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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    A Few Pics

    What I understand is that we can only use pure salt and that ranchers can use whatever they deem necessary to the health of their heard. Who is to say the block has to be white?
  2. Not one name from Arizona on that list!
  3. Elkhunter1

    Big Boy Down!!!!

    Now that is funny sh!& right there!!!
  4. Elkhunter1

    Big Boy Down!!!!

    hurry hurry there's still a chance does anybody know CPR
  5. I am soooo glad to see others taking the time and expending the energy it takes to clean OUR lands. THANK YOU GUYS!!!
  6. That's just the way I am wired! I can't stand Rapists, child molesters, drug dealers, and bad cops. Not necessarily in that order. Oh ya and guys that trash our lands.
  7. +1!!! I am often picking up other people's trash! If you can pack it in when it's heavy, why leave it when it's empty! This applies to all kinds of things...shotgun shells, oil cans, food containers, drink bottles, etc... I have even packed out sleeping bags left behind by the drug smugglers that do "over watch" and spot for the mules. ((double satisfaction there))
  8. Elkhunter1

    Today was a good day...

    helped a coule of CWT.com members with their dead battery I guess they didn't read my post on jumping my truck with a DeWalt 20 volt Lith. Ion drill battery. Ha Ha
  9. Elkhunter1

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    My favorite is completely SOUTHERN. I let the breasts sit in the fridge. for a few days then they sit in milk for an hour. Salt and peppered flour then in the electric skillet until almost done. While they rest I make southern gravy, (thick), take the buttermilk biscuits out of the oven, finish the corn and mashed potatoes and serve promptly. My second is taking the breasts when they are only half cooked and adding them to your favorite chili. Makes a great camp meal, simple and hearty.
  10. Food, water, a wing and a prayer. HA HA I wear camo just as I do for any big game.
  11. Elkhunter1

    This post is for the dogs

    OK here is my sons Beagle. "LUCY" She is also my office's Mascot! Here is one of her pups, "RHETT" He's my boy, as you can see he goes scouting with me.
  12. Elkhunter1

    Some pictures of this year's scouting

    you might wanna pick up a dope smuggler tag! I have already filled my quota for this season!! HAHA
  13. Elkhunter1

    These made up for my misses!

    Hey all I got was 350lbs of pot, bodies, radios, cell phones, and paper intel. haha Yours = Better
  14. Elkhunter1

    down south

    red Toyota the ladder rack. bigorange and I were just east of you
  15. Elkhunter1

    down south

    saw you down south today hopefully you got lucky I know I didn't
  16. Elkhunter1

    Saw a Red Toyota In Unit 34A

    Yes sir! yep that was me the McGuyver crime-fighting extraordinaire
  17. Elkhunter1

    Saw a Red Toyota In Unit 34A

    Was there a ladder rack on it?
  18. Elkhunter1


    Nope not what you think! As I got to my parking spot I almost hit a doe AND a person. As I was climbing the hill I looked back and saw 8 guys carrying burlap packs and one guy brushing the tracks off the road, he was also providing "over watch" for the others. It looked like he had an AK. He looked back and saw me calling Border Patrol, after that they picked up the pace. As BP and Omaha came on scene I was able to guide them in on my last sighting of the group by talking to one of the K-nine units. Before it was all said and done there was a dozen trucks and two Helos providing support. Patrol Agent Jeramey called when they were done to thank me for my help and to advise me they got half of the guys, all of the dope, radios, cell phones,maps and other Intel. He also estimated the weight at 350lbs. Those bozos trekked right through the canyon I was going to hunt. they ruined my hunt so I returned the favor by ruining their day and giving them some jewelry to ware. Getting the news did brighten what was a very frustrating day! I would to the same thing again in a heartbeat!!!! Sorry no pics! I was concentrating on getting Omaha in on the group.
  19. The day started out according to plan, Brad met me and we were off to the spot I had planned out days ago. The plan was to work our way up the ridge to a saddle I had seen several good bucks travel over for the past several seasons. As we reached the AMBUSH site, I peered over the edge and 450 yards down the ridge I spotted several bucks feeding. That turned into 6 bucks and two does. After watching them for awhile I realized they were not going to top the saddle we were in, but the next one over. After adjusting our position we were in the other saddle waiting for them to cross, they never did. While waiting I watched a troop of Coatimundis. As time would have it Brad would have to depart for family obligations by noon. As we worked our way back to the trucks we pushed up two does and a heard of Javelina. Another doe almost ran us over as she topped a rock pile at 8 ft. After Brad left I repositioned myself and started glassing trying to find those bucks, I never did. I decided to relocate to another canyon, after driving to the top lookout spot I started glassing and right away I spotted several Coues. Most were does but two were small bucks (too far to stalk) for their size. I decide it's time to start down the canyon. I turn the key and nothing, the truck wont start. I cleaned the battery terminals and check all the connections annnnd NOTHING. I sigh of relief as I check my phone and there is 2 bars. I called the wife and then realized she can't get anywhere near me. I then tried to get others without avail, "all circuits are busy" are you kidding me!!!!! As I sit in my dead truck trying get signal again I look down and on the passenger floor board I see my DeWalt Impact gun. It comes to me "take the battery apart." I took the battery pack out of the casing and wire it to the truck battery. It worked, I cant believe it actually worked. McGiver you got nothing on me!!! I drove straight to O'Rileys and had to drop $100 for a new battery. The Quest for the Coues Deer continues tomorrow. Hopefully with better results. OK guys here is the complete run down: I took my DeWalt 20 volt 1.5 amp battery and with my set of security bits and a Leatherman I took the screws out. After taking the case off and identifying the positive and negative leads to the battery, I then took some #10 braided wire and with the Leatherman stripped off the ends. Again using the Leatherman I loosened the terminals to the truck battery and connected the wires. With crossed fingers and a prayer I turned the key. It started right up. Here is a shot of the security screws i took out. OK! you can laugh now the battery is labeled + - ( wasn't looking last night) This is of course a simulated photo. User of the method of jumping your truck battery assumes all risks involved!
  20. Elkhunter1


    honestly they will do most anything to avoid confrontatin besides I wouldn't have had a problem exchanging lead
  21. Elkhunter1


    Nope, exact same spot the only deer I saw in there was a few does. Saw one small forky about four miles east of there.if you were with me we could have taken them and saved the Border Patrol lot of time and money
  22. Elkhunter1

    Opening day Blues!! UPDATED

    Ok guys it is updated.
  23. Elkhunter1

    Opening day Blues!! UPDATED

    I will recreate the scene while eating lunch today.
  24. Elkhunter1

    find the coues

    I thought Easter Egg hunts were hard!!!
  25. Elkhunter1

    Couple of items for sale plus a .22 pistol (All Sold)

    I will take the GPS.