.