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Everything posted by Mathews

  1. Mathews

    Rope recovery on an ibex

    He was hanging off of me like I said I don’t know anything about that stuff and the guy felt confident so I trusted him, that video is a short clip of the last descent. It was definitely a relief to get to somewhere I could stand again lol
  2. Mathews

    Rope recovery on an ibex

    It’s something you have to set foot on to fully understand
  3. Mathews

    Rope recovery on an ibex

    I’m curious to know why it looked hairy? I’ve never done it before obviously so I have nothing to compare it to and I asked the guy afterwards if it was that bad and he seemed to think it wasn’t a big deal..
  4. Mathews

    Rope recovery on an ibex

    Stupid thing got hung up so easily, after the first two times all my attention went to preventing that lol Ive got like 30 minutes of video of us coming down
  5. Mathews

    OTC Buck

    Decent carp
  6. Mathews

    Hoyt Nitrum 30

    You’re gonna have a tough time getting $600 for a 4 year old bow just a heads up
  7. Mathews

    Bucket List Hunts

    Rifle ibex in the Florida’s Sheep hunt anywhere
  8. Mathews

    Wanna see a dead body?

    Gonna beat myself up for awhile
  9. Mathews

    Wanna see a dead body?

    Dead elk body with a puma laying next to it Guess I’ll carry a rifle and lion tag from now on just so this never happens again. FullSizeRender.mov FullSizeRender.mov FullSizeRender.mov
  10. Mathews

    Wanna see a dead body?

    I didn’t, just happened to see it below me while glassing
  11. Mathews

    Wanna see a dead body?

    I wasn’t sure if they’d work or not
  12. Mathews

    Wanna see a dead body?

  13. Looking for a bow 28.5” DL RH Fully set up under $500
  14. Mathews

    Bowtech Bow for sale

    Great deal don, if you click on “click to choose files” when you reply to the post you’ll be able to add pictures
  15. Mathews

    Ethics or not?

    I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess the truck wasn’t actually in motion while they were shooting..
  16. Mathews

    Broken bull

    Long shot is an understatement.. you’re better off finding a taxidermist who’s willing to try repairing it with a different antler
  17. Mathews

    WTS Swarovski STS 80mm HD

    Title glass is clean, has an old kings camo soft cover I’ll leave on it plus a phoneskope adapter $2000 located in camp verde I’ll add pics soon
  18. Mathews

    My 13A Muley

    LOL ok I’ll let you have the final word now that you’re going to start lying, I’m out. Thanks for the fun
  19. Mathews

    My 13A Muley

    Right because people normally go back days later and add a paragraph to their post for no reason.. If I was worried about what people think we wouldn’t be having this conversation 😂
  20. Mathews

    My 13A Muley

    I see you added a thank you on Instagram, felt guilty I see 😂
  21. Mathews

    My 13A Muley

    You have no idea what you’re talking about, but please continue tell me how dumb you think I am, your opinion is very important to me.
  22. Mathews

    My 13A Muley

    Lol where have I mentioned anything about being the best hunter around? Keep reaching bud
  23. Mathews

    My 13A Muley

    That’s not who we’re talking about but try again, thanks.