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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45

    18A Antelope Mount

    Beautiful mount!
  2. matthewp45

    Another guessing game!

    40 1/8".
  3. matthewp45

    Glassing up......

    I had only glassed one out of about 10 years of hunting. Then while hunting coues one year I glassed three in two days. One single and 2 together. Here is the single.
  4. A friend of mine got drawn for Desert Bighorn a few years back and it was his first time ever putting in. That kind of luck is crazy and never happens to me.
  5. matthewp45

    San Carlos Turkey

    I hope you let him strut a little before you killed him so Tate could watch. To tell everyone else one time me and Yumabowhunter were Turkey hunting on the rez and our buddy called in two gobblers. Well old Yumabowhunter let the first one get his head about half way into view and shot him. Way to wait for both of them to get up there, I had to jump up and run down the hill to kill the other bird Great lookin turkey dude. You need to get a full mount someday to go along with your banded wood duck.
  6. matthewp45

    These games are FUN! Lets sweeten it up!

    Right, Left, Center 980"
  7. matthewp45

    Broadheads for elk?

    You need to buy a new bow first and get rid of that ancient thing. I like the G5 strikers as well.
  8. matthewp45

    Duwane Adams glassing class

    You lucky dog! That class will help you a lot I am glad you took it. We need to start shooting the bows right now. I will give you a call so I can go whip up on you again.
  9. matthewp45

    They are up!!

    I got 23 rifle bull in December.
  10. matthewp45

    They are up!!

    Holy Sh****************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************* **********************************************oot!
  11. matthewp45

    First test of The DLC Covert 2!

    Went out camping this weekend with the family and set out my new camera. Amanda was right, it worked great and got tons of video of some muleys. The camera was really easy to set up and is small enough to put anywhere. If your lookin for a new cam I would recommend this one. Here are a few clips.
  12. matthewp45

    First test of The DLC Covert 2!

    The camera was about 15 yards from the water hole. It was put on an existing metal stake. Here is another video of a nice and healthy coyote.
  13. matthewp45

    White Moutain Apache

    No sir. They have some great bucks but no tags for non tribal members.
  14. matthewp45

    Mearns Mounts

    I love mearns they are beautiful birds. Those mounts turned out great. I had my Bobcat mounted chasing a couple I killed up in the trees.
  15. matthewp45

    Weekend Finds

    You are the man Dewey! Great find.
  16. matthewp45

    DOUG & AMANDA!???!!!???!!!??

    Now that is funny.
  17. matthewp45


    Also some heavier bullets require more spin to stabilize. So you would want a more aggressive twist for the heavier bullets.
  18. matthewp45


    Sprague's in Yuma they had a sale. But now they are still 499.00 brand new.
  19. matthewp45


    +2 I just got my 40 Springfield XD. Came with 2 12 round clips, a double clip belt holder and a custon fit holster. The gun handles and shoots awesome. All for $475.00.
  20. matthewp45

    Color Variations

    I saw a buck one time on the San Carlos that was so dark it looked black. He was with a bunch of does and another smaller buck and the color difference was night and day.
  21. Picked up my unit C tag! I can't wait, only 11 months left.
  22. matthewp45

    Video of Big Buck

    Holy cow what a toad.
  23. matthewp45

    ISE Show

    I will be there on Sunday. We are coming up Saturday evening and going to Cabelas and Sportsmans. Then we will be there bright and early Sunday. It's always cool to see everything and I will definetly stop and see Amanda and Christian.
  24. matthewp45

    2009 Success On Reservation

    Way to go Mitchell. Nice to see you finally join up on here.
  25. matthewp45


    Happy Birthday!