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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45


    Nothing for me, my wife or my dad. A few friends drew some deer tags I can help on so as long as I get to go. Congrats to everyone who drew a tag.
  2. matthewp45

    Lazy Trout Lodge

    We use to own a cabin on Henry's Lake in Island Park. One of the most beautiful places on the earth. The lake is awesome as well. I do not know anything about the lodge.
  3. matthewp45

    contest idea.....

    Here is my best pics.
  4. matthewp45

    Mountain Lions

    That isn't a mountain lion that throws the football over the mountain, it is a liger. Probably the coolest animal ever!
  5. I do not think it was being paid any attention. On their discussion forum they had adds for viagra and sex sites. There were comments under pictures that were very obscene. I think once they finally noticed what was going on they just shut it down. I doubt it will be back up any time soon.
  6. matthewp45

    contest idea.....

    Will it only apply to coues deer or open to all animals?
  7. matthewp45

    got my mount back

    Nice lookin buck. The taxidermist did a great job.
  8. matthewp45

    Coues buck pictures

    Heres a few for ya. Sounds real rough up there in Alaska.
  9. matthewp45

    Elk Pics

    Yep, that is exaclty where it is.
  10. I got some elk pictures up by Springerville last weekend. Thought I would share a few. My kids love lookin at the elk. Another 6 years and hopefully they will be huntin them too. Kinda blurry sorry.
  11. matthewp45


    I definetly agree with Terry on this one. The only thing I wanted to add is that there are a few on the commission that are trying to do the right thing and I hate to lump all of them into the bad guy pile.
  12. matthewp45

    Best Choice for Varmint rifle

    .204 hands down. I have shot over 30 coyotes with mine around the farm and have never had one get away that I have hit. Shot a ton of prairie dogs in Springerville last weekend with huge explosions of prairie dog. Leaves the barrel at over 4,000 fps and has enough weight to take out any varmint we deal with. My $.02.
  13. matthewp45

    Video camera's for sale!

    I will take the sony handycam. Just PM me with the info to get you the money. I can send you a check or paypal whatever is easiest for you. $150 was the price I believe. Thank you.
  14. matthewp45

    Video camera's for sale!

    I was wondering if the sony handycam and the canon were still for sale. Does the sony record on a dvd? What does the canon record on?
  15. matthewp45


    Mine is my 7mm Dakota built off of a mauzer action, douglas barrel and mcmillan stock. Light, flat shooting and an all around great rifle. I have killed a two mule deer, two coues, elk and an eastern whitetail with it. Don't plan on changing it for a while.
  16. matthewp45


    I do not know about Big Lake but Nelson was on fire yesterday morning. We were catching them every other cast for a while. They were very active, all in the 8-12" range.
  17. matthewp45

    group size

    My advise is to do the exact same thing everytime you shoot. Just like a free throw shooter in basketball. Always use the same grip, draw the bow the same, make sure your anchor point is the same, make sure your bow is level with no cant as well on every shot, and always squeeze the trigger. Practice doing the same thing everytime so when you shoot in the field it will be automatic habit to shoot the right way.
  18. matthewp45

    Seating the bullet...

    With the bullet jammed into the lands you can run into a problem unloading the gun. I have loaded a bullet into the gun and decided not to fire the gun. The bullet was jammed into the lands and when I went to take it out of the gun the bullet stuck in the barrel and the casing pulled apart and spilled gun powder all in the action and left the bullet stuck in the barrel. Now if you were in the filed this could be a major problem.
  19. matthewp45


    Sure looks like a hen head but why would she be up front with the gobblers like that. Maybe she is a he-she. Transgender turkey's whats next?
  20. matthewp45

    Thumped the mighty thunder chicken

    Way to go with the old bow. Cangrats
  21. Thank god it wasn't ASU Alumni, they probably would not have made it, because they wouldn't have been able to find the car. GO CATS!
  22. matthewp45

    tags, refunds?

    Mine too.
  23. matthewp45

    New Mexico Spring Turkey Smack Down

    That jelly like consistency is pretty common. It is like a slick layer between the skin and feathers. If you skin the bird instead of plucking it you will definetly run into it. I skinned mine this year and soaked it in buttermilk. Then I seasoned it and put it in the crockpot in chicken broth all day. In the evening I shreded it and made fried folded tacos and sonora rolled tacos with beans, rice and salsa. Man it was tasty.
  24. matthewp45

    It CAN Happen!

    That is a great article. I will have to get a copy of it. Hopefully some of there luck will rub off on me.