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Everything posted by elkhunter

  1. elkhunter

    Need help, eyesight sucks

    I got bad eyes and do not wear contacts or glasses while hunting. The focus and objective knobs should make any binos work for your eyes unless your eyes are very different to a point there the center focus doesn't work for you. My family wears glasses and use zeiss conquest and swarovski and both work fine for us
  2. Would anyone be interested in buying a Winchester model 70 blackshadow 300 win mag? Trying to consider options if someone is interested in the rifle. Rifle shoots good, bought it when I was 18, 8 years ago and killed 8 bucks with it since then, 2 bucks over 100. Sure is a nice rifle out to 500 yards, fully stocked and comes without a scope. Longest shot on a buck was 377 yards and the rest were on average of 280 yards.
  3. elkhunter

    Close calls

    They all read the website info on azgfd which leads them to hunt the same area. I believe it's 10% of tags go to non resident, that's quite a big number, 300 tags equals 30 non residents hunting a particular spot that's mentioned by the wm or azgfd website
  4. elkhunter


    Did Obama say that under his term he created 23 million new jobs? Total bs. I don't know if closed captioning has a typo or not but that's what I read while watching the show At least mitt showed that the amount of people on food stamps has doubled during obama term, again Obama squirmed cuz he knows that's a fact!
  5. elkhunter

    Rifle bull hunt

    How does late rifle elk compare to coues hunting iyo?
  6. http://www.google.com/search?q=elk+chest+cavity&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#biv=i|1;d|F1y62NG5e9EG7M: I see tut big opening in the chest area, didn't know it was so big
  7. Jay, why don't you tell us what you think he scores, ur a bigger expert on this than anyone here!
  8. Someone prob stole the bull It's happened before where people watched others harvest a coues but the hunter backed out to come back the next day, the observing hunters came down and packed up the buck, The hunters who made the shot only found a pool of blood If you didn't see any tire tracks or human footprints, the bull probably just got away Sorry to hear this story
  9. elkhunter


    It's too easy to be a freeloader in America therefore there's more free loaders than hard working Americans, right on mason
  10. elkhunter

    Scouting report

    Green green everywhere, bucks r in flats now, waiting for em to lose velvet and move higher up into the hills where they become shoot able, Going out in 2 weeks during fall break, good antler growth in certain areas of southern az
  11. elkhunter


    It shall become, "the last president to do ............"
  12. elkhunter

    Help with scoring a coues

    One on the right would be in the area of 100 while tone one on the left is for sure over 110 but need more pics for accurate scoring, both are awesome shooter bucks
  13. elkhunter

    Dreams come true.

    For those of you who don't know these fellers, they spent most of their time this summer with family, then with scouting, then with work, I would say the inches of their bulls is directly equivalent to the hours they spent scouting Congrats guys
  14. elkhunter

    Found 6a bull

    You be surprised at how many bulls get an arrow during the season and lives or die without being recovered. When I worked azgfd in flag, they collared a lot of elk to monitor the traffic of elk crossing the interstate, a lot of the bulls were found dead with an arrow in them and not recovered While I lived in flag, I saw 2 different bulls with an arrow in their skull Another time found 2 dead bull elk within 300 yards of each other, one had an arrow in the stomach and the other had an arrow in the rear leg If the shots that bad its probably not a good idea to throw a prayer out there with a broadhead attached and hope for the best. Amen, also wardens around flag has given tickets to archery hunters hunting with field tips ha!
  15. elkhunter

    Found 6a bull

    You be surprised at how many bulls get an arrow during the season and lives or die without being recovered. When I worked azgfd in flag, they collared a lot of elk to monitor the traffic of elk crossing the interstate, a lot of the bulls were found dead with an arrow in them and not recovered While I lived in flag, I saw 2 different bulls with an arrow in their skull Another time found 2 dead bull elk within 300 yards of each other, one had an arrow in the stomach and the other had an arrow in the rear leg
  16. elkhunter

    Sierra Vista Area

    I'm in the area, send me a pm and maybe we can meet up
  17. elkhunter

    Found 6a bull

    Today will be the last day to take this bull legally, like Tony said- good luck and hope the hunter can get the bull tagged by 11:59 tonight!
  18. elkhunter

    Unit 6A

    In that unit, hunt area you would go for late season bull elk after 3 ft of snow in the pines, those deep canyons are your best bet
  19. elkhunter

    Pipe feeder?

    Whoops- I'm erasing my comment because what I said was a lie, I didn't know the regs as good as I thought, nothing illegal about having feeders in the field. Sorry for the wrongful information, good luck with your situation.
  20. elkhunter

    When it all comes together!

    I would call this bull low rider since its antlers hanged so close to his neck, something low enou to get under those cedars. Congrats on the bull!
  21. Good mass, width and tine length on that buck, the main frames shows a decent 100 inches, little to no doubt that buck is 115 if we could see him clearly, makes me want to see the bigger one
  22. elkhunter

    Richard Spragues archery bull

    When does Lance or TLO not tear it up? You guys set the bar every year, congrats!
  23. elkhunter

    does anyone know this person? ;)

    love it- been wondering if any drama would appear this year. Good way to have a laugh on the past. Congrats guys
  24. elkhunter

    What the heck..??

    Thats the way it is these days- sorry to hear that it happened to you Josh
  25. elkhunter

    My 2012 Bull
