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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45

    Scouting does PAY....

    Congrats man! What a trophy of a lifetime.
  2. matthewp45

    Successful Jr. hunt

    Congrats and many more to come !
  3. matthewp45

    My Desert Mulie

    I busted my butt to get my biggest Muley yet. I got him 11-11 about 3:00. One of my greatest hunts yet. I hope you enjoy the pics.
  4. matthewp45

    javelina processing

    Pit Bar B Que, or clean them up really well and throw them on the grill and then go eat your tree out back.
  5. matthewp45

    My Desert Mulie

    I had walked into a knoll about 4 miles from any roads to set up and glass. I had been seeing alot of sign in the area and although there were a lot of people, 95% of them would only get out of the Jeep to get a beer. I was glassing for an hour when I finally picked out a buck about a half a mile away. I made a 2 mile circle around to get down wind. Well needless to say I ended up losing that deer. I was disapointed but the deer was not all that big. So I proceed to walk back to my spotting scope on the hill. I am about 500 yards from my scope when I lock eyes with this buck. He jumps up and starts running about 150 yards. I tried to stop him to no avail. I put the cross hairs right on the front of his chest and squeezed. The 7MM Dakota put him in the dirt in a hurry. That is when I made a specticle of my self by yelling and screaming. I finally got him packed out and I will take him up to Mogollon taxidermy this weekend. The lesson learned this trip is don't always focus way far away. Sometimes they are closer than you think.
  6. matthewp45

    My Desert Mulie

    27" wide and 18" G2. GOOD TIMES. Now it is back to the old job.
  7. matthewp45

    My Desert Mulie

    Yes I was born and raised in Yuma. I lived in Tucson for four years duering college( I miss the Tucson desert). I bowhunt 39 every year so I have gotten familiar with the unit.
  8. matthewp45

    My Desert Mulie

    Unit 39. I think I put in about 20 miles the last two days, but it was well worth it.
  9. matthewp45

    SE Arizona coues hunt

    I would not forget that hunt for a while. Congrats!
  10. matthewp45

    Success in 36C!

    My friend Shayne drew a 36C Oct. tag. We headed down yesterday to one of my favorite glassing spots. We saw 30 or so deer this morning and 4 bucks. This guy showed up and we could not resist. Shayne made a great 320 yard shot to put down this nice buck.
  11. matthewp45


    Second that on Mogollon taxidermy. Clay does awesome coues deer.
  12. matthewp45

    Hunting channels

    The outdoor channel and the men's channel have good hunting shows. Eastmans, Primos, Hunting with the pros are a few of my favorites.
  13. matthewp45

    Success in 36C!

    It was a real awesome hunt but I wish we were still in the hills.
  14. matthewp45

    Coosefans COOSE video

    Great video. I hope I can kill one deer this weekend.
  15. matthewp45

    My Nov. buck

    A buck like that should be dumb enough to kill with a bow. heck why don't you just take your knife and stab him!
  16. matthewp45

    Birthday Girl

    Happy Birthday!
  17. matthewp45

    Austin's Hunt Success

    Congrats to Austin that will be a ton of great memories.
  18. matthewp45

    drop away rests

    I shoot the NAP and I love it. I have been shooting a lot more consistent since I purchased the rest. Every bow is different as you know so, find the one that best fits your bow and arrow set up.
  19. matthewp45

    New Rifle Help!!!!

    270 wsm, can't go wrong if you are going with the short mag. Other choice would be .280 remington. You can use the 140 grain accubond in both.
  20. matthewp45

    HUGE Elk

    Looks photoshopped to me.
  21. matthewp45

    One down.......One to go!

    Awesome, I am so jealous. Thanks for sharing.
  22. matthewp45

    Some Bow Kills

    I don't think it really matters all that much, as long as you remember how great of a hunt it was when you look at the antlers on the wall. Nice buck and bull, congrats.
  23. matthewp45

    Archery Research Velocity

    That is a good point. I did notice all of the adjustments on the bow. I love the bow I shoot now. I don't know why I think I need a new one. I guess they are just fun to play with.
  24. I am looking at getting a new bow. I have a PSE primos edition bow. It is a good bow but I am always wanting to play with something new. Has anyone shot one of these AR velocities or know anyone that has?
  25. matthewp45


    I have always used fed 215 for my magnums and 210 for my .280 and .243. I have only had one primer out of god knows how many that did not have an anvil in it. I really like them.