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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter

    Unit 33 Monster

    shoot! I'd take any of em but the one on the left just has mass all the way out to the tips! Andy dude if i get drawn for 33 late whitey...would ya help me out bro? As a fair trade i'll help you whack a biggun porker in Jan
  2. Well after the week went by after I got my pig my dad has been getting stoked about going out pig hunting again. So this morning we broke loose and arrived at the spot about 7 :23. We started walking and walked a pretty good distance to get away from everyone else. We arrived at our glassing point around 8:20. My dad was set up 15 yards below me and I went under a mesquite tree in the shade and set up my tripod and binocs. AFter a couple minutes of glassing I thought I got a pig in the binocs but as my dad was halfway up, i told him it was a coues deer feeding off a prickley pear. It was tough to see that far becuase the mirage was intense this morning. I kept on glassing the near hillside and revealed no pigs. My dad started glassing up the canyon as I started glassing the flats. After 10 minutes or so...I picked up something piggish looking so i locked my tripod and binocs on the figure and waited.............hot dang! The black figure moved! So I had pigs in sight close to 8:45 in the morning. So i called my dad up and pointed out the pigs and we were getting pumped! After a minute of watching the herd there was up to 8 pigs all together...which means hardly anyone hunted these pigs and that this is a true pig area. There was also babies in the herd which would guarentee that the J-13 will work. So we took off down the hillside falling down like a bunch of drunk morons in England. We reached the bottom and made our way 3 ridges over to the "flat with pigs" We arrived to a large mesquite tree and dropped off our packs and took some layers of clothing off. So all we had were clothes, binocs, 2 j-13 calls, and a bow with 4 arrows. The pigs should be about 500 yards down the flat I told myself. As we quiety made way towards the area that the pigs should be in...the wind started to pick up and the breeze was flowing right in our faces...perfect. But however the wind wasn't all that great...it was super quiet and meant that we had to put up a very slow and careful stalk to get within range. After going 100 yards a plane flew over us with that loud burrrrrzzzzzzzz sound and my dad and I took advantage of this opportunity and sprinted over these cactus and we managed to cover another 80 yards within seconds. So we were getting closer and my heart was pumping and my veins started to stick out of my arms! We kept making our way through the desert until i reached a spot where I can see 50 yards ahead and I started glassing hoping to reveal some pigs that I haven't spotted before. My father was behind me 5 yards and as i put down my bincos i caught movement to my right. It was a javelina coming right at us! I thought the pig was charging until it stopped to feed. The pig started moving towards us again and was 25 yards away when i felt a tap tap on my shoulder. My dad signed to me......he said "Get out of the way, you're in my shooting lane" whoops, so I couldn't move to the right or left so i crawled forward towards the pig and managed to move to the right out of the shooting lane. I was perched down behind a green bush watching the pig feed 10 yards infront of me...then an arrow flew and struck the pig high....and the arrow was sticking out a good 20 inches as the pig took off running. We watched the pig run 30 yards right under a tree and the arrow hit a branch causing the arrow to move farther down the pig and it struck the rear leg....causing more bleeding! (I don't know if the pig was trying to kill herself or if it was an accident), anyways! The pig broke off the top 5 inches of the arrow and went another 10 yards and laid down to take her final breaths....The rest of the herd was still 50 yards out feeding...we didn't scare them but kinda told em off so they moved farther down the flats without getting spooked. This was cool cuz we didn't have to use the j 13 call and this pig had no idea we were right there! First time I had a pig so close and I got to see all the action of the pig and arrow right infront of me! So today was pretty sweet, good weather, long hike, some glassing, and pigs of course! So here are the pictures!! Here's my dad...2nd year straight he stuck a pig with a stick and string Here I am with his pig.. Here's my dad and I Here's pop with the piggy up! Here's good ol pop carryin his pig out Since we already made jerky out of my WHOLE pig, we're gonna freeze this sow up and over the summer we're gonna dig a hole in the backyard have a good ole fashion pig pit bbq! Enjoy the story/pics!
  3. Hey thanks! Last year my dad had this tag and he was able to get a piggy on the last day of the season. I also had the 34B general pig tag and smoked a pig opening morning before the sun came up and by that afternoon i was helping out a buddy in 34A on his general pig hunt and he got a pig on that following Sunday. Then I went out one last time with another buddy in 34B and he smoked a pig too! So last year we went 4 for 4. I have 3 friends with pig tags in 19A and I have to do tons of pig scouting when I get back to NAU. Hopefully my dad and I can team up like always and help other people get their pigs! Hopefully we'll go 5 for 5 this year! Wish us luck!
  4. elkhunter

    Unit 33 Monster

    yeah, andy sent me word on this hunt and pictures right after you smoked this buck! congrats!
  5. lol, no way dude! It got too dark after a couple feet , I had to crawl into the cave a little to get my pig back before the earth swallowed her up!
  6. elkhunter

    Velbon Victory 550 Tripod

    AHh just got it here tonight! THis is actually Tyler...i used my pop credit card to get the tripod but don't worry i paid him back with my christmas money! I'm done with all these crap plastic tripods and i'm ready for my first real one! Thanks for everything! Will give you an update on all the animals i whack using this tripod to spot em up!
  7. elkhunter

    Velbon Victory 550 Tripod

    I ordered this tripod from the coueswhitetail site on the 27th because my other tripod broke. I tried contacting Amanda but has not been responding to my email. I just recently went onto the site to show my grandpa the tripod I bought but it is no longer on the site anymore ....I'm worried that I will not be able to recieve my tripod and worried that i will not get it before the 1st. For those of you guys who has ordered items from this site...how long did it take to arrive to your house? i live in Sierra Vista...just south of Tucson, when should I be expecting it? Thanks for the update.
  8. elkhunter

    Unit 27/28 Hunt

    12 poounds! That's a hefty thing to carry in your pack! That's a dandy buck right there! Congrats on the success. Boy Scott, you look diffrent without your beard! I'm used to seeing that picture of you in the Coues Whitetail book with the beard! This one picture almost threw me off. Good luck on the rest of the hunt.
  9. elkhunter

    Unit 27/28 Hunt

    30X80? Sheesh that's a biggun. How much does that pair of binocs weigh? What minimum distance is this binocular considered worthless....such as 100 yards? THe most powerful binoc i've ever peered through was a 20X60 and cannot imagine what the 30X80 would be like! By the way how is your brother doing this season? Is he guiding deer this year or is age getting to him? Good luck on this hunt, my dad has 1 day left in his 35A hunt so we're kinda on a pressured hunt tomorrow
  10. elkhunter

    My first Coues, 112 inch

    Man i've never even seen a buck that big! How great it must have been to take one with a bow! Congrats on your success!
  11. elkhunter

    Unit 21 102" buck

    Hey josh, that's a nice buck right there! This morning I glassed up a nice buck for my pops...it would score 105 easy at the tops...but the sad part is he missed his shot at the buck! He only has a 4 power scope so it's "excuseable" but we'll get him..he left 11 does behind and i'm sure he'll be back to check em out later. By the way..do you know Andy? Recently Andy and I just hooked up with hunting and he said he knows about you, dude i've been following your pictures/articles for the past couple of years and checkin on your site all the time. Hope we can meet up some day for some hunting.
  12. elkhunter

    92" Coues Buck

    Sweet buck dude!