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Everything posted by Mathews

  1. Mathews

    Fantasy Football League

    Wow that filled up quick. So we've got 10, anyone that didn't get to join that would like to? We can bump it up to 12 if needed. Lets have an online draft this weekend? Either friday, saturday, or sunday night? Anyone able to sign up with draft kings yet? Otherwise we will just have to make it a fun league. If everybody could give me their team name we'll decide the draft order, feel free to trade draft picks too. I thought it'd be fun to do it by everyones CWT join date. Name Join Date Team Mathews - 03/22/11 Team Amer Stifflers Team Matthews - 7/20/06 Team Gifford Team Gillett Team Scott Team Taylor - 09/17/08 Team Fair Team Goodman Coues Killer
  2. Mathews

    Fantasy Football League

    Season starts the following Thursday so we'd have to do it sometime the week before your hunt
  3. Mathews

    Fantasy Football League

    We can do the draft whenever is convenient for everybody, it just made me pick a date to set up the league.
  4. Mathews

    Fantasy Football League

    Don't pay until were sure we can get 10
  5. This is what hunting is all about, hats off to you!
  6. Mathews

    Fantasy Football League

    http://games.espn.go.com/ffl/tools/join?leagueId=1309749&k=59784&d=AAAABAAT%2FDUAAAff%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwAAII8%3D&t=9 Here's the link to join. $10 buy-in winner takes all. Standard ESPN format, buy-in must be paid by Sep 5th, ESPN handles all the money online through their website draft kings so we don't have to worry about collecting money.
  7. Mathews

    Fantasy Football League

    If we can get 10 people to commit to a $10 buy-in ill set the league up
  8. Mathews

    Unit 10 Muzzy Hunt

    They won't be bugling and you're probably not gonna find any big bulls still with cows. Still a fun hunt, though.
  9. Mathews

    Unit 10 Muzzy Hunt

    This hunt is the beginning of November correct?
  10. Mathews

    How much $$$ to find one?

    Quoting my favorite movie.. now we can be friends
  11. Im game to be commish in an espn league?
  12. Mathews

    How much $$$ to find one?

    I have no idea. I guess it depends on how much someone wants to pay for it. Here are some of my experiences and personal opinions so this is from NM so take it for what it is worth. I have read this and think everybody should have their opinion but I personally will not say they are wrong. I hunt but am not a "trophy" hunter, first legal animal I am going to take. Sometimes it is a small forkie and sometimes it is " the bull of the woods". I will not pay to hunt a private ranch here if I don't get a draw tag. I hunt as a vacation to get away from the city lights, phone, tv, etc. and hear the wind through the trees and the smells and sights of the forest. I hunt solo now but I enjoy the companionship of others during hunting season. I hunt to recharge my batteries and get back to my personal spiritual place. To me the killing of an animal is not the hunt, rather it is part of the hunt. Two years ago I contacted San Francisco River Outfitters out of Glenwood, NM. I did not have the money to pay for a full guided hunt and offered to pay $100 for some starting points. The unit was not one they regularly guide in so they gave me starting points and refused any sort of payment. I had a great hunt. I know of others that have giant bulls on camera and are taking first time hunters after them for no charge. I know of others that just want the private land tags for the $$$ that come from them. So each individual needs to look deep into themselves and decide what they want from a hunt and what they are willing to pay. I would love to hunt Moose and Caribou in Alaska, and one day I will achieve that goal. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. You have to have an IQ over 50 to understand what I said. Hence the reason for your quote from a movie. Books is where you learn not movies. Maybe I should have put pictures in my quote for you to understand. His question: how much can I sell it for a finders fee? gotta be at least $5k right? Your answer: So each individual needs to look deep into themselves and decide what they want from a hunt and what they are willing to pay. I would love to hunt Moose and Caribou in Alaska, and one day I will achieve that goal. You're literally Billy Madison
  13. Mathews


    These three posts should sum things up pretty well I think? Pushing weight w/o form for the sake of time
  14. Mathews

    How much $$$ to find one?

    I have no idea. I guess it depends on how much someone wants to pay for it. Here are some of my experiences and personal opinions so this is from NM so take it for what it is worth. I have read this and think everybody should have their opinion but I personally will not say they are wrong. I hunt but am not a "trophy" hunter, first legal animal I am going to take. Sometimes it is a small forkie and sometimes it is " the bull of the woods". I will not pay to hunt a private ranch here if I don't get a draw tag. I hunt as a vacation to get away from the city lights, phone, tv, etc. and hear the wind through the trees and the smells and sights of the forest. I hunt solo now but I enjoy the companionship of others during hunting season. I hunt to recharge my batteries and get back to my personal spiritual place. To me the killing of an animal is not the hunt, rather it is part of the hunt. Two years ago I contacted San Francisco River Outfitters out of Glenwood, NM. I did not have the money to pay for a full guided hunt and offered to pay $100 for some starting points. The unit was not one they regularly guide in so they gave me starting points and refused any sort of payment. I had a great hunt. I know of others that have giant bulls on camera and are taking first time hunters after them for no charge. I know of others that just want the private land tags for the $$$ that come from them. So each individual needs to look deep into themselves and decide what they want from a hunt and what they are willing to pay. I would love to hunt Moose and Caribou in Alaska, and one day I will achieve that goal. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  15. Heres a little something to ruin your day... Bernstein bears right? Wrong Discuss
  16. Mathews

    Who said time travel wasn't possible

    Hahahahahaha the responses were great I typed this up real quick before work and I guess i should have elaborated more.. Trying to pass the time until hunting season I figured most people have either read a Bernstein bears book or read it to a child at some point in their life right? Well theres this thing going around the internet about the books.. Nobody can ever remember the books being called or pronounced the BerenstAin bears... EVERYONE remembers them as the BernstEin or Bernstein bears. Yet theres no record of them ever changing the name.. Everyone person i asked, including my mom, was adamant its the bernstEin bears.. Someone of the crazier people believe time travel is real because of this lol Anyone else fascinated? No? Is it hunting season yet? An ancient set of horns I found this weekend for your time
  17. Mathews

    Headphones in the blind

    Somebody get this guy whatever award he's trying to win please? He's obviously better than all of us.
  18. Mathews

    Desert Bucks

    Sweet, can't beat that for just 4 days
  19. Mathews


    Im imagining it went down like this.. -Sir Royal posts trail camera pics of some unit 9 bulls -Shops out basically everything but the horns.. -Gets mad when everyone still knows they're from 9 as if its some big secret Im sure one of the 12 other trail cams in your spot caught pics of the same bulls so I guess we'll just wait for their pics
  20. Mathews

    Draw results

    No they're not
  21. Mathews

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    I was told 23.. But who knows
  22. I watched the short video review on this head and the guy said the head may be too light for heavy optics? Would it be ok for swaro 15s? Anyone have any input?
  23. Mathews

    Outdoorsman micro pan head

    Right, I've already got the adapter so I figured might as well be using their head too. I might swing by their shop and check it out or I might impulsively buy it online who knows lol Awesome, thank you! How do you like it?
  24. Right on, love that sunset pic
  25. Mathews

    350 Plus Bulls

    I think it depends on a lot of different things.. feed, water, genetics etc but yeah I've seen a couple pictures of bulls grown out that much already. Im guessing bulls that are grown out that much already are going to surpass the 350 mark pretty easily.