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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45

    Got my lion mount back

    With the words of the great Cournel Sanders " I am to drunk to taste this chicken". dang that is a nice mount. Makes me want to call rim-rock outfitters right now. I am with you all the way that is one of the best lions I have ever seen. I really appreciate great taxidermy work. It takes so much talent to make an animal look that realistic. I just need to figure out a way to find something to trade with the taxidermist so I can get my mounts for free. Congrats on a great lion.
  2. matthewp45

    jared 1st coues mount

    Great mount for a great buck!
  3. matthewp45

    Who's going to Mexico?

    Good Luck Ernesto I hope you get the one your looking for.
  4. matthewp45

    game retrieval w/ horses any interest?

    I have a December unit 23 hunt and I have your number in my phone now. If I get one down way back in the sticks I will give you whatever you want to get it out. With in reason. I will contact you the day before the hunt starts to see your status.
  5. matthewp45

    Personal best?

    Mine is a 111" followed by a close 2nd @ 109 3/8". Both rifle. 111" buck I shot this year with great help from good ole Amanda. My 109 3/8" from 2006.
  6. matthewp45

    My House Rock Buffalo Hunt!

    Man that is so cool Blake. Congrats on a great lookin bull on a special hunt.
  7. Check out Best of the West this week. Pretty good coues hunt in New Mexico. It is on the Outdoor Channel.
  8. I finally got my two woodies and goose back from my Mississippi trip last year. I went down to visit a good friends farm down there and had unbelievable waterfowl hunting. Here are a few woodies I killed and a goose.
  9. matthewp45

    They are UP online!!!

    Azhuntnut I hope you know how good of a tag you have. I would kill for that tag. Congrats and good luck. Do not shoot anything under 180". (if they are ruttin).
  10. matthewp45

    Mount Done

    Great lookin mount and buck!
  11. matthewp45

    Happy Birthday Tjhunt2!

    Happy Birthday!
  12. matthewp45

    My NM Turkey mount

    Looks great, I will send you mine to do just like that.
  13. I got my mount back from Clay today. Man did it turn out great, like always with Mogollon. Before anyone says anything I know my walls are red. My wife said if I wanted to hang deer she got to pick the color. Hope you enjoy.
  14. matthewp45

    Remeber this one?

    Man that is a great lookin mount. That buck sure is purty.. Congrats on a fine buck.
  15. matthewp45

    Got my mount back!

    I moved the eastern wt to another room and added my other coues deer to the wall. I think it looks better with all the coues on the same wall. Thanks for the comments.
  16. matthewp45

    Winchester Model 70

    I just put a medalist on my Remington XLR. It has the cheek piece and it fits me like a dream. I went ahead and had it bedded 100% with 0 pressure. It went from shooting 1" groups at 100 yards to sub 1/2". You won't be disappointed at all.
  17. matthewp45

    Browning Citori lightning

    How old is the gun and how much has it been used? It sure is a beautiful gun.
  18. matthewp45

    What Have We Been Up To? PART 2! FINISHED!!!

    When I get drawn for buff. I am calling you before anybody else. Way to go Lance, that was such an awesome story.
  19. matthewp45

    Life and Death struggles

    Had to have been the fall. Look at the rams horn where it hit. That was a one in a life time scene. I can't believe the hair is still in the lions mouth.
  20. matthewp45

    Need Help for ADA Silent Auction

    Amanda, I made my donation for the silent auction. I sent it straight to the ADA via paypal.
  21. matthewp45

    California Fly Fishing Trip

    Man those are some great piics man. Looks like heaven on earth. Sounds like you guys had an awesome time. Lucky dog!
  22. matthewp45

    204 Ruger ?

    Sometimes new dies will have some dried gunk and grime up in them. You must take it all apart and use some break cleaner to get it clean as a whistle then apply a tiny bit of grease on the threads and put it back together. Give it a try it might fix the problem. With the case being so small it wouldn't take much to mess it up.
  23. matthewp45

    Hide Carving

    Man that is cool. Talented people can make anything look cool. Next thing they will be making sculptures of elk with their own crap.
  24. matthewp45

    Been brought to my attention...

    Great work Casey. Go get 'em buddy.
  25. matthewp45

    AZ Lion from 5-5-09

    Huntem why don't you go be negative somewhere else. Tyler has a great reputation here and I am pretty sure he has put a ton of time and effort into lion hunting and deserves every lion they get. Plus his stories are some of the best on here. Tyler please don't let this guy stop you from telling the lion stories I really look forward to reading a ton more. Great job on that lion!