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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    Topic about corrupt AZGFD is pinned at the top of the page

    The funny aspect of this is Mr B. started it and responded to his own post 12 times in 9 pages. You can tell you are way to young and inmature son. Its not your battle to fight yet you have spent countless hours defending in was seems your post is all but correct. I don't know you I am sure you are a great kid. But seriously if you want to attack people or talk trash about some one, log on to your facebook or my space or what ever and blast one of your buddies. It doesn't belong on here. No, they shouldn't delete it. BC777 does give insight into the way G&F conducts internal investigations, HOWEVER the name calling from all involved is and should never be tolerated here. BC777, I was totally in your corner until you started hitting below the belt. Once you start down that road you loose all credibility with most of us "honest" hunters. I firmly believe "you can't fix it if don't know it's broke" Posting this topic opens the door to getting it fixed. I have NOT read the court transcripts and I will not comment on the legality of what has been reported on this thread. TO ALL LAW ABIDING HUNTERS OUT THERE KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DO AND GOOD HUNTING!!
  2. Elkhunter1

    Best Italian Restaurants

    I like Bianci's in Tucson. Their Lasagna and Veal Parmesan are outstanding. They also have a Chicken Alfredo pizza that is great.
  3. Elkhunter1

    Jack woulda shot it!

    realistically, I wouldn't want to take it out in the field for fear of scratching it. I learned at a very young age to sacrifice myself before my rifle. One of the stipulations of the build is that it is to be used for hunting. My wife fell on her .257 and snapped the stock through the grip, it was an awesome looking rifle. Fortunately my Dad built her another one that is even more wild. This is the first one built on a Marlin X7. I couldn't get into the $650.00 for a 700 just to throw away the tupperware. The X7 has a really good barrel, and an excellent trigger. Great buy for $400.00. With my dad being a Hunting Safety Instructor when I was a kid, I too was taught to put your weapon first. That didn't always happen. I would cry if I scratched that rifle!!!
  4. Elkhunter1

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    I agree with the mandatory harvest report, all though on this site all I ever see when a new rule is implemented is how stupid that is and we don't need more rules so how does the AZGFD go about forcing people to report. I looked and it appears NMGFD rule is you don't report by a certain time you aren't elgible for the next draw. It must work to a point but they don't have bonus points. Can you imagine the uproar if someone lost their loyal point because they didn't report. Oregon has had mandatory reporting for years but no enforcing of it, they were only getting a 42% compliance so this year they will charge an extra $25 if you hadn't reported again I believe that would cause a huge uproar here. Now there is the question of are they doing that bad of job, it seems to me that if the majority of people weren't happy with the AZGFD they would be getting so much negative feed back that they would have to change something. Lets say they cut tags back no doubt lost revenue so what now, they raise fees they have to, and lets don't kid ourselves the passage of this new bill the department will be changing the fee structure. I honestly don't mind some fee increases lets be honest the cost of doing business is true for the AZGFD too. I guess for me it just doesn't seem like its that bad. NOT THAT BAD? When does it get "that bad, when the deer population is so low you see 20 hunters for every deer, or is it when you get real excited to see one deer all day? I have seen the Mule Deer population diminish significantly over the last 20 years. I used to hunt them in areas that now have hardly any Mulies and what you do see aren't the size they were years earlier. I for one would like to get something changed BEFORE we get to crisis levels....JMTSW
  5. Elkhunter1

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    Really, every deer I have ever harvested with a bow I called a number and told a gal what unit the deer was harversted in, how many points it had, how many days hunted ,type of bow,ect. so I'm pretty sure there was no guess work at all there so it seems to me that data they get from all the mandatory archery report isn't guessing it is right from the hunter who harvested, I have also filled out a great deal of survey cards from the GF and have always filled them out honestly, pretty sure the survey cards ask unit harvested, weapon type spike, buck or doe and if any deer couldn't be recovered ect. It seems to me that data also isn't guess work. I would love to see mandatory harvesting, I have filled out alot of those surveys on line it is fast and simple.!!!!Again I will state... The department does not use the information from the manditory reporting of archers to get there numbers as to how many animals were harvested!!!!!!!! and keep in mind only 20%of the survey cards sent to hunters get returned... IT IS A GUESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its all crap datathis is another good point, if and only if all hunters report their hunt outcome canthey have accurate numbers to base the hunts and permit numbers by. HARD NUMBER ARE HARD TO DISPUTE!
  6. Elkhunter1

