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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    Checked cams (hit list confirmed)

    Kevin, did you get the pics I sent you this morning? I'll ask maybe he will give me the time.
  2. Elkhunter1

    Who hunts coues with a 30-06

    My dad has used his O3A3 from when I can remember, the 70's. He has killed Coues, Mulley's, Bears, and Elk all with a 130 Grn Hornady hand loaded round. SHOOT, SHOOT, SHOOT and when you think your done SHOOT some more, you will do fine!!!
  3. Elkhunter1

    Checked cams (hit list confirmed)

    Hit list done. Now all I need is the coordinates. HaHa. Great pics, great spots, great BULLS.
  4. "The Swhacker would be the only head I would use that is a jack knifing style head as it open inside the cavity and stays on track but IMO the entrance hole is too darn small. Quartering away shot into an elk far shoulder and your blood trail would be zilch." Quote from GBA Like what every body else has said shot placement is key, but I also think that the BH that will penetrate and open on the quartering shot should be in you arsenal. I truly believe the Swhacker is that head. Case in point: this buck was walking slightly quartering away and the shooter was in a tree stand. Yes the shot wasn't the best but look at the hole! This pic shows my brothers buck. I watched the shot through my 10x50's at 120 yards. The buck stopped as my brother released and he was barley hit in the neck. He ran only 35 yards with a solid blood trail. Now as far a BIG animals are concerned this bull didn't have a chance! Now I can't make anyone try the BH, all I can ask is that you shoot it and see for your self.
  5. Elkhunter1

    Trail cams and BP?

    AZLance is right on the money!!! Any body can ask any question, the uniform also doesn't mean you need to correctly answer it. (depending on the question) Remember you have the right to remain silent.
  6. Elkhunter1

    Boyz of Summer

    A bakers dozen, don't get much better than that. Except when your arrow center punches the big boy!!!
  7. Elkhunter1

    Wood work

    Anything OLD you find during your scouting or hunting trips. On my trips I have found old door locks, hinges, mining stuff, and one old U.S. Cavalry belt buckle. Adding stuff like that shows the heritage of hunting and the hardship of settling this land.
  8. Elkhunter1

    Cwt.com cook book?

    Snapshot I'll sign it for you haha
  9. Elkhunter1

    I drew a tag!!!!

    Even after a bad day at work all I have to do is read a couple of posts here and LMAO!!! Thanks guys.
  10. Elkhunter1

    Saw hacker bands

    80, but I know guys that can and do kill out to 120 with them. Olympic style shooting back in the day with long bows was 90 meters.
  11. Elkhunter1

    Saw hacker bands

    Absolutely not that will result in what happened to me last year. The broadhead opened at release and I lost the biggest Coues I have ever seen let alone shot at. Even if the band is a little loose that is fine as long as it stays in the groove.
  12. Elkhunter1

    Happy Birthday TJHUNT2

    Sorry I just got home from work, I can see you have had a good day so far. Hope it's all good. (better late than never) HaHa! A big toast to YOU!
  13. Elkhunter1

    Saw hacker bands

    Are you referring to Swhacker broadheads? If you are the bands are made of shrink tubbing, all you need to do is heat them up to tighten on the head.
  14. Elkhunter1

    Great Days!

    my boy is 11 and he is getting into the scouting thing.
  15. Elkhunter1

    Checked cams (vers 3)

  16. Elkhunter1

    3a 3c Archery Elk Tag...

    You could try sitting one of the transition lanes between the feeding and bedding areas until around 10AM, and vise versa in the evenings until dark. I killed two Bulls that way. Do plenty of scouting to find the lanes. Good luck!
  17. Elkhunter1

    Tribute to Missy

    I know from past loved and lost, that was the hardest most loving thing you did. Your tribute and marker show how loved she was and will continue to be. Our hearts are with you and Peg. May Gods light shine on you both.
  18. Elkhunter1

    Best fletching jig on the market?

    I would be willing to buy your Bitzenburger jig if you get a new one and it is a rt helical. PM me if you are going to. thx
  19. Elkhunter1

    Feral Hogs in New Mexico

    A ton of years ago my dad, brother and I hunted hogs near the Grey ranch, saw a lot of hogs even got one. If the timing is right I would like to tag along.
  20. Elkhunter1

    What kind of track is this?

    No that would be BOOT prints!! HA HA
  21. Elkhunter1

    Off road travel to retrieve Big Game

    One day you might be 75 years old and still want to hunt or take your grandchild hunting. Just a thought. There will come a day when I will no longer hunt!!! Then I will have to beg for a hunk of venison! Even now I welcome help when I have a animal down meanwhile while waiting for old age to set in I will quater & pack & help others to do so when asked! Can't argue witth any of these comments.
  22. Elkhunter1

    Feral Hogs in New Mexico

    +1....... We can all split the gas!!!! Now we're talking! I get the front seat. TJ Only you would call "SHOTGUN" first. HA HA HA
  23. Elkhunter1

    Score this buck!!!

    1 He scores 1 Swhacker tipped arrow. Great looking buck.
  24. Elkhunter1

    i think hes a shooter...or not?

    DEAD buck walking!!!