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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter

    34b December

    I got the same tag as well, if you do your scouting and locate bucks early and be patient you'll have a good chance at a 90 incher. I've been doing mucho MUCHO scouting but I don't wanna give anything away! Mark Freeburg is the Game and Fish warden for 34A/34B, give him a call at 520 762 8172, he won't give you locations on the big booner bucks but he'll give you general areas to start scouting. Good luck dude!
  2. elkhunter

    how much more growth

    I just talked with Duwane Adams and he said that the bucks antlers harden up approximately September 15th +/- a week
  3. elkhunter

    how much more growth

    Down in South eastern AZ I'd say they are about 3/4 done growing, I see a couple of bucks that haven't forked their 3rd points and the end of their antlers there's bulbs. Give it a couple weeks and they'll be right at their peak I believe.
  4. elkhunter

    now the work begins

    no need to be sorry guys, it was GREAT! I had ALOT of folks watching me, it was a mudpit wrestling show down in Show LOw at a camp I worked at, so I rode a bike off a ramp as hard and as fast as i could, someone mentioned I got atleast 5 ft of height and the landing crushed my knee, it was tight and i got a great scar and metal plate, makes me look tougher to those chicks In some cases it wouldn't matter about how good of a shape you're in...if you're in nasty shape you could spend all morning hiking one hill and you'll glass all day..which is what you should do!
  5. elkhunter

    Ocotillo bucks

    tell me about it, even right now with the green leaves on em they're tough to find because of the lime stone background, hopefully the upgrade from Zeiss to swarovski will help me out a teeny bit
  6. elkhunter

    now the work begins

    I JUST got this picture in, this is how I crushed my knee this summer, it shattered RIGHT at this moment!
  7. I know these aren't "close up" pictures but they're pictures of coues deer neverless, most days i drive out for bout 5 minutes to a glassing point just to hone my eyes for the upcomin seasons, the bucks are finally starting to take up shape now 3 bucks in here A lone doe, caught her as she was just comin over the hill There's 2 does in here but only 1 can be seen Then the rain pushed us out
  8. elkhunter

    Ocotillo bucks

    Good to hear! Thanks!!
  9. elkhunter

    now the work begins

    I'm dealing with the opposite situation than most of you guys! I crushed my knee earlier this summer and lost 12 lbs of my precious oily muscles, but i've been back into the gym these past 3 weeks and gaining a FEW quarter pounds since then.
  10. elkhunter

    unit 10 muleys

    TOUGH hunt!! Lots of people, every year someone postes a buck from or near devil dog road but there's TONS of people camped out there during the season. Best chance is to get away from the crowd...seriously
  11. elkhunter

    SUNSETS pics...

    This is taken after a monsoon storm, you can see the moon near the upper right corner
  12. we can go all night on this topic, i give up....whatcha doing being a "loser" like me on here on a Saturday night at 9 20?
  13. that really sounds like a serial killer's name right there... Tyler James Scott....well possibly a coues buck serial killer eh?
  14. elkhunter


    the story's great....i can barely see the rack when it's sitting on my shelf though! It's the "grey ghost" of antlers!
  15. i gotta say if it's gonna be a boy...Tyler is a great name since it's my name and my dad's name is Scott, we pair up to be pretty good hunters so it might be in the luck of names, just letting you know
  16. I reconized your avatar picture right away from the coues hunting book, 108 inch buck, 34A in 1998 shot at 450 yards with a .270...NIICE! Congrats on the upcoming kid and best of luck
  17. elkhunter

    For Adults ONLY

    that one beats my avatar picture, you should try to put that down for bull picture of the year at King's outdoor world
  18. elkhunter

    Check this rack

    Got it from a thrift store in Ft. Huachuca for $6.50, it has a double split on eye guards and a broken off g-3, it looks a fresh break so I might assume it broke off when the man shot it? The tag was still on it and it was taken on a November hunt in 1985 on Ft. Huachuca.
  19. elkhunter

    Check this rack

    I doubt it was in a fire...doesn't look burnt anywhere and it smells fine. It looks like the guy left it outside for some time though, the whole backside of the rack is bleached and the inner front side is still brownish.
  20. elkhunter

    its here

    I got mine, the date and unit is all correct, i'm ready!
  21. elkhunter

    Pics of bucks

    Micheal gave me an excuse to head out real quick and glass up some bucks and take pictures of em using my dad's cam since he had all of his computer/camera hookups at home while I don't The first picture has 2 bucks in it...the right one is a possible forky/large spike (not done growing so it's hard to tell) and the buck on the left will be a sure 3 pt...still not sure about how big he'll be later on This next picture has 4 bucks in there and they were too far away for me to tell how big they'll be, all I could see were sticks out of their heads, one buck is obvious bout 40 yards infront of that 1/2 chewed up spruce tree, the second buck is underneath the 1/2 chewed up spruce tree and there's 2 more bucks that came out behind a mesquite 30 minutes later, this is the best pic i could get of an obvious deer since they were pretty far out
  22. elkhunter

    Trailcam Suggestion

    the 35mm stealth O Cam will cost ya 50-60 dollars, it's pretty good...even the little dove and quails set it off at tanks, only problem is that you have to wait either an hour or a day to get your pictures
  23. elkhunter

    started scouting this weekend

    I'm at my parents house and my camera USB and scanner is up in Flagstaff, i'll post em August 21st when i'm back home
  24. elkhunter

    started scouting this weekend

    I've been scouting pretty much the whole summer! I crushed my knee so I can't walk but the quad takes me back on roads where I can glass out and check water tanks and such, been putting up trail cams with a bit of success too, can't wait for the cold to roll in
  25. Nice buck, I was able to glass up a buck this AM in all this rain and he had similar growth to this buck, it sucks not being able to know exactly how big they'll be when they harden up!