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Everything posted by Mathews

  1. Mathews

    SOLD-Toyota Tundra owners

    Tundra 5 lug Tacoma 6 lug
  2. Mathews

    Outdoorsman's Bino Adapter wobble fix

    Tightening the knob on top should fix it
  3. That's a man sized deer. corrected it for youNegged for non dipped chewy bars
  4. Never owned or seen a badlands that didn't have busted seams or zippers at some point.. the warranty is cool until you've gotta send your pack in every summer. Ditched badlands for a horn hunter pack and I'll never look back. Took 5 years and thousands of pounds to wear one out.
  5. Mathews


    Your welcome! Hey it's good to see a man of younger generation like a gun that's not black and plastic. now guess we can tell everybody it was 1 of the good older models with matching case with stickers still on hard case. 👍 btw I did not count cash till I got home and you gave me extra $10. Between you Ben & Joel you young men need to make sure you have good bulls (elk! Moo cows don't count) tied to tree mid November I will visit each tree and see which 1 I wanna shoot. 😁 thanks! I was too lazy to go inside and break a $20 😂 I'll get to work on tying those elk up for you LOL
  6. Mathews

    First shed find

    Sweet find, depends on how much shade it was getting like said above, probably last years
  7. Mathews


    Thanks again Mike
  8. Mathews

    WTB Rangefinder

    Can usually find a used vortex around that price on eBay
  9. Mathews

    Prime rize 29" 60-70

    Must. Resist.
  10. Mathews

    Need help finding the owner!!!

    "Ok that was me near pine Flats but it wasn't my camera that they tried to steal. I did have a camera up there but I think someone scared them off because they left mine this time... The other guys camera is Richard Durnez and he lives in Williams. He also had a camera back up the path to the west a little ways.. I did get one picture of a tall male but it was so dark you couldn't see anything at all about who he was" "It happened right after the ground blind was set up under the juniper.. I believe Tues or Wed.. There was only one other person I ever seen up there and he was a handy man from Williams that would be up there cutting wood. I can't say he did it but not many people went up in the area and I was there both morning and afternoon hunts"
  11. Mathews

    Need help finding the owner!!!

  12. Mathews

    Need help finding the owner!!!

    I live in Camp Verde, posted on Facebook I'm sure I know somebody that knows him
  13. Mathews

    16D NM bull not recovered

    That's what we're afraid of, but he had a very distinct bugle and we haven't seen or heard him since. Hunting and actively looking for crows at this point. Such a bummer..
  14. Mathews

    16D NM bull not recovered

    My hunter wounded a giant his first evening and with no blood we haven't found it yet. If anyone sees or hears of a bull found with big turn down G1 and a G5 that lays flat with the main beam we'd love to get it back.
  15. Mathews

    16D NM bull not recovered

    Didn't see the shot, he told me good left and right but 5" high
  16. 2nd gen are going for around $1300 New which is probably why you haven't got many offers
  17. Mathews

    6 lug 18" Moto metal wheels

    Selling a set of 4 moto metals that came off my Tacoma No TPS Comes with 4 Nitto Terra Grapplers, not much life left on them, but definitely driveable $400
  18. Mathews

    Mathews halon 32

    Bare bow? Probably 800ish
  19. Mathews

    Anyone use their phone to check cam pics?

    Ever used one of them viewers like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00WHTQHCC/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1504128293&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=trail+camera+viewer&dpPl=1&dpID=51vqQne8rsL&ref=plSrch Are they any faster Just get the Stealth cam one that plugs into your phone, guarantee it's not $60, loads the pictures in seconds It's $15 Stealth Cam IOS SD Card Reader https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01B7V995M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_pi1PzbEES616K
  20. Mathews

    Anyone use their phone to check cam pics?

    You can scroll through them and save the ones you want g
  21. Mathews

    WTB 6 lug 16 or 17" wheels for Tacoma

    One more bump
  22. Anyone have any rims laying around or trying to sell? Tired of my 18" wheels on my Tacoma and want to get 16s or 17s Or wanna trade for a set of 18" Moto metals?