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Everything posted by Elkhunter1

  1. Elkhunter1

    Neat Finds

    Cool find you got there! Way back when I was just a wee lad my dad and I went out east of Tucson Just east of Houghton rd. to sight in his new scope. I had the 22 cal. pelletgun and was sniping my army men when I found a loaded 20mm shell. My dad called both the Sheriffs office and the Air Force neither one wanted to take possession of it so my dad and I de-milled it ourselves. Great desk art.
  2. Elkhunter1

    eastern hunting

    Boy, you definitely put some research into your trip, hope you are successful. Want a full report when you return.
  3. Elkhunter1

    Beautiful birds!

    NICE, how about some of the hunting variety?
  4. Elkhunter1

    which pack is the best all around for hunting?

    I have mentioned it before but I have the Sacrifice as my "all-around" pack and it's great. My avatar shows my pack stuffed with a boned out Coues and day pack worth of gear. It still had plenty of room even without the vertical expansion (that's where it meets the elk quarter need). It's light, comfortable, collapsible or expandable for varying volume requirements, bow/rifle friendly, an "all-around" great pack IMO. That is why I am looking at it as well as the Blue Widow from Eberlystock.
  5. Elkhunter1

    I won a Gould's Turkey Hunt

    Great write-up and pics. You guys definitely had a great time.
  6. Elkhunter1

    which pack is the best all around for hunting?

    I packed both hind quarters of this 120lb Coues last year, all up hill! This buck my dad killed was packed out whole strapped to the 2200.
  7. Elkhunter1

    which pack is the best all around for hunting?

    I have the Badlands 2200 ad I love it. But Iwould like to get the new Sacrifice from Badlands.
  8. Elkhunter1

    eastern hunting

    My brothers and I took his 1967 Chevy Belaire put spacers in he coil springs bigger shocks and 235 75 R 15's under it. That was our hunting rig. I used a Win. 30-30 with a Tasco 4x scope. I killed several Muleys, the only Coues killed was wit hmy Brothers Win. 30-06 with same type scope. A 300 yard shot was a very far one.
  9. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    The first surgeon did a Ulna ostiodomy (shortening) of the Ulna bone. He stated it was too long and needed to be shortened. After shortening it my wrist became unstable due to the major difference. My BETTER DR. stated that shortening it at my age was NOT the right thing to do as my wrist was very stable prior to the accident. He also stated that I had been seen by one of his best students and one of his worst. Well the worst was my first surgeon. It took him several hours and two surgeries just to fix the new issue. I now have a "floating" Ulna bone at the wrist. The knuckle end of the bone is now fused to my Radius and the bones of my hand.
  10. Elkhunter1

    eastern hunting

    Who out here uses the heater? I don't think I used mine at all last season.
  11. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    The real problem with my wrist wasn't the initial injury, it was what the first Dr. did during the first surgery. He totally screwed up my wrist . I had two follow-up surgeries to fix what he did, After the first one I couldn't even hold a gallon of milk without dropping it, or a plate of food at the Chinese buffet line. Soo embarrassing standing there with everybody looking at me with a huge mess at my feet. I warn everybody! if you need surgery on your wrist or hand call me I will tell you who the bad surgeon is!!!
  12. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    dang that looks worse than mine did. All I had was a wrist that looked like my bicep, super swollen.
  13. Elkhunter1

    Guts or Balls???

    I got one up on ya!!! My wife is Italian and American Indian (Blackfoot). She also was a Medical Examiner, she has the temper to kill, the ways to kill, and the knowledge to get away with it. I have the guts and the balls, but I am smart enough to push it right to the edge and not over. Married 18 years and counting.
  14. Elkhunter1

    Can we get hoodies made????

    i say camo with tan lettering.......just my opinion may not be possible because yo may not be able to get good camo sweatshirts at a good price not likely to get camo hoodies at a decent price. And then there is the whole debate about which camo pattern.....LOL! Honestly, I would buy a camo one no matter the patern with the orange camo lettering. However Max-1 or kings Desert Shadow works very well down south. Solid colors black or tan with orange camo lettering. Maybe look into different prices then put it to a vote which color or pattern with your price. Thanks for all that you do Amanda!
  15. Elkhunter1

    How Big is the bull?

    Based on the size of the antlers in relation to his eyes and the geometric shape and length I would have to say...... I have no freaking idea!!! lol
  16. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    Believe it or not but the one in my Avatar scores ONLY 316 2/8 it is a true 6x6.
  17. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    Don't rub it in to much Casey. lol
  18. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    Absolutely without a doubt!!!! I have experienced it first hand. I had five Coues bucks coming into a water tank daily between 09:30 and 13:45. The rancher placed around 50 to 75 head in this small pasture three days before the Aug. hunt. I sat it for three days and in that time the cows drank that tank nearly dry and I never saw the bucks or any deer for that matter, just cows in my face all day every day. With the cows hanging inside the tank fencing it kept the deer out.
  19. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    The cattle will sure appreciate it. No cattle in the areas I have salt!
  20. Elkhunter1

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    Thank you for your service and sacrifice!!!!!!
  21. Elkhunter1

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    As posted before, I only hunt south of Tucson including 33, 37A&B because I never get drawn for Elk any more. Now I have encountered both illegals and mules and every time they pick up their pace and continue on their way. what I mean by encountered is they saw me and I saw them. In most cases all they want is to get to their destination unmolested either by us hunters or by BP. Come down here and enjoy what the wilds of Southern Arizona has to offer.
  22. Elkhunter1

    Another BIG P&Y BULL Down! Kaibab!

    Burgers anybody? lol That right thar is some serious meat, another freezer on the way? Great job!
  23. Elkhunter1

    Aug. Archery

    Well I just got back from checking out my spots and refilling them with salt. The feeling is that Bradley Bishop or I will have a BBD this Aug.
  24. Elkhunter1

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    The point that most of us are saying is that every time you walk out the door there are risks, heck there are risks in your own home, with home invasions, burglary, and theft. Take the usual precausions and keep your ears and eyes open all the time, they WILL make noise long before you see them.
  25. Elkhunter1

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    This story is what I encountered during the Aug. archery season last year. I have hunted down here ALL of my life and would not hesitate to hunt solo or with my son. My son has acompanied me over 40 days scouting over the last several years. If you encounter undesireables don't make it a big deal. Every time except this one I have heard them long before I could see them. Several times I "played" with them by making noises and as they looked in my direction I moved and got noticed, all they would do is move faster in the direction they were going. READ MY POST! Obviously I can't guarentee nothing will happen but with all of the encounters I have had I never cam face to face with any of them. Come down here and enjoy the country side and the time with your kids. Contact me I might be able to help you and your kids out. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/42589-350lbs/