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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45

    My Archery Lion!

    That is something to be really proud of. Congrats !
  2. matthewp45

    2006 BULL

    Awesome video and bull cograts!
  3. matthewp45

    .270 or .280

    .280 is my choice only from experience. The reasons have already been listed. If you hand load you also can use the same bullets to reload a 7MM mag, 7MM 08, .280, etc.
  4. Just checking to see if anyone had any good stories from this weekend?? I so bring them on.
  5. matthewp45

    first antelope!!!

    Great buck your boy shot. That is so awesome to have that experience with your son. Congrats.
  6. matthewp45

    My First Arizona Antelope

    Great looking Antelope! Cogratulations!
  7. I got my first Antelope on Staurday in Colorado. The buck scored right at 75". Had a great time and saw a ton of game. Thought I would share some pics.
  8. matthewp45

    Anyone have any stories from this weekend?

    Great buck man! Only in my dreams.
  9. matthewp45

    Opening Day Success!!

    Great looking buck. Congrats.
  10. matthewp45


    Had a great hunt down here in Yuma. I had my limit by 6:15 opening morning. It took me a box and a half to get it but I got it. I found a field that still had a lot of left over seed from the previous crop and they were fogging into it. Plan on going back on Monday.
  11. matthewp45

    Finally got my First Lope

    We had a 1 guide for 2 of us. It was nice because we really got to do it like we wanted. We all glassed and found the buck we wanted and made our own stocks. The guide new where to take us to glass that helped a lot. Great hunt.
  12. matthewp45

    Finally got my First Lope

    Thanks guys. It was very nice country to hunt. Lots of glassing and walking. Here is a picture of my dad's lope.
  13. matthewp45

    Finally got my First Lope

    I hunted up near Craig, CO. It was a non-resident ranchers for wildlife tag. I hunted with Elkhorn Outfitters. I have never seen so much game. The amount of mule deer they have is unbelievable. It was a nice place to visit but no coues deer.
  14. matthewp45

    Developing Loads

    I would definetly use a fullsize die. I have run into problems with brass that has been shot 3-4 times. If you resize the full length of the cartridge you won't run into any problems. Try sierra game king, barnes triple shock,hornady innerbond and nosler accubonds. One of those bullets should shoot if your gun is going to shoot. As far as powders I just stick with the RL but, there are a million others. I would stick with one manufacture and bounce around within. Keep your brass at the correct length and you should find a great combo. If someone tells you a certain load does not work don't listen every single gun has different imperfections and will shoot differently.
  15. matthewp45

    Deerslam and KGAINES

    Maybe some day. I can only dream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. matthewp45

    hunting pack

    Badlands 2200 for longer trips and Badlands super day pack for day trips, can't go wrong. I put camelback bladders in both of them.
  17. matthewp45


    I got a 39 mulie tag and bageled on everything else. Two of my buddies got 22N Bull tags. I have a lope hunt in Colorado in a month and a coues hunt on the reservation in Jan. This year will be awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. matthewp45

    TY Goodman

    I got the info thanks.
  19. matthewp45

    TY Goodman

    I need to know how to get Ty Goodman out of Payson's phone number. I have a friend that is interested in him as a guide in December for unit 23. Any help would be great.
  20. matthewp45

    the AZDGF WEBSITE???

    I got on just fine.
  21. matthewp45


    I have a $19.50 showed up last night, I hope it is my desert Dec Muzzleloader tag. As far as the $39 it would be 2 deer tags
  22. matthewp45

    Draw Results

    Jeopardy song is playing in my head. Except it won't end.
  23. Caughtya cam. I guy out of N Carolina makes them. They are great cameras.
  24. Just picked up my camera from a three day stay at a mule deer waterhole. Got a lot of deer coming in. The bucks down here have a lot of growing left to do.
  25. matthewp45

    My sickness

    I always tell my wife that I could be at the bar or chasing women around but I am not. I am out in the boondocks hunting, sometimes no matter how hard I try to spin it, it just doesn't work. All kidding aside you need a good woman at home to have good hunting and a good home life.