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    that's the same song and dance to give about 34A's December Archery hunt. At the same time they added 25 mule deer tags for rifle. I must have read the regs wrong because to me it looks like 34A has 25 tags for mule deer which is the same as last year it does look like they lowered the any antlered muzzy hunt by 50 tags though yes, last year is the time I'm referring to when the changes were made for 34A. I posted about it last year.I still don't see where they added 25 mule deer tags for 34A. I looked back in the regs all the way back to 2008 and there has always been 25 rifle mule deer tags, that's the same song and dance to give about 34A's December Archery hunt. At the same time they added 25 mule deer tags for rifle. I must have read the regs wrong because to me it looks like 34A has 25 tags for mule deer which is the same as last year it does look like they lowered the any antlered muzzy hunt by 50 tags though yes, last year is the time I'm referring to when the changes were made for 34A. I posted about it last year.I still don't see where they added 25 mule deer tags for 34A. I looked back in the regs all the way back to 2008 and there has always been 25 rifle mule deer tags, if I remember it was muzzleloader tags, I will have to check when I get my laptop back in a couple of days.
  7. Elkhunter1

    Jack woulda shot it!

    My thoughts exactly! realistically, I wouldn't want to take it out in the field for fear of scratching it.
  8. Elkhunter1

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    that's the same song and dance to give about 34A's December Archery hunt. At the same time they added 25 mule deer tags for rifle.I must have read the regs wrong because to me it looks like 34A has 25 tags for mule deer which is the same as last year it does look like they lowered the any antlered muzzy hunt by 50 tags though yes, last year is the time I'm referring to when the changes were made for 34A. I posted about it last year.
  9. Elkhunter1

    Jack woulda shot it!

    that is just plain gorgeous!!
  10. Elkhunter1

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    that's the same song and dance to give about 34A's December Archery hunt. At the same time they added 25 mule deer tags for rifle.
  11. Elkhunter1

    Gun Buyback Program-Phoenix PD

    Nope... you heard right, BUT the new law hasn't taken effect yet!
  12. Elkhunter1

    Gun Buyback Program-Phoenix PD

    That was a great day for gun owners, it showed WE will not lay down and let the liberal S.O.B's run over us!!!
  13. Elkhunter1

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    This will be the second year 34A will be closed during the Dec. hunt.
  14. Elkhunter1

    Gun Buyback Program-Phoenix PD

    We had buyers down here in Tucson at the last B.S. gun buy back.
  15. It looks legit to me and we all benefit when the NRA gets the proceeds, and Raul gets good publicity. (not that he needs it)
  16. Elkhunter1

    4 hours and one bite

    What lake r u at? I don't recognize it from your photo.
  17. Elkhunter1

    US Remington 03-a3

    Do you have any pics, what is the manufacture date, and what is the serial number? Can you tell if the remaining pieces are matching, ie is it a piece gun. All answers will effect the overall price.
  18. Elkhunter1

    YOU tell me!!!

    I put one of mine out last week with a homemade cable and lags holding it to the tree. "Fingers crossed" It is at least 1/2 mile from the road.
  19. Elkhunter1

    YOU tell me!!!

    I am sure you guys will knock me around for this question, but here goes. I am looking at the Python cable locks, to integrate them into my fabrications for lock boxes. What do you use, and what do you think is the best system to use? Also what size do you use? 3/16 dia 5/16 dia 3/8 dia Thanks for your responses. Stephen
  20. Elkhunter1

    YOU tell me!!!

    If you check out some of my other postings in the Trail cam forum you will see I do use lags but my box design utilizes a bracket so I can swivel and pivot to cam for good coverage "you can't always get the tree in the right spot" I also use a welded chain to wrap the tree. Last year one of my boxes was stolen, they ripped the lags out of the fence post and cut the barbed wire to slip off the chain. Bad placement!!!! I am wondering if the weight difference is worth the stress of "IS IT STILL THERE?"
  21. Elkhunter1

    best Sea food

    Fresh Salmon marinated in Creamy Italian dressing for 4 hrs then grilled over Mesquite. Served with fresh Zucchini and yellow Squash sliced with Shallots, Garlic and seasoned. Add Butter place in tin foil and put on the grill for 10 minutes per side. Slice potatoes with Yellow Onion, Salt, Pepper and Butter, again place in tin foil. Grill for 15-20 per side. Sit down with your favorite Beverage and enjoy!
  22. Elkhunter1

    YOU tell me!!!

    Thanks for all of your responses, it gives me great pause to evaluate my next move!
  23. Elkhunter1

    YOU tell me!!!

    I was looking for a good strong system, but I am also wanting to lighten the already heavy load to my boxes. Do you think the extra weight is worth it?
  24. Elkhunter1

    A few bear pics

    Looking good so far this year. Hope you get a biggun this year!
  25. Elkhunter1

    bull frogs spots?

    I used to get good legs down in Pena Blanca, haven't been there since they refilled it though.