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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    Police report

    LMAO that's funny!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Elkhunter1

    Buying new camo

    unless your fat, then you gotta but it online!! But I'm sure they have your size.Are you trying to say I am FAT? I bet I could run you into the groung going up hill even at my age 44. 8 months doing my job 6 days a week and hiking on my day off I lost 45lbs. DO I LOOK FAT TO YOU???? 1052.jpg hahaha!!! Take it easy bud! I'm sayin I'm fat! I'm sure most anyone could out run me! I buy mine online cause sportsmen's doesn't carry the big guy sizes. I've met the OP, he's a regular lookin American so I'm sure sportsmen's has his size. Sorry took it the wrong way... used to be fat I guess I am still touchy about it. It's all good. I don't know what size you are but last time in there they had some larger sizes.
  3. Elkhunter1

    Buying new camo

    unless your fat, then you gotta but it online!! But I'm sure they have your size. Are you trying to say I am FAT? I bet I could run you into the groung going up hill even at my age 44. 8 months doing my job 6 days a week and hiking on my day off I lost 45lbs. DO I LOOK FAT TO YOU????
  4. Elkhunter1

    Buying new camo

    KINGS Desert Shadow. Sportsmans Warehouse
  5. Elkhunter1

    *26m safety tip

    glad to see someone else out there stepping up and actually taking care of business. drugs do not have a place in this country
  6. Elkhunter1


    LMAO that's good stuff right there!
  7. Elkhunter1

    Lock Box

    out2hunt: here is the pics I told you about first one is your cam and the second is the cropped one that shows the measurements I need for the opening. Thx Stephen
  8. Elkhunter1

    Lock Box

    I will get started on them this Wednesday (day off). It will take some time as I am still hunting big mulies and my HAM hunt starts next month, then it's all hands on. I am thinking of combining my mounting bracket system to the larger boxes, that would make for an easier installation for you.
  9. Elkhunter1

    Lock Box

    Which ones? Frankie bought me two of the D-55IRXT so I will need two boxes made. Can I get the hook up Elkhunter1?? I think my dad has one the same size, so I could fab a couple of boxes. I usually weld chain to my boxes due to cable can be chewed on with side cutters strand-by-strand until it's cut. You are looking at about 30-35 pounds with cam in it. Sweet. Let me know when they are ready or if you need one for dimensions. I will gladly pay for your time and efforts to keep my equipment safe. Let me talk to my dad to confirm my thought. I don't know if Kevin told you are not but my boxes run around 90 dollars.
  10. Elkhunter1

    Lock Box

    Which ones? Frankie bought me two of the D-55IRXT so I will need two boxes made. Can I get the hook up Elkhunter1?? I think my dad has one the same size, so I could fab a couple of boxes. I usually weld chain to my boxes due to cable can be chewed on with side cutters strand-by-strand until it's cut. You are looking at about 30-35 pounds with cam in it.
  11. Elkhunter1

    My first buck with a bow

    That's a good first post, archery deer, and start to a long relationship on this site.
  12. Elkhunter1

    Lock Box

    The weight depends on the size of the camera. My boxes range from 10lbs to 40lbs. The weight also depends on if the customer wants chain welded to the box or if they want to use a cable lock. Each box is designed based on the camera to be used, custom fitted like a good suit.
  13. Elkhunter1

    Lock Box

    I design and fabricate SECURITY BOXES here are a few: This last box was made after I was commissioned to make 6 boxes for two customers. It was made for my new camera and I didn't have the time needed to complete the paint process. All of my designs are original all the way down to the camo pattern and paint process.
  14. Elkhunter1

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Well lets see: Archery; 2 Bulls, 3 Mulies, 1 Coues, 12 Pigs. Rifle; 3 Mulies, 2 Coues. Several Coyotes Handgun; 1 Pig. Been hunting since I was knee-high to a Grasshopper. I did have a 15 year hiatus with several injuries.
  15. Elkhunter1

    Not just Another Pig

    Well Tj another adventurous hunt in the books for you. Congrats to you both. My pig hunt won't start for another month, gettin itchy!!! My last three days chasing mulies I've had pigs well within range. Almost released on one giant one at 10 yards, sooooo tempting.
  16. Elkhunter1

    Trophy Javelina

    Was his eyes red?
  17. Elkhunter1

    javelina help!!

    That pedal to the left of the accelerator.....is the brake. ;-) When you travel that fast and your shift ends at 2100, I guarantee you will hit something on that road. OK it was one incedent but it was three pigs by my truck and two from the car right behind me. My buddy behind me stated all he saw was black and red parts flying out from under my Toyota.
  18. Elkhunter1

    javelina help!!

    I have hit several running the 79 around the Tom Mix wash.
  19. Elkhunter1

    What unit for Javelina and Coues

    I would say units 32 and 33 are good starting points.
  20. Elkhunter1

    Fish Netting in Urban?

    Are they part of the Urban lake program? I don't fish up there so I don't know all the lakes up there.
  21. Elkhunter1

    Fish Netting in Urban?

    Couldn't tell for sure from the stop light. They were the kind that flop around as a couple didn't make it in the bucket. They looked like Bass and not sunfish or Crappie by the shape and size, maybe carp? The net was about 3ft in diameter. Could they have been trout, they are being stocked this time of year? Either way they except carp are not legal to be seined or taken by throw net.
  22. Elkhunter1

    Fish Netting in Urban?

    What type of fish were they? As far as I now you can only net minnows and non-game fish. Also the net can't be any bigger than 3ft diameter.
  23. Elkhunter1

    Happy New Year

    Thanks for the wishes......but..... UofA won't loose 12 games and ASU won't win 12 games! LOL Hope 2014 is a good year for you as well!!!
  24. Elkhunter1

    Advice Please!

    My partner and I had a similar situation last year BUT.... we caught her in the act. During my attempt to detain her she tried make a move and I had to face plant her. She was convicted earlier this month for three felonies, Burglary, theft over $2000 and possession of drug paraphernalia. She gets sentenced next month. Hope your ending mirrors mine. Way to take action!
  25. Elkhunter1

    Conservation Contest

    This year I joined RMEF and received a great knife set and put it to good use this year cleaning and field processing my buddies deer during the first rifle hunt. I don't know if these count or not but I am also a member of North American Hunting Club and I am a life member of the NRA. I know the NAHC does sponsor several youth events throughout the country. Here is a pic of me using the knife set. Thanks Amanda!