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Everything posted by matthewp45

  1. matthewp45

    Turkey Hunting

    Anybody heard any gobbling going on yet or seen any major strutting or anything indicating the ole turkeys getting fired up? Just curious, I never know what I am going to get until I get up there.
  2. matthewp45

    Friends need prayer!

    Prayers sent! We had a really bad scare with our son when he was born. It was an absolute miracle he is alive today and we had people praying all over the country for him. The power of prayer is unbelievable. I know God will be there to help the parents in this horrible time.
  3. matthewp45

    Turkey Hunting

    Headed up for my turkey hunt on the Rez April 8th. and then to unit 1 the begining of May for my state side hunt. Good luck to all who have tags this season.
  4. matthewp45

    my first deer on the wall

    Man that is an awesome first mount. I remember my first mount a while back. Now 12 mounts later and a ton of money I am going to have to build a bigger house if I want to hang any more.
  5. I think that is pretty cool looking myself. As said before that is a cool idea too.
  6. matthewp45


    I shot one the other day and I wanted to buy one afterword so bad. It was the smoothest, fastest, most accurate and most quiet bow I have ever shot. It was quite a bit nicer than my drenalin. They have gone above and beyond with this bow. Every time they come out with a new bow I think there is no way they can make a better bow than this one I have been saying that for the last 6 bows Matthews has come out with. I will say it again though they are going to have a hard time topping this one. Just my $0.02.
  7. matthewp45

    bowfishing finally

    Very cool! I have always wanted to get in to bow fishing. This may be the year I finally try it out. Congrats on all the carp. Did you fry those mud suckers up for dinner or leave them on the bank for the coyotes?
  8. I agree with CnS. I think you should have a small pocket size logo on the front with the little deer from the sticker and CWT.com and then put the full logo and deer on the back. That is a real classy look and would look great on all the T-shirts. That is what my wife and I came up with. When you get them ordered let me know and I want 3 of the ladies shirts for my daughter and wife and 3 of the guys shirts for me and my son. Make sure you get some youth sizes too.
  9. matthewp45


    Tommy that thing turned out awesome. I think that base is perfect with elk antler and all. Beautiful job man. Your client should be very very happy with that mount.
  10. matthewp45

    San Carlos Tags!

    I am going to try and get another San Carlos coues tag this year. They go on sale finally this Saturday. All of the units except the R-100 trophy area are $1,500. Unit D use to be $2,500 a couple years ago but they lowered it to $1,500 because they were not selling all of them do to the higher price. One good coues deer huntin member went above and beyond this last year and killed a buck of 300 life times that scored 141" in unit C this year. So now because one monster coues buck was killed in unit C it is a trophy unit I guess. Just found out today 3 days before the sale they are raising unit C to $3,500 a tag. I have been in all the units including R-100 and C is in my opinion not any better than the rest. My question is - Do you think 1 big ole deer being killed in a unit makes it automatically a trophy unit and would you pay $2,000 more for the tag? Just curious.
  11. matthewp45

    Antelope Mount

    That is an absolutely beautiful buck. A friend of mine just had 4 Muleys done at the same time by Dan and they turned out awesome just like your goat. There is nothing better to decorate your walls with than a great looking shoulder mount.
  12. matthewp45

    Got lucky!!!

    Holy cow man can anyone say life size mount. That is one beautiful animal. Congrats on such a great whitetail.
  13. matthewp45

    San Carlos Tags!

    HaaHaa Jake Mrs Coues Whitetail put you in your place! All we have to do is take a picture of your wall of coues and then take a picture of mine and there is no comparison there junior. Jealousy will kill ya buddy
  14. matthewp45

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Scratch that we can not find a babysitter and DeeDee has some stuff to do thst dsy. Sorry I was really looking forward to hanging out with ya'll
  15. matthewp45

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    Christian, If my parents don't go DeeDee and I will take the last two tickets. I will let you know by tomorow for sure.
  16. matthewp45

    San Carlos Tags!

    Oh yeah buddy we are going to get an opening morning 110+" double this year. Can't wait man.
  17. matthewp45


    A huge congrats to you Ernesto and your daughter. Must have been an absolute blast to get the whole family out there. You have a great looking family and they all look like they were having a great time. Tell your daughter congrats on a beautiful javelina. Take care buddy.
  18. matthewp45

    Lost a member of my pack

    Sorry hear about your dog! Hopefully you get a great dog to replace her.
  19. matthewp45

    San Carlos Tags!

    We ended up getting our B tags but my buddy was 4th in line and tried to get 5 unit A tags. They only had 2 tags left for A and they were forced to get D-West tags. So unit A got tags sold at the Reno show for sure. Man they sure aren't very profesional about there tag sales.
  20. matthewp45

    San Carlos Tags!

    I can't remember for sure they took down the hunt schedule from the web today but I think the tags were going to changed to be able to hunt units A,B or C with 1 tag, but with this change I would probably guess that each tag in November will be for only 1 unit. I think they are $1,100 or $1,200 for November now. I would think they would have the new schedule and fees on the web before they go on sale on Saturday though. Keep checkin the web if you are interested.
  21. matthewp45

    San Carlos Tags!

    I agree with you CS. I hunted C last year too and I am going to change to a $1,500 unit where the "not so trophy deer are" right across the barbwire fence. If I kill a 140" buck I am not telling anybody so they won't make it a trophy area.
  22. You are a pretty hard core bird hunter. Take some pics of the tat when you get it done so we can check it out.
  23. matthewp45

    Sportsmans Expo

    Here is the link for the seminar schedule. http://www.sportsexpos.com/index.cfm?fusea...ocationNumber=6
  24. www.skullsunlimited.com did my dads bear and it turned out awesome.
  25. matthewp45

    Sportsmans Expo

    I will be making the trip for sure. Probably be there on Sunday.