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Everything posted by blaserman

  1. blaserman

    300 weatherby mag

    I have been shooting a 300 WBY for nine years . I have used it from Mexico to Africa. I have shot from Coues to Kudu I use a 180 gr bullet. I shoot Handloads . I use swift in both kinds Sciircco and A-frame ,depends on what kind of game. I do have a muzzle breake on it and it shoots well. The rifle I use is capeable of switching scopes and remain Zeroed in. I am now working on a load for the 165 gr bullets. So all I have to do is take along the extra scope and shells and i can shoot what ever gr I want. I have made 1 shot kills on a kudu , deer it just folds them up like a table. If you like it buy it.
  2. Never Killed an ELK , I need to come Hunt with You Guys.
  3. Tony's house is cool I followed the progress, when he was building the room. He posted alot of pictures on another site.
  4. blaserman

    Bowtech or Parker

    Here's what I think about Bows. I do shoot a bowtech ,but here's how that cam about. I learned on a log bow and worked my way up Recurve, wooden Compound a Stemler , then to a Darton -240fps I killed deer with them. I shoot 28" draw All speeds are measured at 30" draw. When the speed bows came out I allways said that at 28" if I can get a bow to fly 280 fps I'll buy it. I bought a Bowtech 29 about 5 yrs ago It flys 286 -100 gr Muzzy that why I bought a Bow tech. If you like the way the bow shoots and looks and Feels buy it . I have a friend the changes bows like underware if the new thing is hot he Buys it. His old bow works fine ,but he keeps up with the jones. Just food for thought , Normaly when you buy a new bow anymoore it cost on the average of $1000 to set it up all new. 10 minutes later try to get your $1000 back it just went from that to about $500 bows don't hold value. Your old bow was like and should fit like an old pair of jeans. do you realy want to give that up for Flash.
  5. blaserman


    Here in Maryland I have seen 6 Pie bald deer 3 does myself and the others inclueding an 8 pointer were from friends harvesting them. That a cool picture , I know it can happen but never thought it with a coues deer. HERE IS SOMETHING FOR THOUGHT , WHAT ABOUT IN A YEAR OR TWO WHEN SHE HAS OFFSPRING AND IT IS A BUCK wHAT A FIND THAT WOULD BE. a WHITE OR BIE BALD 110 " COUES BUCK. A Man can dream Can He.
  6. Ihunt2live , Gene Simions eat your hart out. The other thing is Gunner reminds us all of old age everything drops eveually.
  7. blaserman

    Long Range shooting

    The only one that I could find on the Web site was a Badger Cosine set up. Thats a good price on that. It's a shame I can't use the whole thing , I don't have a Rail on my rifle for the mount , I will have to use a Half set of 30 mm Rings. Coues 7 I see where you have it forsale also put it on Precision Long Range Hunting .
  8. blaserman

    Long Range shooting

    Any of you guys use a cosine indicator on their rifle.
  9. blaserman

    Jim White Tripler-Review

    Could a tripler be use on a spoting scope.
  10. They are some super Bears. Here's a cat from Montana I took , Three of us went and We took 3 cats in 18 Hrs. We lost 2 Dogs on mine 1 to shale and the cat tore the other one up alittle before it Treed.
  11. More Pictures Texas Deer Kudu Impala
  12. WoW some realy nice animals , I wish I could have done a sheep hunt ,they are one of my favorite,. Here's 2 of my favorite animals that I have Taken. Keep then Coming I enjoy see other peoples Coues deer.
  13. blaserman

    Can You use a Hand Gun

    Hers a picture of an XP -100 that the owner shoots constant 600 yrd groups with ,it has also been shot acurately out to 1000 yrds. This is a 7mm Dakota , He shoots a 200 gr bullet.
  14. blaserman

    Can You use a Hand Gun

    Just checking, I am building an XP 100 in .300 wsm or 7mm Dakota . Can't use it in Mexico , will be a good shooter out to 5 - 600 yrds.
  15. blaserman

    My 2007 Mexico Hunt

    I would like to do this hunt, But my problem is that being form the East Coast it is carzy to find a Ticket to Sonora. Most Air Lines want to send me to the west coast first and then to Sonora , which I think is cazzy. I often wonder if I could fly to Tuson and then the next day or same day catch a flight to Sonora. If thats where I need to go. If I was'nt one persoon I would entertain the Driving Part. I have read both stories ,from the past 2 yrs and looks like a grate place to hunt. The Storiess were well Written and very informative to me. I have set the outfitter an Email with Ouestions.
  16. blaserman

    Long Range Rifle Scopes

    I found a Place that you can Buy a Nightforce 3.5x 15 x 50 for $1356 I am looking at a Night force 5.5 x 22 x56 for $900 used but I want the NP RI reticle so it will cost me $120 to change it. I know where a 3.5x 15 x 50 is for 1250 but if I don't buy it I think it is spoken for . there is a guy who has a deal on Leupold 6.5 x 20 for $ 550 new in the box.
  17. blaserman


    I have a Leupold Vair X II 3 x 9 Silver Mint $200 + shipping . Can send Pictures to Email.
  18. blaserman

    best custom built rifle

    Kirby Allen can build a nice Rifle around $ 2200 -2500 On a remington action. less if you have one. He also makes his own cartridges The Allen Magnums. They are serious Long range Cartridges using a 28" t0 30" barrel. When the cash flow is right he will build me a 257 STW using a Lawson action, Also I have a 7 mm Dakota XP 100 in the works. Go to LongRangeHunting .com and read about Kirby and his work and Magnums.
  19. blaserman

    my mecico buck

    To Me thats a Nice Buck
  20. blaserman

    Badlands 2200

    Might sound like a dumb Question , But where does the badder go in the 2200.
  21. blaserman

    New Coues Machine

    If Kirby did the Rifle it should be a shooter. I am going to get kirby to Build 2 things for me. He is going to build a XP-100 in 7mm Dakota and a 257 STW in a Lawson action. Grate looking rifle.
  22. blaserman

    Badlands 2200

    I just Read an Interesting thread on a Backpacking forum . They say don't buy a Badlands water bladder several have poped. They are recomeneding a Camelback. One guy said his poped at 9000 ft wind and cold o an Elk hunt.
  23. blaserman

    Badlands 2200

    Someone beat Me to it . I think I will try one at 95 oz's . I am doing a Montana Mule Deer Hunt this Year.
  24. blaserman

    Badlands 2200

    I will get the info , and post it I think it is only $23.oo for the bag.