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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter

    Which is a better

    I second for 27, never been to the burros tho, but I don't see how the burrows could be equal or better than 27, in 27 you could either get a whopper of a buck or nothing, I have never seen a spike or forkhorn in 27 but bucks in 80range or larger, their sheds are allover too up high and down low.
  2. elkhunter


    there's a tourny coming up at Roosevelt next wkn for carp, I saw a few guys with bowfishin boats out there a few weeks back, I got to see some carp in the shallows but not very many
  3. elkhunter

    Storm Clouds

    All are So. Az monsoon storms
  4. elkhunter

    Been out a bit....

    Those are great pictures, thanks
  5. elkhunter

    Arizona Elk Society Banquet

    It was good meeting you folks, ain't never been to a banquet or a big event like that before, more people showed up there than NAU football game so it was quite a scene for me.
  6. elkhunter


    Pretty steep once you get closer to childs but it's a maintained road, some places get pretty slick when it's raining hard but I doubt it'll rain over that period of time. It'll be quite warm too
  7. I'm down for the best story part, it would make people write up better stories and include more pictures, maybe ya oughta set up a poll and the top 3 categorys or so shall be on the next year's contest? Maybe next year the contest will be big enough like those major hunting magazines and give away some swaros, lieca and zeiss???
  8. Congrats to everybody, Doug and Amanda- thanks for organizing this event, musta taken up a whole lotta time.
  9. elkhunter

    2008 Javelina

    Don't forget to mention it was a rifle hunt but you used your bow, again congrats, it's about 3 time the size of your pig last year ain't it?
  10. That's great, congrats on the pig and many more to come
  11. elkhunter

    236" Non-Typical Muley

    you can see the picture of the buck here http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/DCForumID6/16173.html
  12. elkhunter

    Finally got my '06 mount back

    I remember that buck, it's the cat/mouse buck right? Thats a true 4pt buck, great mount. There's one "somewhat" eyeguard on the right antler, it just points forward
  13. elkhunter

    36C Scare!

  14. elkhunter

    2 years 5 days 4 hours & .......

    Hey congrats on another nice buck
  15. elkhunter

    Someone has a story

    Some 2 folks on here have a GREAT STORY to tell, it's gonna drop your jaws folks
  16. elkhunter

    Spirit of the Hunt

    Stacy- thanks for posting the picture of me with my swarbinskis Here's my decent picture, notice Azarchery (my sister) at the bottom of the picture glassing
  17. elkhunter

    Someone has a story

    Nasal bots are awesome, I put them under my mom's pillow and wait for the howling and shrilling. Nice pictures dude and thanks for textin me at middnight
  18. elkhunter

    Dad's archery pig

    My dad got it done today. He finished teaching at 1 and off we went, hiked in a mile and half to glassing spot and less than an hour later he glassed up a herd a little over half mile away. He got to 20 yards and let an arrow fly, hitting the sow while she fed and she went a few yards and expired. He was smooth stalking this herd and lettin an arrow fly but after the shot we were like little kids on christmas eve. Gots to love the feeling. Herd was 13 pigs large and went a couple hundred yards after the shot and began feeding again, they should be nearby when my sister comes down next weekend and hope she gets a chance at the same herd. Its a hard year for us chasin these pigs, our honey holes aren't producing at all so we're takin these pigs out of new herds. Enjoy
  19. I do thats for sure either that or i stare at them, they are all right beneath my TV
  20. elkhunter

    2008 Archery pig

    Opening day all 3 of us, dad, sister and I, found a herd at first light, we set off a stalk and lost them in the flats, we backed off to prevent spooking them and hope to hunt them later, the next day (2nd) we saw no pigs due to wind gusts up to 40mph and found bunch of deer but no shooter bucks. On the 3rd didn't locate any pigs in the am, but in the pm my sister found 1 pig, later confirmed 1.13 miles away, we made out way in closer and the pigs were out of sight, possibly bedded down. Dad and I took a nap, Stacy came over and stuck her finger up my nose and told me she found a pig sleeping under a tree. We made our stalk, Dad stayed behind to give us directions and to watch his kids chase some pigs. We got to 20 yds of 1 pig, Stacy had first priority to shoot and was ready to shoot but the pig saw our shadow and trotted off, we wailed on the call, a pig came up behind me 20 yds, I shot and hit her low and she dropped on the spot and crawled away, we waited half an hour and tracked her. Stacy missed slightly high at a pig downhill 25 yds away. My pig had a decent blood trail, she went 80 yards and was barely alive, I put one last arrow in her and that's the end. Just dad and I will be chasing pigs for the next week and my sister will come back later to fill her tag. It's also my 7th pig as well. Enjoy. Here's Stacy and I taking a break after the finishing arrow Heres me making sure she was a dead'un
  21. elkhunter

    2008 Archery pig

    PSE Triton, got it when the store went on a sale...being a cheap guy I am and used 100grn wac-ems, used the same deal on the last 3 pigs
  22. elkhunter

    2008 Archery pig

    Hey thanks, meat's all grinded up with bacon, jalepanos and onions and the skull's just about done. Heading out tmw. Clay Price- you ask what unit....I was in "my most favorite" unit
  23. elkhunter

    Red Rabbit

    Has anyone heard from Doug yet? I'm waiting for his story/pics because I know he's gonna pull a dandy...any one heard from him yet?
  24. I will stand by your score, I shot bucks tad smaller than yours and they rounded out to 102 and 109, Congrats on the buck, andy sent me pics of it as soon as it was killed, I was estatic thinking it was Jess's buck! Good job on pulling it off with a booner's buck. Andy's a good one to have around, like he always says...he ain't a great coues hunter, he just has stupid luck chasing them. good luck this Jan