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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. My dad killed his buck 1-12-07. Another good looking deer. I haven't seen one this wide in a while.
  2. matthewp45

    2nd archery buck

    That is awesome with a bow man! Congrats.
  3. matthewp45

    My Buddy's Buck San Carlos Buck!

    The big buck scores right at 110" and my buck scores right at 85". They will both look good up on the wall.
  4. My buddy's tag is filled. I killed mine Saturday and had to leave Monday, but my hunting buddy killed his toad today. I am as pumped for him as I was for my self. Check this buck out.
  5. matthewp45

    My Dad's San Carlos Buck

    He scored 99 2/8". Great mass and width but not a lot of length. Cool lookin buck.
  6. matthewp45

    San Carlos Buck

    Thanks guys, Now I need to get drawn for 36C December so I can try and kill one State side.
  7. matthewp45

    San Carlos Buck

    Well, I just got back from my San Carlos hunt and had a blast. I was fortunate enough to take this buck on opening day. With his one bladed beam and his beams almost touching I could not let him go. I stalked up to 225 yards and let the old 7MM Dakota bark. I helped the other guy I was with the rest of the time and he missed one monster. Definetly bigger than my 109 on the wall. I ended up killing my buck this year about 30 yards from where I killed my 109 2 years ago. I also saw 3 mountain lions. One solo and two together. I got a good picture through the scope of the single. Thank the good lord for the outdoors and the fun we have in it.
  8. matthewp45

    My Buddy's Buck San Carlos Buck!

    Here is the two close ups I took today and my buck. Congrats Dewy is that the buck you were after. He is a beaut.
  9. matthewp45

    San Carlos Buck

    Thanks guys. They gave us a lion tag for free but that lion was 2 miles out and I only had 30 minutes of light left. The two together were a mile and disapeared into a huge thick drainage. I would have loved to have take one of those cats.
  10. matthewp45

    San Carlos Buck

    R-100 around Barlow pass.
  11. matthewp45

    Late Hunt Success

    What an awsesome story. That should be published in a magazine. Congrats to all.
  12. matthewp45

    San Carlos 07

    You can buy them in the mail, but the people that are in line get the first option. If there are any left after the people in line get through then they go to the mail and faxed applications.
  13. matthewp45

    San Carlos 07

    1-3-07 Wed. That is tentative. They haven't even solidified it yet. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. I already have my R-100 tag for 1-6-07 in my pocket. I am pumped up to say the least.
  14. matthewp45

    Rut is On

    Yeah, that would be him. They killed one Saturday and one on Sunday.
  15. matthewp45

    Badlands 2200

    I did the same thing and ended up selling the 2200 and buying the eberlestock xproject pack. The 2200 does not have near the pockets that other packs have. It is an awesome pack and very comfy but I like to keep my stuff more organized with all kinds of stupid pockets.
  16. matthewp45

    Rut is On

    Two friends of mine were hunting in 36C this weekend and they said there was no sign of the rut yet. They each killed a lion though. I thought that was cool. They saw three lions and killed two of them.
  17. matthewp45

    ha ha this is great

    That is awesome. I know John Chilton well and they are a great family. Score one for the good guys.
  18. matthewp45

    Treestandman - Accident!

    I will pray for you and I hope you get well soon.
  19. matthewp45

    My Kansas Buck!

    I just got back from Kansas with my first eastern whitetail. What an awesome trip. I had a blast, saw some great country, had a great hunt and brought home a nice buck. I killed it in Ashland, KS on Saturday 12-9 at 7:30AM. I was in a treestand using my 7MM Dakota and he came chasing a doe at 150 yards. I could not pass him up. I hope you enjoy the pics.
  20. matthewp45

    My Kansas Buck!

    It was a lot different hunting there. I lovre to glass a lot and there was not a ton of glassing going. The deer numbers were not as high as I thought but there were a lot of quality bucks. The coues hunting is a lot more difficult, but they are both feakin fun.
  21. matthewp45

    Polaris Sportsman 500

    I am very interested in the quad. Where do you live and how can I get a hold of you. Thanks
  22. matthewp45

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    I believe that if it is within the law then it can be seen as ethical. I can see two sides to the stroy. On one side it takes away from the superman, unbelievable hunter image that Mr. Ulmer has brought upon himself. He has put everything that is worthy of bragging about out in the public eye for everyone to see. He is doing what we all love to do is brag. After seeing one monster after another people begin to put him up on a pedastol. I would think that would make him want to strive to put bigger and better monsters that would bring his career and reputation to a higher level. In striving for the higher level the man is using some modern technology to get there. I do not know if I see it as cheating or if I see it as taking advantage of the technolgies we have and becoming the ultimate hunter. Either way he is still stalking and killing these monsters with a bow and that is a feet in itself. OH Yeah and don't be talking about Chuck Adams either. They are both great archers and hunters. My 2cents.
  23. matthewp45

    Scouting does PAY....

    Was this a San Carlos buck? I talked to a buddy of mine that guides up there and he was saying a guy killed a monster in unit C. That thing is unbelievable. Congrats again on a magnificent buck.
  24. matthewp45

    Kansas Bound

    I am headed to Kansas in 2 weeks for a rifle whitetail hunt. It was suppose to be a bow hunt but the rancher bought the wrong tag. It is near Ashland as I understand and they usually only allow bowhunters on the ranch. I am pumped. Good luck on your hunt.
  25. matthewp45


    Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a great day.