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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45

    Arizona Pheasant hunt.

    The pheasant hunt you can get drawn for in Yuma is a fun hunt too. I usually get two tags but did not get any this year. Quite a few pheasants in places down here. Our farm will hold a bunch if we still have cover for them.
  2. matthewp45

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    I paid mine up yesterday. My whole family is going to be decked out.
  3. matthewp45

    Guess How many posts in July

  4. matthewp45

    Antelope Shed

    Stink is right I made the mistake of putting it in the back seat. Yeah, I thought somebody had cleaned a quail inside my track.
  5. matthewp45

    Antelope Shed

    I am up helping a friend archery hunt in 19A and I made a long walk today and found an Antelope shed. I have never found one before and was wondering if anyone else finds them frequently. I will post some pics when I get back this weekend.
  6. matthewp45

    Where is this

    I am pretty sure it is on the San Carlos Rez. Amanda, can you tell us.
  7. matthewp45

    Antelope Shed

    Here are some pictures of the one I found this weekend.
  8. matthewp45

    Hunting Boots

    Jackal Danners for the warmer desert and most bow hunts, Danner Pronghorn for colder weather and rocky nasty stuff and muck boots for hunting in wet nasty country.
  9. matthewp45

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    2 Hooded Sweatshirts 1-XL in Carolina Blue 1-Medium Carolina Blue
  10. matthewp45

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    While you are taking orders I would love to have a hooded sweatshirt. Same design down the sleeve and everything on a hooded sweatshirt. If you can do it let us know.
  11. matthewp45

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    Amanda, I want: 2-youth smalls in Orange 1-medium in Orange 1-XL in Orange 1-XL in Prairie2 Total of 5 long sleeve shirts. Let me know when you want the money.
  12. matthewp45

    New Tshirt design

    Two of them need to be Xsmall for my kids.
  13. matthewp45

    New Tshirt design

    +4 I will take two or three !
  14. matthewp45

    New Tshirt design

    What is the wait? I want to get some of these T-shirts. If you need money up front, I am game to do some pre-ordering.,
  15. matthewp45

    hi new

    Welcome, always nice to see more women joining the site.
  16. matthewp45

    Pics of my mount

    That is an unbelievable buck. He did an awesome job for you. I would stare at it all day as well.
  17. matthewp45

    New Tshirt design

    Hurry up and pick one so I can order it. I really like the long sleeve with the logo on the front. It would be really cool to have coueswhitetail.com running down the sleeves
  18. matthewp45

    North of the River Muley's

    Here is my best buck to date. Hopefully they will be getting bigger
  19. matthewp45

    30-06 Coues Load?

    Very smart I do the same with my 300 Win Mag. Like you I use 165 accubonds for elk and deer. I do the same with my 7MM Dakota I use 140 Triple Shocks for everything.
  20. matthewp45

    30-06 Coues Load?

    Even if it is 165 grains each bullet will shoot different . You will have to re-sight in with any bullet change no matter the grain.
  21. matthewp45

    Collared Dove

    You can hunt them year round and there is no bag limit.
  22. matthewp45

    Check out this buck

    I am with Christian 98".
  23. matthewp45

    2007-08 Big Game Super Raffle Elk

    Holy Moly Man!
  24. matthewp45

    2007-08 Big Game Super Raffle Elk

    A real good friend of mine just drew this years super raffle elk tag. He sure does have a good tag to look forward too. Major congrats to the outfitters and hunters Great Job!
  25. matthewp45

    Time for a name change!

    What about Master Whacker JK I vote for azcouesandelk