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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter

    Unit 35A Gould's, where to look?

    Will send you a PM
  2. elkhunter

    Spring Break Ventures

    http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/Reward-offered-in-Mexican-wolf-shooting-in-Arizona.shtml Article about the wolf found killed off the road, gunshot wound, can get 10K-50K in rewards
  3. elkhunter

    2011 bonus point pool info

    Anyone have a copy of the bonus point pool from 2011 elk/lope draw? Thanks!
  4. elkhunter

    The Early 3B bull hunts

    It's a great unit, watch out for private land and keep a look out for chunks of land between private lands, alot of neat places to get away from other hunters out there especially when it requires just a little bit of a walk around private lands. Overall the unit is pretty easy for working bulls, relatively flat land which means you probably can cover alot of ground each day! The area is typically a little lower in elevation so water will be more scarce than unit 1, try to locate promising water sources in the summer time that will be there in September. Don't be suprised if you don't see many bulls during summer, they often hang up in higher grounds, those bulls will move into 3B when they lose their velvet (lots of bulls move 20-40 miles when the rut kicks into gear).
  5. elkhunter

    2011 bonus point pool info

    crap- wanted to know the bonus point pool for 2026
  6. elkhunter

    2011 bonus point pool info

    Any idea why hunt 2025 and 2026 was not included in the 20% bonus pass PDF file from 2011 year? http://www.azgfd.gov/eservices/documents/PronghornandElk-BonusPointReport-BonusPassbyHuntNumber.pdf On page 10 the hunt goes from 2024 to 2027
  7. elkhunter

    2011 bonus point pool info

    shoot- found it, nevermind
  8. elkhunter

    2011 bonus point pool info

    Thanks Doug- do they offer this information for each tag? How does one find out how close he is to being in the top 20% of people who applied for a hunt? Thanks.
  9. elkhunter

    For All You Lucky Tag Holders!

  10. elkhunter

    Shed hunting tomorrow morning

    head towards the area that's more rugged than stoneman lake area, such as rocky cliff areas where quads/trucks do not travel all that well. Majority of the sheds on the flat grounds has been picked up, go to areas that has less vehicle access, best of luck to your fam
  11. elkhunter

    Be careful out there

    Lets hope he found so many sheds that he is still shed hunting. Prayers are out
  12. elkhunter

    Hunting on TV

    yotebuster is correct IMO- being around students all day I found that a majority of those from the mid-west to the east coast has gone deer hunting before but those students who are local residents of Arizona do not even know there's 2 species of deer in Arizona let alone any deer. In the mid-west/eastern US there's more folks that hunts or has gone hunting before than in Arizona Plus I do not think a camera-man would want to hike miles with the heavy equipment in Arizona during the oct hunts!
  13. elkhunter

    Dec. rifle hunts

    I'm sure unit 27 draw odds will be similar to early rifle bull hunts and the kiabab/strip hunts
  14. elkhunter

    C C hit Suspence is killing me !

    Shooterpar- Congrats! With your history of going on muzzy elk hunts, you shouldnt have any problems in 8! Goodluck!
  15. elkhunter

    G and F website just went down...

    I did not know the germans bombed pearl harbor, we are all learning somethin new everyday
  16. elkhunter

    Fall 2012-13' Recommendations

    rob- I agree with you, through my 4 years of living in Flagstaff, I never saw too many deer in the 7 units, I do not understand how there's so many tags and very little deer in the area. I'm sure many others can say the same thing, it must be rough hunting up there during the rifle hunt thats for sure!
  17. elkhunter

    Fall 2012-13' Recommendations

    There's no real opportunity for trophy mule deer south of the rim, I would guess that dec mule deer hunts would classify as that, would be cool to see some monster southern mule deer taken during the dec hunts!
  18. elkhunter

    Fall 2012-13' Recommendations

    I'm pretty happy with some of the changes for the upcoming season
  19. elkhunter

    Arizona DIY Elk Stories

    Will make a purchase today and be looking forward to getting it in July!
  20. elkhunter

    Elk Draw Results Update

    Bet you've been staring at your bank account really hard last week uptil you found out people were pranking, I smell future pranks regarding the big game draw from you in the future!
  21. Man Craig, you really did draw some excellent tags last year!
  22. elkhunter

    2012 pig

    I felt I wouldnt have enough time for archery javelina this year so I picked up a rifle tag instead. I didn't hunt opening day due to work/coaching and planned to hunt only sat and sunday. Friday night I went to bed pukin and had diarreah, first time i've ever had the flu. Didnt get any sleep that night but got my pukin body out hunting. Sat we located the first herd, they bedded down and we snuck into 50 yards (was using an open sight .308 rifle) and for no reason the pigs took off running, we werent moving and the wind was perfect, tough luck. Later on Sat we located another herd and they were in some crazy thick ocotillo, we lost them but kept moving in the direction of their digs/tracks. One pig jumped and ran bout 50 yards, we tried to locate the rest of the herd and once we spotted them it was too thick to shoot and pigs were moving too much, eventually ran away. Again, we were very quiet and the wind was perfect, no idea what pushed em. We think that archery season is super duper easy now, these pigs get very spooky by the time of the rifle hunt. If I still felt bad on Sunday, we were not going to hunt. But Sunday morning I woke up feeling great so pops and i headed out. We went out to the first spot, nothing. Went to locate the third herd we know about and sure enough there they were in the oaks. This time Dad brought his 300wsm that he won from the ADA banquet (paid $20 for a ticket and won a $1050 rifle!). Because of his sweet little rifle, there was no stalking needed and I shot right where I was, 200 yards and pig went down. Overall it was weird compared to the archery hunt. During the archery hunt the pig herds are 9-13 pigs large, during the rifle hunt they are in groups of 3's or 4's. I guess pressure does get to them. Ontop of that we saw about 15 hunters whereas we never see a soul during the archery hunt! This marks for my 11th pig! Here to a good year.
  23. elkhunter

    Making the move to Thatcher

    sounds like you got things up and running, congrats and best of luck
  24. elkhunter

    Pentax 16x60 PCF WP $75

    Binos are sold
  25. elkhunter

    Pentax 16x60 PCF WP $75

    Here is a set of binos that I started my coues/pig hunting career with. I'd like to sell these binos for $75 (including shipping). They are a good pair of binos for the price. It's no swarovski but a great set for someone who is starting off hunting. Binos come with a tripod adaptor and a bino bag. I believe I paid $190 for the binos and $29 for the adaptor back in 2004 or 2005. There's no major scratches on the binos only a few cleaning scratches. Overall the binos are in great condition for being almost 10 years old! Pentax 16x60 PCF WP with pull out eye caps, tripod adaptor and bino bag, $75 PM me if you have questions or text me only (do not call, i'm deaf) at 520 678 3729