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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    36C Javelina

    Great job!
  2. Elkhunter1

    Girls and Hunting

    I wouldn't say that to my family!!! The girls are better shots with the guns. Maybe because us guys always have the bow in our hands. That talk has never been tolerated in our houses. My mom was pregnant with me when she took her last buck! After that She just went and enjoyed the outdoors.
  3. Elkhunter1

    Whats in your holster ?

    We would be here all nite if you said all the pistols you have. lol
  4. Elkhunter1

    javelina bckstraps

    Oh yes I do! I have to wait to eat mine, he's in the refer. "aging" right now.
  5. Elkhunter1

    Opining day double

    Great job on the hunt! Also good job on the UFO in the upper left corner of pic 2.
  6. Elkhunter1

    Arrow builders

    Sounds like you got a very good start. Just take your time and you won't have to strip many off.
  7. Elkhunter1

    Whats in your holster ?

    Taurus PT-99 right now I have the new Hornady Critical Duty 135's in it. As soon as I can get another box I will do some ballistic tests and post results.
  8. Elkhunter1

    The Challenges Of Hunting!

    Thanks I knew you would read it, after all it is on Javelina. lol I enjoyed your story as well.
  9. Elkhunter1


    Here is the reason we all hate the Wrangler tire ....http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/44297-first-buck-down-chapter-2/ I posted this story during the first Coues hunt. I didn't name the tires but they are 235/75R15's Wranglers. Although I got a great deal on them, hind sight they aren't worth the stress and physical pain my family and I endured. This was not the first flats I got with them. I always keep plugs and Fix-A-Flat with me.
  10. Elkhunter1


    Nice! Great shot!
  11. Outstanding video and shot. Just goes to show ya the power of scouting!
  12. Elkhunter1

    The Challenges Of Hunting!

    Ya that Mulie is in serious trouble in Aug. ... unless I find the Coues bucks I've been tracking for the last three years, didn't see them last year.
  13. Elkhunter1

    Arrow builders

    The jig I would get and use is the Bitzenburger with the Rh helical. After getting mine and fletching some arrows my groups decreased in size by half. My arrows weigh in around 417 grns. This jig will take a little longer to get them done but you get what you pay for. This jig is metal not plastic and will last for decades, my brother has one we have used from the early 80's. I just needed my own, we seem to want it at the same time. lol
  14. Elkhunter1

    1978 CJ 5 For Sale or Trade

    Is that what it is? A license plate? I thought someone threw up on road kill and smashed it to the front bumper. F-ugly! Our Cat looks better than your little kid in red footies running around! Wish I had the cash it looks good!
  15. Elkhunter1

    The Challenges Of Hunting!

    yeah Brad it would be nice to have you there as well, sucks having Wednesdays and Thursdays off
  16. Elkhunter1

    Spot and Stalk Archery Mule Deer on last day

    that is definitely a shooter, great job!!
  17. Elkhunter1

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    You can add another bow kill to my list!!
  18. Elkhunter1

    Any HAM (mainly 'h') hunters?

    firstcoueswas80: Sorry I just couldn't get it done with my 9mm. Yesterday right at dark I missed a 35 yard shot. Today I went out with both and took this one at 50 yards with my Brute.
  19. Elkhunter1

    Advice Please!

  20. Elkhunter1

    today must be opposite day!

    I don't know which looks better the Javi or the 1911. Great job.
  21. Elkhunter1

    Advice Please!

    AWESOME! Her attorney tried to get me on assault for that move by trying to testimonytestamony around. He asked me to say how much "martial arts" training I had. I told him the training was from the academy, he quit thatquestioninguestoning.
  22. Elkhunter1

    Advice Please!

    My case was settled last week she was found guilty on all three charges and received 3 years in prison and 3 probation when she gets out and then I will start getting my $1500 in restitution. You should file for it you will get it if he is convicted. Congrats of handing Mesa PD a slam dunk case.
  23. Elkhunter1

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    I will be useing Hornady Critical Duty 135 in my 9mm
  24. Elkhunter1

    another new hunter joins us...

    Here I sit reading this post and I just realized that your respect level, although very high just topped the charts. You sir are a true sportsman!!!! Congrats to the young hunter!
  25. Elkhunter1

    warning on axis arrows

    One would think that Easton would re-design the HIT knowing this problem.