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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter

    2007 December Coues

    Good job Stacy, you earned this buck, you walked long and hard, did your scouting and shot well over 100 rounds practicing, you're a die hard hunter see ya around the house and boil the skull soon
  2. elkhunter

    December Buck

    My roomate, Josh, drew a Dec tag. We left school (NAU) on wed to do some last minute scouting to add up our bits of info together from previous scouting trips. Opening morning came, we spotted 2 bucks right away, one was too small to shoot and the other snuck away before we could get a solid look at him. We pretty much stayed on the same mountain all day glassing each canyon 1 by 1 only to find does. Finally during the last hour we picked up an antler like object (later determined to be .81 mile away) and both of us confirmed it has to be some type of critter, we cut the distance in half and from the top of the mountain looking below we confirmed it was a shooter buck, we got to 215 yards and Josh laid the SMACK DOWN on this buck, bullet hit in about the liver and exited front shoulder taking out a chunk of the heart, buck went a few yards and laid down, he has a typical 4 pt frame and scores 103 6/8 and this is his first coues buck, he is kind of sad it is over already. Bad pics due to scanner. Josh Me with Josh's buck
  3. elkhunter

    Playing in December.....

    Thats a dandy buck, the side picture showed how heavy his antlers are, good job
  4. 2 bucks rutting out of 7 I saw
  5. I THOUGHT the dumbest thing I've done was take this buck on a Dec hunt (2005), he was bedded down and I was having a hard time on the hunt locating...any buck (good ole days with those pair of binos that gives you a headache after glassing 5 minutes with it!) Anyways he was bedded down and I thought his bases looked great, he had moderate bases and after I let the bullet fly, I found out all he had were....bases! BUT after taking this buck I was able to spend my college christmas break with my family and that was awesome so it wasn't so dumb, but now I know I will not do that again. Then that Jan I took a small pig, I was helping some other people out and they left for a few days, I was on a herd and this juvenile pig came around and was going to bust me due to the wind (snuck up behind me) so I decided to fling an arrow, 34 yards and smacked him, I thought it was dumb but after taking him (a baby), and I was able to help my sister and a friend on the rest of the hunt chasing pigs and that was one of the best hunts I've been on. Initially I thought they were dumb things to do but at the end they turned out to be worth it. Buck with my dad and I (notice I still gave it a full blown smile) A delicous pig (also with a full smile)
  6. elkhunter

    Red Rabbit

    It should be soon, out of the 51 does I have seen in the last few days, only 2 of them were hot and bucks were chasing them. Best of luck to Doug, he will hold it out til the end I'm sure of it
  7. elkhunter

    rumor has it

    ack!!! Thats a dandy buck, congrats
  8. elkhunter

    Swarovski SLC 15x56mm **SOLD**

    Trying to get my dad to look at em! I want him to pair up swaro eyes with me on the hill
  9. elkhunter

    December Coues Buck!

    awesome awesome! gotta love December hunting! Congrats to your buddy
  10. elkhunter

    Pinal Mtns trip

    the first picture looks like a trail cam pic of a mt lion that was leaving the frame, looks good, gotta love dogs runnin
  11. elkhunter

    December success!

    Good job on your first coues, i bet you're hooked now eh?
  12. elkhunter

    World Record Cow Elk

    haha that's great, kinda figured it out earlier but great idea for cow hunters to make cows look like trophies
  13. elkhunter

    My girls filled their bull tags

    That's awesome, congrats to the girls!
  14. elkhunter

    first pickup

    hey DBarcher, remember me dude? Hows everything going? Is this rack picked up from where we were out hunting, we saw a WT doe out there last time there, nice find...quite a big one.
  15. elkhunter

    WOOOHOOO Thanks Everyone!!!

    They are eyes of god indeed, here's a picture from the last oct hunt, this picture jusitfys how I feel towards my swarovskis....we were sitting in this spot for 7 hours waiting for bucks to come out of bedding
  16. elkhunter

    Is every one ready

    Got 2 december hunts under my belt to help out with, roomate and my sister looking forward to below freezing temps, we're looking at -4 temps on average for the first week
  17. elkhunter

    Average day?Peak of the Rut?

    Sadly from my experience they peak the rut on Feb 1st
  18. elkhunter

    Kaibab Karp

    TAM- nice buck and good job changing your hunting plans at the time of the hunt. As for the lady at the checkstation, I worked with her alot this past summer, really nice lady and she handles those gut piles like bags of roses, on the jr hunt we loaded up 141 gut piles in garbage bags in the back of her truck...not very many people take pride in their job as much as she does. Anyways congrats on your buck, it sure is a dandy one!
  19. elkhunter

    Some more of Napoleon's Critters

    I met him last wkn, dam he looks like napoleon, tell him to sign on and brag on his own, congrats on all those animals, he needs a coues
  20. elkhunter

    6a muzzy bull

    Yeah I'm a senior this year, will graduate in May, only took 4 years. I've been working with AZGFD and hope to end up working with them when I graduate. Once again congrats on the bull. That's some luck right there he got called up and asked if he wanted a tag.
  21. elkhunter

    Unit 23 monster?

    Is it the first buck on this page? It's a 121 tho.. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/az_rifle_hun...s_rifle_101.htm
  22. elkhunter

    6a muzzy bull

    Hey I know you, remember those days at NAU talkin hunting and eating breakfast at the Union 8am? Congrats on the bull, we were just out there fartin around and got to see a few nice bulls, congrats. What are you up to these days?
  23. elkhunter

    My boy holding a biggin

    He should go around 55'
  24. elkhunter

    34A Bucks (Where are they?)

    we saw 15 bucks and 14 does, we saw those bucks 23 times in 3 days of hunting, bucks typically live in rougher country than does in my opinion so look around ya and head for the nasty country instead. We didn't see any does where the bucks were, goodluck