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Everything posted by blaserman

  1. blaserman

    Guess the Lion weight!

  2. blaserman

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    I guess 3100 , have'nt been here in a while
  3. blaserman

    Guess the score contest Oct 2008

    I would say 133
  4. blaserman

    NightForce Scope

  5. blaserman

    NightForce Scope

    I know money is tight for most of US. I had this Laying around for a Project but am going in a diffrent direction. It is new in the box I just opened it. It is a 3.5 x 15 x 50 R1 ranging Recticle. NXS Lighted too. I have a 6.5 x 22 x 56 on my 7 mm STW so this one is no use to me. But I will keep it if I have to. I want $1250 + shipping.
  6. blaserman

    Leftover CO Tags--CORRECTION

    I was luck and drew a Mule deer tag for a Trophy hunt . There will only be 2 of us on the ranch.
  7. blaserman

    SCI scoring

    I have been an SCI Scorer for more than 10 yrs , somebody needs to go back to School to learn how to do it right. Rescore it by all means. They or he ripped you off in the score of inches.
  8. blaserman

    Velbon Sherpa 600

    I used to look at E bay alot when they had more gun Things on there. I saw some where someone said look for a Tripod there. I did'nt think about that . I just got lucky and bought a Velbon 600 RA sherpa for $ 20.00 $9.99 +$ 10.00 shipping.
  9. I started this Thread , but I am just not a .270 fan nothing wrong with it but I like more Power I am a .300 fan. Or the bigger 7mm 's .
  10. what is the most caliber that is used to hunt Coues Deer.
  11. blaserman

    real monster deer

    Very good Mule Deer , But there is a Trick that people use to make things look bigger, If you look both of the guys are far back behind the deer which makes it look bigger. They are still smoking Carp as you say.
  12. blaserman

    My mexico 2008 buck

    Could you PM me With the outfitter info Please.
  13. I asked who mounted it , I was done in Mexico he did'nt remember who did it.
  14. It was just Curiosity , I thought it was the .300 class and the 7 mm class because of the flat shooting and bullet weights.
  15. blaserman

    Reloading manual

    Reloadersnest .com
  16. blaserman

    El Halcon

    I was informed yesterday that next year El Halcon is no longer doing Coues Hunts. But one of his former Guides is opening his own Busness. I am waiting for information , tenitive $3500 Coues $3000 Mule Deer and $6500 combo hunt. These will be hunts in Chihuahua .
  17. blaserman

    Looking at getting a hand gun

    For someone who has little or no experiance with pistols the Revolver is a good choice. Most people have played cowboys and Indians or Cops and Robers when they were kids all you have to do is point and squeeze the trigger. The 357 is a good choice also, you can use 38's like someone said . Ruger ,Tauraus , Smith , are good choices . Check CDNN they run specials on used Had Guns at a good price.
  18. I hate when people do this , Yes you could use this to your advantage , that would be good. But let's say they would walk home for sure.
  19. blaserman

    opening day buck

    Wow what a nice buck Congrats
  20. Heres an Idea if you can do it . you need 2 Trail cams. Set the one to see and take pictures of Game . The second put High in a tree pointing down at the first Trail cam. If he comes back you get a picture of him . Can't be the flash Kind. I worth a try. Can't let someone like him steal all your hard work.
  21. blaserman

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    114 6/8
  22. Tell me about Carmen Mountain Whitetails , Outfitter's ????????????????????????
  23. blaserman

    Turret Info....

    I would go to a 4x 12 or a 6.5 x20 , there are several on the net for sale all over the place. The are also long range scopes on line to. I have done some trading lately and have come up with 2 Nightforce 1 in a 5,5 x 22 x 56 and the other is a new in the box 3.5 x 15 50 with the R 1 reticle. There is a guy who has a long range Leupold new in the box for $550 it's a 6.5 x 20 30 mm. ther also is a 4.5 x 14 x 40 for $435 shipped.
  24. Can you use a hand gun to hunt Coues Deer in AZ.
  25. blaserman

    Can You use a Hand Gun

    Almost have all the parts to send them away to have my Xp 100 built. I will post pictures when it is finished . Also will try to make a video shooting it. I would like to Try to hunt Coues with it , I know Mexico is out so Nm or Az it would be.