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About Elkhunter1

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 01/28/1970

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  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, baseball Just being out of the city with all its clutter!!!

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  1. Elkhunter1

    Windham Weaponry AR-15 20” A4

    This past years rifle season was a challenge for my hunting partner and I but we managed to double up!
  2. Elkhunter1


    What is date of manufacturing? Pics of the glass?
  3. Elkhunter1

    Auto Ordnance M1 carbine- TRADED

    That is a beautiful piece! What is the date of manufacture?
  4. Arizona's wildlife NEEEDS your donations and in doing so you help me become the Big Game Hero and winner of a Bull Elk hunt of a lifetime in New Mexico. Please vote and donate today and every day! https://biggamehero.com/2021/stephen-forrest 2020Coues_short_film_2.mp4
  5. Elkhunter1

    Big Game Hero

    It is one I made out of carbon fiber, it is extendable.
  6. Elkhunter1

    Big Game Hero

    I fixed the link issue. The habitat votes go to the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle a 501(c)(3) Organization. All the funds generated stay in Arizona.
  7. Elkhunter1

    Big Game Hero

    I am currently in the running to win the Big Game Hero contest and I could use all the help I can get. You all can vote every 24 hours with a "free" vote and if you feel like donating to the cause o get a vote for each dollar donated. Any and all votes are greatly appreciated. Vote by clicking the link. https://biggamehero.com/2021/stephen-forrest
  8. Elkhunter1

    9mm for Coues Deer.

    I sat water for three days with only Mule deer coming in. I got ansie and grabbed the rifle and took the only Coues I saw! All I can say is, life dictates what happens!!!
  9. Elkhunter1

    Who's huntin coues deer

    I will be down south also this Friday, aiming to take one with this!
  10. Elkhunter1

    Happy Birthday Amanda, Big Orange

    Happy birthday you two!!!
  11. Elkhunter1

    Happy Birthday Amanda, Big Orange

    As far as Big Orange goes, you got it backwards.....43! lol
  12. Elkhunter1

    First time rifle tag

    I don't know that unit, or I would be happy to give some advise. Hopefully you get a starting point.
  13. Elkhunter1

    9mm for Coues Deer.

    It really confirmed what I expected with regards to accuracy. I also expect the Coues buck will have the same reaction the Javelina did.
  14. Elkhunter1

    9mm for Coues Deer.

    Here is a short video of the results! https://youtu.be/oAoRYFzpnuo
  15. Elkhunter1

    Small pistol primers in stock

    Where was this at?