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Everything posted by Mathews

  1. Mathews

    FS: Springfield XD (9mm) (mod 1) one mag $330

    Glock 27 or vortex razor spotter/cash on your end
  2. Mathews

    *SOLD* Remington Sendero 264WM TACK DRIVER!

    Is this gun stock besides the trigger? What am I missing
  3. Mathews

    My wife just got a surrender 13B tag!

    Strip didn’t fair the same, there’s a reason so many strip tags turned in
  4. Mathews

    WTB Vortex Rangefinder

    I get 900 pretty easily with it
  5. Mathews

    WTB Vortex Rangefinder

  6. Mathews

    WTB Vortex Rangefinder

    Was on amazon, but must of sold them all. It is still on eBay new for that price though
  7. Mathews

    WTB Vortex Rangefinder

    Save yourself the trouble and pick up a sig kilo 1200 on eBay for $150
  8. Here’s a couple archery bulls I helped with in New Mexico I know nobody likes the tramp stamp, but that’s the way things are now unfortunately.
  9. Mathews

    Sig range finders

    Sig 1200 range finders are only $150 on Amazon right now, quite the steal in my opinion. Just bought one to replace my sig kilo 2000. Not quite as good but has no issue ranging out to 900 yards.
  10. Mathews

    Sig range finders

    I’ve been able to get 900 fairly easy
  11. Mathews

    Sig range finders

    They’re also on eBay for $150 new
  12. Mathews

    Unit 9 2 tags

    I thought by saying I was kidding that you in fact knew I was kidding.. guess not
  13. Mathews

    Unit 9 2 tags

    Anyone know if hoghuntr got ahold of one since he couldn’t make the strip hunt? Lol kidding, glad you donated them rather than let them go to waste
  14. Mathews


    Looking for an 80 or 85mm Swarovski HD spotter. Anyone? Cash or cash/gen2 vortex razor spotter
  15. Mathews

    Sig range finders

    Lost it on my last archery hunt, guess I left that part out lol
  16. Mathews

    Sig range finders

    They must have went up after I posted it
  17. Mathews

    New Mexico 2 Archery and 1 muzzleloader

    Thanks everyone, here’s another one we just knocked down on the muzzleloader hunt.