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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45

    San Carlos: November hunt

    I will be hunting R100 in January. Last year I saw a buck that would go 105" in C. He was 250 yards to the west of the R100 boundary in unit C. I would hunt the rim west of R100. Drive the road on the bottom and glass up the rim. Those cuts are full of coues. The area to the east of R100 is very good as well but I have not hunted it much.
  2. matthewp45

    San Carlos: November hunt

    You will be able to purchase the tag that your buddy returns. You just have to be the first one to call. As for the november hunt I have never hunted it before but I know a lot of people that have and I would say its just like hunting state land in November. The quality bucks are there they just don't move like they do in December and January.
  3. matthewp45


    My dad was a hunting and fishing maniac. He died when I was 8 years old. We hunted and fished every chance we could together. I have converted my step dad over to the hunting and fishing side. I am 28 now and I remember every single trip we took. I now have a son and a daughter and even though the oldest is only 2.5 we are already making those great hunting and fishing trips together. Life is to short to not enjoy it.
  4. matthewp45

    The Draw

    Deer Dec MuzLoad hunt unit 41,39,40A,40B Muley Dec 36C WT Dec 36B WT Nov 45,A,B,C Muley Nov 39 Muley Elk 22S Dec 23 Dec 22N Dec 1st 22N Dec 2nd 5bS Nov Sheep 43B 45A 45B 45C 41W Antelope 19B Archery Good Luck to everyone! You will need it!
  5. Born and raised here in Yuma, AZ except for the 4 years I spent in Tucson at UofA. I would not live anywhere else. I love hunting, camping fishing all over the state. The only thing that scares me now is living so close to the border. We are being over run and it is putting a big shiner on the face of our state. Great example is all of the 36 units. What will be affected 10 years from now?
  6. matthewp45

    Resident celebrity

    Congratulations Josh you make our state proud.
  7. matthewp45

    Coyote medicine

    I have the same gun I have shot 6 or 7 coyotes and a bobcat with it. I shoot the 32 grain hornady v-max, It will leave a big hole in a coyote. It shoots very flat. Funnest gun I have.
  8. My biggest gobbler yet. I got him 5-1-06.
  9. matthewp45

    Browning A-Bolt

    Great gun just make sure he gets a 24" barrel. I had one that had the Boss system. It shortened the barrel to about 20", I could not get the velocity the book said I should. With factroy ammo that was one of the best shooting guns I have ever had.
  10. matthewp45

    Favorite Mounts

    Here is my elk and my pheasant also. Notice the nice red walls, that was the sacrifice I had to make to hang them in the living room.
  11. matthewp45

    Favorite Mounts

    Thanks CHD. My next mount I hope to get is an Antelope like yours. I have a hunt in Colorado this summer. So I hope I can harvest one.
  12. matthewp45

    Favorite Mounts

    My favorite mount by far.
  13. matthewp45

    U of A Bone.....

    Congrats, I graduated from U of A 6 years ago. I spent most of my time out in the desert from Sassabee to Picacho. Ahhh the good old days. Good luck in the future
  14. My biggest trophy big game animal is my coues deer. I can still picture everything. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/san_carlos_h...an_carlos_8.htm Another 12.03 lb trophy
  15. matthewp45

    What is your Coues deer set up?

    Tines, the Badlands 2200 is a very well built and designed pack. It has plenty of pockets and a built in pocket for a spotting scope and tripod. It does have an aluminum frame and is very comfortable even with a full load. Very balanced. This info and 50 cents will get you a cup of coffee.
  16. matthewp45

    What is your Coues deer set up?

    Custom 7MM Dakota with a mauser action, timney trigger, Douglas barrel, 1.5lb custom stock and a burris ballistic plex 3X9. I shoot 140 grain barnes triple shocks. I have 15X45 zeiss and a 80mm swarovski ats spotting scope. Badlands 2200 pack to hold all of the crap. If I added the cost up I would probably sh%*. Oh well at least I think I need it all?
  17. matthewp45

    4B Turkey

    Went turkey hunting this weekend and got a nice one. Called him in spittin and drummin like crazy. He gave me a show for about 5 minutes. Shot him finally at 40 yards. He had a beard a little over 10". It was great fun.
  18. matthewp45

    4B Turkey

    I killed him in 4B around Wildcat canyon. I had Clay Goldman of Mogollon taxidermy measure his beard for me so I couldn't stretch the truth. This bird was more worked up than I have ever seen. He saw my hen decoy and was showing her everything he had. It was awesome.
  19. matthewp45

    Guess the score and WIN ! ! !

    347" my best guess!!!
  20. I got some pictures of this muley (I know this is coues but he is big) in unit 39 on water. I was wondering if I could get some guesses on the score of this guy.
  21. matthewp45

    official scorers

    Clay Goldman in Payson with Mogollon Taxidermy is an official B&C scorer. He scores all mine.
  22. The last pic is a trail camera pic too.
  23. My buddy missed this buck at 50 yards. In the same area as the biggin.
  24. We did find him the last few days of the archery hunt. He had does with him and was unbelieveable. We never got a shot but it was awesome to be able to stalk him. Closest we got was 85 yards. He was 4 miles from the waterhole we got the picture on. We will try again next year. I'm sure I will get pictures of him next year. It is the only waterhole for 15 miles. I will keep you posted.
  25. Just a few pics I have taken recently. Nothin special.