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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter


    Great write up Shorty! It was almost like living the hunt all over again. Watching Glenn take his first spike and then run down the hill without any equipment in that big down coat of his was one of the greatest (funniest) things I've seen on a hunt! To all of you guys- these boys (Jim, Shorty and Glenn) were a blast to hunt with, there was never a dry moment and around every hour you heard the funniest story you ever heard in your life. These boys kept their spirits high even when we did not find many coues deer, their passion for coues is awesome but their passion for life is even bigger! Congrats to Glenn and Shorty!
  2. I was ontop of that mountain on saturday, saw some nice stuff there! becareful of those cliffs!
  3. elkhunter

    Whitetail Wednesday

    nothing better than having a selection of bucks infront of you, I can't say that has ever happened to me before (besides a 3x3 running with a bunch of spikes) congrats on your success and great pictures!
  4. been wondering about that for a while now, it looks like one of the northern units along the rim atleast
  5. elkhunter

    Interesting buck

    I have seen cous bucks without tails, looks like a coyote ripped em off when they were born? I have no idea how you can shoot a buck without a tail especially when the rack is a mix of MD and coues. We all have to remember that deer do have genes and like humans, sometimes genes are mixed up...like a person being born with stubby legs, a deer can be born with a stub tail. As for this buck I did notice a white collar on this buck and white around the muzzle and on the second and third picture I can see a main beam in which the points do sprout off of. I'd guess it's a coues?? Overall I see more coues traits than MD traits. How did you fare on that hunt?
  6. elkhunter

    The wife found out.

    I know some folks who has the same tag as you, maybe ya'll can camp out together? Grab a buddy to go with you or get someone from here to tag along, that way your wife'll feel that you will be more safe out there.
  7. elkhunter

    2010 Coues Hunt

    wait it out, after today a majority of the hunters will be leaving and the bucks will start to relax a bit more, I'd wait 2 more days then anything goes!
  8. elkhunter

    End of Story

    Doug- please start from the beginning! Looking forward to your picture story
  9. elkhunter

    2010 Coues Hunt

    a herd of 10 what? deer? dove? elk? Go get em!
  10. elkhunter

    Loaded Rifle in the rig?

    as long as it's not a remmy 700
  11. elkhunter

    Check This out

    Bet it was Lark, he knows people want to buy U of A outfits so he robbed the website to advertise his own business, good job Lark
  12. elkhunter

    Check This out

    I just read this topic and then went to the link sundevils.com and dang I don't think that is the U of A athletic store.....................
  13. elkhunter

    Rio Salado/Usery range

    about 2 years ago a range master told me to wear ear muffs....I am deaf and so he got pushy and forced me to wear an extra one he had.....5 minutes later he told me I could not chew tobacco........really weird stuff
  14. elkhunter

    Bulls still walkin'

    nevermind, that little 5th point is not on the right antler, still great pics,
  15. elkhunter

    Bulls still walkin'

    Great pics, bull #6 looks real familiar, I think a feller named Ron G took that bull this year, if not, its identical!
  16. elkhunter

    Nick's Turn

    Great job! That's what it is all about, your boys will never forget this, I still remember the jr elk hunts I did with my father 10 years ago and no doubt that will happen with your boys, congrats to both! Since the rut is still goin there, I am sure the Oct bull elk hunt (startig this friday) will be off the hook!
  17. elkhunter

    Hunting the Babocomari

    as Lance said, it is hard to get permission out there, if you got permission then kudos to you! I know several who tried but failed. It is a decent area to hunt, it does not carry many deer but it is one of those places where you can find monster coues and mule deer, mostly mule deer. I have never been in the ranch area but around it, it's nice country.
  18. my college buddy is a game warden based out of the Yuma district, I am not sure what units he covers but he does alot of check ups on bird hunters, says its good shooting down there, good job on your hunt!
  19. was the game warden Joe Sawer?
  20. elkhunter

    2006 ford f250 4x4 lariat powerstroke

    John, I'll take the truck but I need to borrow $26,272 dollars! Great looking truck, good luck!
  21. elkhunter

    Leupold Rangefinder

    Good to know, I have the Leupold Boone and crockett model (won it on this site through big buck contest) and I was happy to know it was a Leupold brand because I have a tendency to have broken hunting gear.
  22. elkhunter


    east side is easier
  23. elkhunter

    1st Archery Success

    wow, thats a great video as any! Tell us about the arrow, what was the penetration at that distance? I can tell you were ready to get up and run after sending that arrow out, congrats
  24. elkhunter

    Tough Hunt

    keep it up, track the blood slow and make circles, stop occasionally to glass for antlers and an elk body around you, sounds like you hit him good, shouldnt go very far! It is easy to lose the track when a bull runs with the herd, he will break off when feeling very wounded, always look to the side of the trail you're tracking
  25. elkhunter

    Antelope hunt unit 10

    The purpose of doing a survey during a hunt is so that Game and Fish can actually see the most animals they can possibly find. When is the best time for someone to see the most bull elks or coues bucks? During the rut. The most accurate animal counts occur during the rut stage so that's why they do the animal counts then. its happened to me before but not with pronghorns but with javelina. All I ask of Game and Fish is to be more considerate when someone is actually stalking or watching a particular animal. If they were to fly a plane and see a hunter putting a stalk on a 85 class pronghorn, they should pull away and do the count in that area after some time has gone by without runing a hunter's opportunity.